Moms' Club

Sensen walks into the office fuming. She glares at Negai and he sighs knowing she is upset about the announcement of Izumi's coronation.

"Why didn't I get consulted about this? I have the majority say in this matter and you should've talked to me about this before making brash decisions."

Negai's nonchalant expression only further infuriates her, he intertwines his hands looking her in the eyes, "Not to be rude, but you've never showed any interest in any of this.

"We made a decision based on the accumulated stats on your participation in these kinds of cases and honestly you can't be surprised that you were excluded.

"Not to mention we're not sure how committed you will be in your current state, but our decision was based on the best option to put people's minds at ease you don't fit the criteria."

Sensen glares daggers at him her blood boiling she's doing whatever she can to keep her emotions in check. "You'll realize soon enough why it has been the Senitsu family at the throne for years and no one else."

She walks away slowly getting in the car with Yuno who's headed to her Exam at the Mikoto Hospital.

On the same day as Izumi's coronation announcement they also announced what they called the abilities exam.

Supers who have completed high school can apply for a job by putting their abilities on display to show how useful they can be in the work place and from there will be given a license to use their ability for work related matters.

Yuno parks outside letting Sensen follow her inside. She submitted a form that explains how her ability works and due to that the hospital had to prepare a tank and room for her.

The receptionist scoffs at Yuno rudely asking her questions before demanding Yuno to follow her.

They walk into a room with a small tank and equipment to help patience stay underwater without having to hold their breaths which makes her job easier.

"She's only getting this job because of Tachibana I doubt her ability is any good." The pink haired female states to the receptionist who enters the room after she left Yuno with a patient and the supervisor.

"I know right? I mean what the hell do they think we are? Idiots for actually going to school and getting a degree for this shit?" The receptionist pours herself a cup of coffee sitting down for lunch.

Yuno double checks that she wasn't given faulty gear before letting the small child go into the tank.

She lies down and starts to panic when she sinks wiggling around and dashing for the surface.

Yuno chuckles and takes her hand giving her a comforting smile and gently letting her sink. "There you go."

Yuno stands in front of the tank and gives the girl a thumbs up that is returned by the slightly anxious girl who has been in hospital for two weeks after a car accident. Yuno realizes that she's mostly healed up, but she is paralyzed.

"It's not something big I can fix this in a day. You'll be walking again in no time."

The girl's eyes widen she was told time and time again that she should accept that she will never walk again and here comes a random stranger who tells her either wise.

Yuno doesn't spend more than 10 minutes repairing the damage done to her spine and with the little knowledge she knows about the human body she got done with her quickly saving energy by not just going at it blind like she usually would.

She helps the girl out of the tank and holds her hand. "Ready to take your first step?"

The girl nods and smiles with hope in her eyes she can feel the difference between then and now, somehow she can feel her spine and legs. She takes a step and the observation room is quiet. She takes a step and smiles even though she fell she can feel her legs again.

After the exam Yuno calls Ken and tells him she hates this hospital and wants another.

Ken looks at Tori and Xavier who fell asleep on his office floor before he sighs, "That's where you're staying Yuno it's right next to Xavier's school."

Yuno groans, "He's going to school next year and if you're serious don't you think home schooling should've started by now. I hate this place and I want to go to a hospital of my choosing."

"No, we won't discuss this again I have to go. Bye." He hangs up.

Sensen chuckles and sighs, "Bad day for you too?"

Yuno nods leaving after her review, "I won't work in such a suffocating environment there has to be at least one hospital that will accept Supers."

"I doubt that, but I think for now work here until you've found it, beggars can't be choosers."

Yuno crosses her arms sulking, "My boyfriend is thee Ken Tachibana that line shouldn't apply to me."

They walk out of the building driving to Sensen's expecting mothers club, Yuno is tagging along because Ackerman can't be there today.

"Good evening ladies, can all our new members please stand and introduce yourselves, this is just to kill your nerves it is not our intention to put you on the spot."

Yuno is the last to stand and clears her throat, "Uhm, hi I'm Yuno Lin, nice to meet you all." She sits down ignoring the chirps and murmurs that fill the room.

The first thing they do is some light exercise for the mother and baby to be healthy followed by a water break before they start the actual workout which is a dance workout to prepare for giving birth.

"The aim is not to sweat ladies don't kill yourself over this when you're ready to stop. Stop." The instructor has a very positive energy about her. It makes almost want participate. Almost.

Yuno goes to sit down watching the others while she takes a seat enjoying her slurpy.

Ken calls asking where she is because he has to drop off the boys before his work trip to Heshan. "I'm outside, the boys are already coming."

Snow runs into the room and stays at Yuno's feet.

"Mommy." Tori runs into her arms and she gives him a tight hug with lots of kisses putting him down and picking up Xavier who looks out of it.

"The car thing again?"

He nods and Yuno sits down letting him rest in her arms.

Tori joins Sensen as her supporting partner helping with the diaper changing in his own creative way. "Look." Tori shows off that he's not wearing a diaper today and Sensen claps her hands.

Don't get it twisted he still needs a diaper but since Xavier doesn't wear one he doesn't want to wear one either. 

Ken walks into the room with Ackerman behind him. "You two think I'm your courier or something?" Ken glares at Xavier and Tori who are too preoccupied with their own things.

"Dad." Tori runs into Ken's arms and gives him a hug.

