Mission accomplished

Princess rubs Yuno's hand in a soothing manner checking her watch again, "We're almost there the spell was supposed to lift slowly and you ease into it like a normal pregnancy, but this is a desperate time I hope you understand."

Yuno shakes her head, "No, I don't. I wasn't pregnant this morning yet here I am blowing up and my body is on fire."

Senitsu laughs shaking her head.

Yuno suddenly flinches sitting back. "Ow, I think that was a contraction."

Senitsu sits up nodding her head, "Makes sense, ready?" Yuno shakes her head, "Brave answer, it's happening anyway it's best you psych yourself up."

Toda finds Izumi standing in front of the door where Yuno is delivering the babies and Roku is pacing up and down.

"Before you say anything there wasn't enough time to rush her to the maternity ward instead we rushed her in here and we're doing everything we can for her."

Toda tries to open the door, but they both stand in his way, "Who's having the baby?"

The two look at each other and turn back to Toda, "Yuno is delivering the baby."

Toda cocks a brow, "Yuno is pregnant?"

Roku flicks his forehead, "Yuno is the one delivering the baby silly not the one who's delivering the baby, do you get it?"

Toda nods assuming Yuno is the one helping someone else deliver a baby, "This is why you don't get a pay check, pick up a textbook and quit confusing people with your non-medical terms."

Roku throws a thumbs up and Izumi puts his hand down.

"You have a bad habit of doing that when you lie."

Roku turns his head confused, "I do this all the time."

Izumi nods, "Yes, and 90% of the time you're lying."

Roku turns his body facing Izumi keeping an eye on Toda, "What? That's absurd."

"Whatever keeps you up at night Roku now shut up and for once do your job right, how come everyone else is always a step ahead of us? What do they have that we don't?"

Roku ponders the thought, "A Lyre most likely and probably the cupid and arrows while we have big targets on our backs."

Izumi looks again waiting for Ken to walk through the doors, "Are you sure this will split them up? That Tiyo kid is smart, but you can't tell me Yuno would leave Ken over something so small."

Roku checks the coast as well nodding confidently, "Yuno makes dumb choices when she's upset it won't be a permanent break-up, but it will be believable and it will be real most of all we will be killing one bird with two stones making sure it stays dead.

"The target on her back will be gone hence the target on the twin's backs will be gone and while everyone tries to figure out if she lost the baby or not they will be perfectly safe in their mothers' arms."

Izumi checks the time. "Gosh delivering a baby is real work, but waiting is more tedious."

"You're just impatient." Rouge states walking through the door making Roku and Izumi open the door and get inside.

"Why the hell do hospital doors not have locks? Who the fuck are you?" Rouge smiles at Roku taking his hood off.

"Oh, it's you." Both Izumi and Roku say at the same time.

"You're almost there Yuno baby number one is close."

"Shut up!" Yuno yells getting irritated with Senitsu's constant babbling rated as the worst emotional support known to man.

Senitsu kicks the men out all three stare at each other before Izumi and Roku punch Rouge at the same time.

"What did he do to you?" Roku asks Izumi who crosses his arms in front of the door.

"Sold me off to the exorcists, you?"

Roku waves at Ki and Ichika so they don't think anything is wrong, "He helped plot my escape from the exorcists, but stabbed me in the back at the last second."

Rouge raises his hands with a smirk on his face, "In my defence I wasn't allowed to be an Exorcist and handing you two over got me what I wanted. Win – win if you ask me, now you know what you're dealing with."

Izumi glares at Rouge, "You betrayed us without batting an eye and for some reason an Exorcist is here, right now! Your timing is too convenient, who did you come with?"

Rouge raises his hands in defence, "I swear I won't mess with a Lin, the garden has started blooming and one thing I've seen time and time again is that when Tenshi comes back anyone who dares mess with a Lin is going six-feet under I just want to apologise and make up for my mistake."

Roku narrows his eyes, "He just doesn't want to die, I don't know who Tenshi is, but he better be top of the list."

Izumi nods, "That I can agree with you on."

The two of them of them turn opening the door from the sound of a baby crying, "What the hell kind of baby doesn't cry?" Senitsu hands the baby over to Izumi to clean him up and wrap him up she almost thought he was a still born from the way he came out too cool for school and relaxed.

"Close the door you idiot." Roku shuts the door hovering next to Izumi watching him clean up the baby and wrap him up tying a red string on his leg and arm spelling it to suppress his magic.

"Hand him over to a doctor and keep the door closed."

Toda takes the baby from Roku giving him a confused look, "Can we see the mother?"

Roku shakes his head, "Nope, she asked we keep this secret."

Toda stops in his tracks, "That is not how this hospital works, we need to see the mother as well."

Rouge rests an arm on his shoulder, "She's not done yet, there's another baby." Roku explains spinning Toda on his heels shoving him in the opposite direction, "Go on, make sure baby number 2 has someone to hangout with when he comes out."

