
Yuno gets Xavier and they all sit in the car Xavier and his new friend fall asleep on the road as Yuno drives to her place.

"So, is Headmaster your real name or what you prefer to be called?" Sensen asks and Headmaster smiles.

"My name is Luna Charles, I am the last Head of our clan all the others are sick."

Yuno pulls over getting in the house looking through Ken's stuff for anything suspicious.

"You look through his things?" Sensen asks Yuno who replies by shaking her head.

"I thought we were past that stage, but I guess not." They look around the entire house while the two boys sleep flopping on the couch when they come up empty.

"Gosh, where could he put something that important?" Yuno asks herself out loud.

Sensen sits up looking like she suddenly remembers where it is. "Kim's lab is built like a fortress, if he wanted to hide something that valuable that's the one place he would keep it."

They hurry out and drive to Kim's lab rushing the sleeping Xavier inside.

"Kim, something's wrong with Xave please help." Yuno's role is to keep Kim busy while Sensen uses a light tracking spell to find it.

"You channel without a stone? I've never met witches like you before we rely on the stone for power and the children of our clan are the ones we syphon off of.

"My son has an ability to time travel and no it doesn't mean past present future travel it means traveling from one place to another using time."

Sensen gives her a confused look.

"Sorry, I am terrible at explanations all I'll say is that we did not use an airplane to get here. He can travel from one place to the other as long as there is a 24 hour distance from where he is to where he wants to go.

"The only draw back is that he has to wait another full 24 hours to use it again, but lucky he measures distance using how long it would take a plane or bird."

Sensen nods her head stopping in front of a wall, "What we're looking for is on the other side and the spell I need is too strong for me in my current state."

Luna nods and smiles. "The stone is close enough for me to use it tell me what the spell is and I will do it for you."

They hold hands chanting and the stone on the other side regains its true shape, the door opens and they walk in taking both stones.

"Is this the part where we say this was too easy and something tragic happens?" Sensen asks and Luna snorts.

"I doubt it, we can just join Yuno, but Kim will recognise me." Luna waits outside with her son.

Kim sighs and Xavier looks angry with Kim he hates coming here and the annoying examinations.

"Yuno he's perfectly fine, is this because Ken is gone? Xavier won't suddenly have the worst illness known to man because his father is gone."

Yuno nods taking Xavier with her to the car driving back to her house.

"It looks like nothing special to me." Yuno holds up the second stone not sure what it does., "There's nothing on the internet about this I doubt anyone would know about this unless someone wanted them to know, I heard there are three do you think that's why they went to Heshan?"

Sensen shakes her head, "They would have left Rex behind, Luna what can you tell us about these?"

Luna puts the stones together and her Turquois marble gains its deformed shape and they fit together. "These stones are rumoured to be the source of power for the first witch.

"Other stories say they are keys to a prison for supernatural creatures. The Turquois stone is the stone of channeling the Violet stone is for summoning. The clan who uses this one can summon the so called imprisoned supernatural creatures forth and the last no one knows what it is.

"I think it's the key of Balance something like a gate from this world and the supernatural. Years ago there was a war and as a result a veil was put up so supernatural creatures stay on their side and humans stay on theirs.

"Witches are the ones who govern the balance of both sides I think humans suddenly gaining abilities has triggered an imbalance and somehow the stones want to be reunited. They speak about these as legends, but I always believed it."

Luna draws the completed form of what the three stones will look like when all three come together and Yuno looks confused.

"My father had that tattoo on his neck he kept it well hidden, but I remember it very well he told Kai stories about it and always talked about how the Lin's will always be the most powerful Clan throughout time."

Yuno takes out her phone and shows them her fathers ring he never wore it and only Kai knows where it is.

Sensen remembers a painting of the first royals and the story that the last stone was chipped into pieces and given to three families that went their separate ways to keep the stones apart.

"My mother has a necklace with the similar stone, how many pieces was it divided into?"

"Well, we can ask ourselves all these questions all we want, but only this Kai you speak off will answer our questions."

"Kai is my little brother, but I think we've done enough traveling for a day let's rest. You keep that stone Luna, Sensen keep this one and use a spell to keep it hidden we'll see Kai tomorrow."

Ken groans waking up from his phone ringing non-stop, "What?"

Ake is standing with Kim and Mike in front of the vault and starring at the missing stones. "The stones are gone and your girlfriend has it.

"She's not answering her phone nor is she at the house and when we called to check on Kai he was taken by Yuno early morning, do you have any idea where she could be?"