"Hitori you're staying for this one." Tori shakes his head and gives him a tighter hug. "Hitori you can't come with."

Yuno stands up and Xavier follows Snow who is resting close to Sensen listening to the rhythm of the heartbeat coming from her stomach.

Setsuno walks into the room holding Tori's backpack.

"Setsuno!" Xavier chases him around while Ackerman sits next to Sensen after giving her a kiss.

"You guys okay?" He rests his hand on her stomach and gives her an encouraging hug. "You're doing great babe. You both are I'm sorry I'm leaving."

Sensen smiles, "It's okay, just make sure you come back alright."

"Don't make it sound like I'll be going to war, it's just business than we're back."

"I know, but I'm going to miss you."

Ackerman smiles kissing her again, "I'll miss you two, I love you baby." He stands up taking Setsuno by the hand and grabbing Ken dragging them out. "Goodbye ladies." Tori breaks down making Ken stop in his tracks, but Ackerman just drags him out. "Not happening Ken."

"I can't leave Yuno with this mess."

"Yes, you can, now quit it and hurry up."

Yuno relaxes letting Tori run behind them.

Ackerman let's go of the two men he's dragging out and picks Tori up leaving him inside. "Snow, you deal with this okay, we're coming back and where we're going you can't come."


Ackerman turns to Yuno and she shakes her head the only person that Tori and Snow listen to is Ken she is powerless in this situation.

"Look, let's just take him with."

"Not happening Tachibana." Ackerman glares at his boss who groans and looks away this is one fight Ken is not winning if Ackerman is determined to let Tori stay he is staying.

Ken finally remembers Kai exists, "You'll find him at Roman High alright."

Yuno nods and pecks Tori goodbye with a warm hug wiping away his tears. "I love you."

Tori smiles and kisses her forehead, "I love you." He waves goodbye after giving Yuno his backpack to help him wear it grabbing Snow and sprinting behind Ackerman.

Xavier and Yuno observe on the side lines before leaving and going for lunch so that Sensen can get some rest.

"I was thinking the hot springs would be more refreshing for you, are you sure you're okay with just dinner?" Yuno asks Sensen for the 20th time since they've been here.

Sensen chuckles. "I'm 100% sure."

Xavier is playing around in the kids area while waiting for his food making a new friend who's slightly older.

"Xavier Tachibana?"

Xavier nods at the boy and turns his head to catch Yuno staring again. He smiles and she smiles back.

"Is that your mom? that's my mom." His new friend points to a ginger haired female standing at 5 foot 8 with wide eyes that standout and an encouraging smile aimed at her son.

Xavier smiles and runs to Yuno, "Mom."

Yuno's eyes widen as she turns and faces him he has never called her mom before. Sensen smiles and takes Yuno's hand under the table, "Hey Xave, what can I do for you?"

Xavier introduces her to his new friend and she smiles brightly returning the smile.

"Excuse me, but would you mind if I join you?"

Sensen and Yuno both shift looking at each other for an answer they want to say no, but the other expects the person opposite them to say it instead.

"Uhm, Sure." Yuno gives in seeing as how neither of them have the guts to turn away the stranger.

"Thank you." The ginger expresses her gratitude brightly before she sits down and sighs, "I'll get straight to the point, a while back Ken Tachibana and his group of friends came to me and asked for a stone and in turn I get to channel healing using that stone from them.

"The healing didn't work the way it should've and he agreed that when he returns the stone he will return with someone who can help us heal our sick members and we're running out of time.

"I asked around and someone mentioned that they spotted him at the Maternity Store a while ago and when I saw the resemblance between him and the little boy I took a gamble and hoped you two would take me to him."

Yuno is clueless about what the stone is or what she's talking about but Ken making promises he can't keep is a new low even for him. "Ken is off to China as we speak but if there's anyway we can do to help I'm willing to land a hand anyway I can."

Sensen looks around and Xavier has wondered off again, "Yuno where's Xavier?"

Yuno points towards the kitchen. Xavier is sitting on a chair wagging his feet back and forth in his seat.

"What's your name kid?" The manager asks.

"Xavier Tachibana." The manager turns his head surprised.

"Ken Tachibana?"

"My dad!" Xavier says very proud.

"Ohh, very interesting. I'm Kinako Mayo, but you can call Mayo I went to school with your dad believe it or not, sat right behind him in all the classes more like he sat in front of me your old man never did his homework copied mine everyday,"

He lowly chuckles, "We skipped classes and got into fights, but after school all three of us went our separate ways I'm surprised he never mentioned having kids though that might be that he only comes here for business and with important clients.

"I'll be branching out soon and The Mayo will be a whole other big franchise you know."

The head chef snorts when Xavier nods in understanding. Xavier jumps from his seat and builds a little toy out of kitchen appliances, something that he learned from Kai.

"You want to build stuff when you grow up?"

Xavier nods getting back in his seat and watching the employees play with the dough for the pizza.

"Hi, is it okay for him to be back here?" Yuno asks and her voice captures his attention.

"Oh yeah, he and were just talking about how Ken and I got in trouble back in the day, met him in high school and we went to college together."

Yuno nods and waves at Xavier going back to her seat to talk to the Headmaster. "So, what do you need? I'm up for a little adventure where for once we're doing things behind their backs instead." Yuno asks and the Ginger-haired smiles.

"I think you and I are going to get along just great."