"Uhm, o-kay?"

Roku shoo's him off waiting for Ken to arrive he's been calling none stop but Yuno's phone is in her office.

Setsuno walks in to take Xavier before heading home after the long day at the Expo that was just an outing seeing as how none of the students there looked inspired by any particular career.

All it did was confuse the already confused ones by presenting more options to them while those who already know what they want were not interested in the companies at the Expo specifically. 

"Setsuno? Everything okay that side?" Izumi asks before Roku can open his mouth.

"Yeah, but Xavier is not, is everything okay?"

Izumi breaks Roku's hand before he throws a thumbs up, "Yes, something is up with Ken we've been waiting for hours for him he should be here by now, mind checking on him?"

Setsuno raises his head, "Why would he need to be here?"

Izumi points at Rouge, "To meet my visitor from the Vatican so that they can discuss business, but Ken is missing in action and we're very worried, please look for him."

Toda returns and the two of them are still standing guard over the door, "Is Yuno the one having the baby?"

Izumi calmly shakes his head, "No, she's the one delivering the baby."

Toda narrows his eyes suspiciously walking over to the front desk, "If Yuno leaves that room follow her, I don't believe there's a second baby." Ichika nods excited they have permission to do some snooping.

Ken walks into the hospital with Setsuno questioning him about his client from the Vatican but Ken just ignores him.

Ki and Ichika look surprised to see Yuno walking out of the tank room soaking wet with a second female, "So, she's the mother of the twins?"

Izumi nods, "Yes, my wife."

Yuno takes a deep breath feeling light headed.

"Yuno? Are you okay?" Ken tilts her chin up surprised when Yuno throws her entire body weight on him clutching onto him for support.

"Yes." Her weak reply worries him so he carries her to her office where Tori is already asleep on the floor from the long unexpected flight. They had to go back because Ken forgot Snow and Lorry Hitori was not having that.

Izumi takes her to the room opposite her office Roku checks her up before letting her sleep.

Setsuno and Rouge glare at the door after being shut out, "You know what they are hiding?" Setsuno asks Rouge who stays quiet for a minute before finally replying.

"Yuno delivered twins."

Setsuno's eyes widen, "She what?"

Rouge turns his head, "She wasn't delivering twins she was delivering twins, you get it?"

Setsuno's face scrunches up in confusion, "No, use proper medical terms, will you?"

Ki and Ichika carry the twins into the room.

"Twins were delivered." Rouge gestures with one hand as the two females close the door behind them both Setsuno and Rouge getting even more frustrated when the door is shut in their faces.

Ki and Ichika are also shoved out of the room looking at each other before looking at the two boys on the same boat as them.

"We're riding first class on this boat, which class are you?" Rouge asks the two females who sigh.

"Business class, we work here."

Izumi gives the baby in his arms to Ken confusing him when Senitsu gives the other baby to Yuno, "Congratulations, two healthy baby boys delivered and just in time."

Ken blinks at the baby in his arm looking at Roku for a more direct answer.

"Yuno just gave birth."

He nods up turning to the baby in his arms, "Wait, what?" He looks up at Yuno who's talking to Senitsu.

"How long have you known?" Yuno asks still confuse about the specifics of what exactly is going on she has been calm because everyone else around her is calm as if this is business as usual, but on the inside she's screaming bloody Mary and swimming in a tub of confusion.

"The day Sensen called me in a panic saying you were sick I came to see I saw you and since Sensen feels so strongly about you I cast a concealment spell to make the pregnancy unnoticeable until all this coming drama ends.

"But men being men couldn't just ignore the situation and kept overloading you with spells not knowing that they are disrupting my spell and now you've delivered two adorable baby boys.

"However for their safety you'll have to let me take them for a while."

Ken raises a brow, "What?"

Senitsu turns to Ken, "Word has spread she never lost the baby, they are not safe with any of you they will be safe with us."

Izumi looks up with a mortified expression on his face, "Is that where you've been this entire time? You want to take them there? Are you insane Princess?"

Senitsu shakes her head calmly, "There's no other way. That's the safest place at least I'm still Empress there." Izumi turns around facing the door.

"Excuse me, I should get a say in this."

Senitsu turns to Yuno giving her a condescending laugh, "You should, but you won't."

Yuno turns to Ken who looks at the baby in his arms sleeping soundly.,"How long?"

Yuno stares at Ken in disbelief, "Ken you're not serious."

He looks away, "How long Senitsu?"

The female in question shakes her head side to side slowly puffing her cheeks, "Just until we can prove Yuno actually lost her baby. No one knows it was twins except for the Luxor, but he's keeping his mouth shut so we're safe."

Ken can feel Yuno's stare on him, "That's not a straight answer."