"Yuno?" Ken is still half asleep and his brain is taking a while longer to process what he is hearing.

"Yes Yuno you idiot, do you know where she is? Or where we can find her?"

"No, just ask the Roman high dragon to find Xavier."

"She's smarter than that Ken she left him at the orphanage."

"Well I don't know. Leave me alone." Ken hangs up and Tori wakes up to smack Ken on the cheek if he can't go back to sleep neither is Ken. "Geez Hitori it's not my fault." Ken could not convince him to stay with Kai so he tagged along

"Yes it is." Tori goes back to sleep while Ken sits up and goes to the shower he and Yuno talk all the time so he can think of a few places she could be but for her to take Kai with her it can either be her grandfathers tomb or her fathers lake house.

He calls back and gives them the address to the two places.

"Someone explain to me why Yuno is suddenly a thief? Okay it's not really sudden, but why the stones?"

"The footage shows Luna Charles with them and if they took both stones I think they know where the third is it can't be a coincidence an Izumi Lin claims to be the rightful heir to the throne and suddenly the Lin's are gathering around in secret."

Ken looks at Tori and hangs up he's here for work and all this drama will tempt him to go back and that is not an option.

Kim walks away and opens the door holding Ryu and Hitoshi as prisoner, "I came to negotiate your freedom in exchange for information."

Ake pulls Kim out of the room and closes the door staring her down, "What the hell are you doing? We're not that desperate."

"You aren't but I am, if Charles does anything to Yuno my brother will be devastated beyond repair, everything I have done to keep him away from falling for her has failed and that damned Lin is a resilient one no matter what you say to her she doesn't fucking budge.

"That's the one obvious trait all the Lin's have in common if we want to know more about the stones and she's the key her freedom is what we have to offer and she'll happily chirp like a bird.

"Lin's don't go back on their word that's a lesson hard wired into their system you can see how Yuno deals with Hitori and Kai they stick to what they said."

Ryu was going to open the door and escape but she couldn't leave without the others so instead she's stuck eaves dropping.

She's surprised to hear that everyone holds her family so highly.

"Ryu? Are you okay? There's a bird on your shoulder. Lamiae are so mysterious there's so much we don't know about them." Hitoshi stands up from his bed and stretches, "I seriously don't get why they brought beds and gave us a comfy room with good food we're prisoners."

Ryu faces Hitoshi and chuckles, "You didn't raise you children that way Hitoshi, besides they've got too much money in their hands I bet these aren't as expansive as they are comfortable."

The door opens and Ake looks between the two. "We want to know what you know about the stones and why Yuno would take Kai from school."

Ryu looks confused and Ake shows her an image of the stones and she shakes her head confused, "I have no idea what I'm looking at."

Ake leaves the room and they decide to wait for Roku to arrive he was sent to Yuno's place to search the house for any clue they may have left behind and sure enough they left the drawing stuck on the fridge.

Roku rushes in and asks Ryu about the symbol.

"Oh, if you want to know about this I want you to guarantee that I leave with my friends and I will tell you all that I know and where to find the stone you're looking for."

Kim agrees and Hitoshi nods at Ryu he knows his daughter will keep to her end of the deal.

"The stones act as a key that separates the natural from supernatural for generations the Lin's have guarded the last stone and kept the balance, but it's also a key to another world where Izumi held many supernaturals prisoner.

"He made this prison for the most powerful the ones he couldn't kill no matter how hard he tried."

Ryu sits down on the floor crossing her legs, "What I know is that our family tried to destroy the last stone, but all it did was shatter it still has power there are exactly 5 pieces and I hid my piece.

"Kai knows where all the others are my father told him everything and Izumi said he will only tell Kai that's just how it is.

"All I know is that there's a map somewhere for the whereabouts of the last stone I don't know where."

"Where did you hide your piece?"

"Yuno accidentally swallowed it when she was still a toddler I would be lying if I said I know where it is, either she pooped it out, or absorbed it, or it's still in her body, or I don't know, but it almost killed her."

"What will happen if the stones are reunited?"

"I don't know, but I have a theory Izumi doesn't want that to happen."

"Obviously the psycho's he locked up would come after him." Roku comments before he leaves while Kim lets everyone go.

"I hope this means we have a truce, being enemies or making enemies is not what we want that is not on our agenda."

Ryu shrugs her shoulders, "We stepped on your toes without provocation so I'll be the first to apologize I guess it's a truce, right guys?" Ryu asks and the others nod.

"Truce." Kim shakes Ryu's hand and they leave.