"Depends on how quickly you defuse the situation and actually create a safe environment for them."

Ken turns to Roku, "How long can you make that happen?"

Roku smiles, "A few weeks at best, it's not really hard fixing something that is laid out so nicely for us."

Ken nods, "After a few weeks fixed or no I'm coming to get my sons."

Izumi nods before Senitsu can protest he does not want to give her too much say in the situation. "Those terms are acceptable, I will personally make sure they're safe, Right WIFE?" Izumi glares in her direction and she rolls her eyes putting Yuno to sleep before taking the baby.

There is no way she would give up her baby without a fight.

Izumi takes the baby from Ken before leaving, "You know this is what has to be done." Ken nods clenching his teeth tight looking away as Izumi and Senitsu leave, "Setsuno, let's go."

Setsuno follows behind Izumi puzzled by the entire situation, "Is this what you've been hiding from us?"

Izumi nods, "Yes, now be quiet I'm trusting you with this secret I do not want any harm coming to these children and," Izumi side glances, "My wife."

Setsuno looks at the young lady next to him getting puzzled more and more with every step.

Roku tucks Yuno in, "I think tonight the boys will stay with us Yuno won't be happy about this."

Ken looks him in the eyes, "I just gave away my sons to two complete strangers I don't trust."

Roku smiles, "I'll keep an eye on them I can travel between both sides remember, I will watch them every step of the way."

Ken looks Yuno, "She's going to be devastated when she wakes up. God what have I done?"

Roku stands at the door, "Ken, there's no other way she'll realise that soon enough and she'll finally understand why? We cannot underestimate the gravity of our crime.

"Tons of immortals lost their unborn children heads will turn when they find out we somehow managed to keep Yuno's baby alive she will be a target of many Haynes crimes out of jealousy, anger, resentment and more.

"Melody did us a favour with her spell let us do our part to fix this damn place and bring them back to a home where they can sleep without you worrying they'll be gone in the morning. Please."

Ken sits on the side of the bed, "Fine, you take the boys I'll take Yuno home."

Roku opens the door taking Tori who's still sleeping.

Ki and Ichika watch as Ken carries the sleeping Yuno out of the hospital, "Maybe those babies weren't as healthy as we thought they were Yuno looks drained."

Ichika nods, "Yeah, you know she takes a few days off when she over exerts herself like that, maybe working with babies must be more complicated than we think."


Senitsu walks into her house pushing the twins on a stroller.

"Is that?" one of her servants asks.

"Yes, Tiyo was right these past 8 months my attention was on my grand daughter I did not even think that I would actually be holding them in my arms. Lucky for us Ken trusts me and he left the children with me."

Senitsu sits down in front of the new borns shaking her head. "This Tiyo character knows too much about everyone yet too little is known about him. Start an investigation we cannot just trust some random stranger who wonders into our home no matter the reason for their coming to us."

"Yes, your Majesty."

Tiyo wakes up feeling a chill in the air.

"You alright man? You're the one who suggested the group study yet you look like you haven't slept in days."

Tiyo sits up, "Sorry, I really need these lessons let's go one." He looks out the window wondering if everything went according to plan.

He used the Oni to disrupt all the spells on Yuno triggering a metamorphosis for her body to catch up with the actual pregnancy he thought she was 6 or 7 months in not longer meaning she gave birth sometime today or yesterday.


He turns his head to Kai giving him his notes.

"You've clearly got something on your mind I made notes for you, last resort Roku fixes you up an A."

Tiyo looks out the window again, "She's not safe, Yuno, she's not safe I can hear them coming many are already here."

Everyone looks at him confused, "What do you mean?"

Tiyo turns to the group, "We all need someone to place our blame on, she's the perfect fit. They will stop at nothing to find out the truth."

Saito feels a similar chill in the air. "We're being watched."

Akali jumps getting freaked out, "Save the spooky stories for the camp you guys, this isn't funny."

Kai sighs, "It's not a joke, I've seen the way my sister was acting either she never lost her baby or she's pregnant again either way both scenarios should be impossible. We all want answers problem is how will people react to the answer they get."

Tiyo looks at the group, "Chinami and I tempered with the school's files and changed the destination of the camp, if we can get an herb similar to the blue flower from the other day we can give them the answer they don't want."

Rex stands up, "Are you saying we get a do over at saving her child?"

Saito's ears perk up everyone in the room looking desperately at Tiyo he's shocked by the determination in their eyes.

"Yes. Setsuno can mass produce it for us."

Kai looks out the window, "We find that herb and we get it right this time no matter who gets in our way."

Setsuno and Roku jump in through the window, "You little shits were going to do this without us well think again, and Saito I can't find Xavier I need your help."

Roku gives Tori to Akali grabbing Saito and Chinami.

"Are you leaving us behind?" Rex asks looking ready to pull them back into the house.

"We'll call, you're already on thin ice try to stay out of trouble."

Tiyo takes his textbook grabbing a pen and paper, "Hey mathlete, what the hell am I looking at?" Tiyo asks so the conversation can shift from the potential lecture Setsuno has in store for them he's always ready to knock some sense into them and lecture the group like there's no tomorrow.

Rex sits next to Tiyo explaining the sum.

"Back to work, we fail we don't go to camp and now we have reason to go to camp."

Tori takes the pencil he was given writing with his left hand.

"Are all Lin's left-handed?"

Kai raises his right hand,"It's only Ryu and Yuno I guess Tori now too."

Akali takes Saito's physics notes, "Anybody understand what the hell is going on here?" Kai scoots closer, "I'm top of the class."

Akali rolls her eyes, "You don't have to brag about it."

Kai smiles, "Sorry, I won't."

Yuno gets out of the shower still ignoring Ken.

"Yuno at least tell me you understand."

She turns abruptly looking away, "I don't Ken, I really don't." He takes a step forward she takes two backwards, "Not now Ken I don't even want to talk to you right now, first you lie to me and now you want me to be okay with giving away my children, are you insane?"

"It's to protect them."

"And when was it decided I'm not good enough to protect my own kids? Who is she to decide I can't and why the hell would you just agree with her? That was a dick move Ken."

He stands in front of her starring her down, "I made a promise and I will keep it Yuno. I am not losing you or exposing my children to any further danger I want them to go to school happily oblivious to the bullshit going on in this hell we live in and I will do whatever it takes."

"Giving them away? Ken you .." Yuno stays quiet when Ken glares at her a low growl reverberating from his throat.

"You think I'm having a field day with this? I'm not. I want my sons back I want to spend every moment I can with them I want to hold them again I want them right here with us, but we can't it's too soon."

Yuno turns away.

Ken grabs her before she walks away, "Yuno at least tell me you understand."

She shakes her head, "You want to protect them by staying away fine stay the hell away, but I won't."

Ken hugs her tighter, "Yuno we can't be on opposite sides for this, please just trust me."

Yuno sniffles, "I do, I just want my babies back and you don't Ken I won't see things your way no matter how hard you try. I'm going to find Izumi and he's going to give back my sons." Yuno struggles in Ken's hold.

"I can't let you do that, I won't."

She stops struggling staying very quiet.

"Yuno try to understand." He lets her go taking a step back Yuno grabs the car keys leaving the room Ken follows behind her in his car.

Saito and Chinami hide when they see Ken's car Xavier came straight to the Palace for Lorry.

"Yuno! hey!" Everyone's ears perk up at Ken's tone.

Yuno stops in her tracks, "Don't Ken, I'll drop it I'll let you do what you want because Ken Tachibana always has to get his way doesn't matter what everyone else has to say.

"Be a coward Ken because that's exactly what you're being you fight for family you don't buckle, run and hide that's what you've been doing from the start. It's not working it's stupid to do the same thing over and over again expecting things to be different.

"When you're done making excuses maybe I'll have time to understand until then, We're done!"

Chinami's eyes widen Setsuno turns to Roku, "Did she just …?"

Roku nods, "Yup."

Ken walks into the Palace following behind Yuno.

"Woah, what's going on there?" Mitsuko asks looking outside to find everyone outside looking like they just saw a ghost, "What just happened?"

Setsuno turns to Mitsuko, "Yuno, just broke up with Ken Tachibana."

Jet chokes on his food, "What?"

Ken closes the door when Yuno tries to open it to get inside her room.

"Move Ken."

He tilts her chin up kissing her on the lips, "We're not done not like this and not over this." Ken opens her door for her walking towards his office to find Xavier holding all the jelly babies in his hands flying out the window to the car going back with Setsuno and Roku.

"Why the hell am I surrounded by thieves?"

Tiyo gets a text from Saito in they're group chat everyone is shocked Ken and Yuno broke up.

Tiyo makes a call to Senitsu.

"What?" She flops on the couch tired the babies wouldn't stop crying no matter what she did.

"Mission accomplished."

Senitsu sits up turning her attention to the twins, "Ken and Yuno really broke up?"

Tiyo looks out the window, "Yes, and right on time they're here."

Ken feels a chill in the air he stands up peering over the city unaware of eyes peering back at him

Saito holds Xavier tighter the chill is even stronger the further away they are from the Palace. "It's about to storm like nothing we've ever seen before."

Roku yawns, "We won't lose, we have a lot more allies than we do enemies remember that."

"Saito keep a level head you asked if you're not our eyes and ears, what are you? You're our back bone no matter what we know you've got our backs remember your role. If you get cold feet we all fall apart."

Setsuno turns to Chinami hacking into all the security cameras in their way trying to find any trace of anyone watching them.


Chinami shakes his head, "We're being watched from a distance keep driving."
