Yuno Lin

Ryujin looks at Himawari curiously wondering what proposal she has for him that is so great she can disrespect him so much in his own office.

"Quit staring you dirty pervert I only came here to offer your Super drug a second chance with a little something I picked up from Kim Tachibana's new lab in China." Himawari shows him the results of a Power Egg when it comes in contact with Hitori's dormant immortality cells.

Somehow they supercharge the egg and it looks like deterioration does not occur.

"If you were wondering how they gave a normal animal an ability now you know, turns out the boy had a rare disease carrying an over-grown power egg that grows to the point where using your own ability is detrimental.

"Now Hitori Lin doesn't have that anymore they somehow found a cure for something so deadly and yet they kept it to themselves, why?"

Ryujin checks the samples, "The cure IS his year old son and only several other people share the same DNA sequence all of them Lin's there's not enough to cure the world of this I would keep this to myself as well.

"Do you realise what people would do to the Lin's if they find out? One by one they would be targeted and exploited I doubt if it wasn't for their willingness to turn him into a lab rat this would have come up.

"I appreciate your information miss Oburo but what you expect me to do is a new low even I won't touch.

"It is crystal clear in this report Kim had to sedate the boy and extract the cells from his body and doing so left him sick for a while this extraction is banned and this project was closed effective and immediately.

"They are not trying to engineer anything of that sort they just wanted to figure out how his egg stopped growing and how the dog got an ability and this still doesn't answer that."

Himawari takes out another file, "What if I said Kim Tachibana has been secretly perfecting your Super drug, what then?"

Ryujin shrugs his shoulders, "I have enough troubles on my plate running my own companies I'm not as young as I used to be and I'm currently working on training my next successor I cannot afford to waste time on matters so trivial let them perfect it I don't care."

Himawari smirks, "Keep telling yourself that, but the evidence is all right in front of you she has already perfected it and any day now she will be making millions from making a lot of people Supers.

"We might all talk shit about them, but we all want to be like them and you know what lengths people will go to get an ability without side effects, are you really okay with that? I'll leave you to ponder the thought a while longer."

Himawari leaves Ryujin in his office leaving the files on his desk on purpose she bumps into Lana bouncing up and down holding a magazine in hand looking overly excited, "What's up with you?"

Lana shows her the front page, "I can't believe it, but they did it they split them up and a reporter friend of mine was staying there at the Palace and witnessed the whole thing.

'Yuno Lin looked Ken Tachibana dead in the eyes and uttered the words 'We're Done' she spied on them a while longer to see it's no act and I kid you not it's no act they barely talk unless it involves their kids. Do you see that?"

Himawari smiles reading the article over and over again.

Yuno snatches the magazine from Ki and Ichika tossing it into the trash can, "Get back to work I don't want to see that."

Roku glances at Yuno trying to decipher if she's okay or not, "You know, for people who broke up you two are too chilled."

Yuno turns to Roku helping Ryujin out of the tank, "I know I should be upset, but I'm perfectly okay I just hate that I'm not allowed anywhere near Izumi, can't I just go where ever they are?"

Roku shakes his head, "Nope, only Senitsu can let you in and I doubt she will."

Yuno crosses her arms, "I don't trust that bitch, exactly how long is a few weeks? I want you to know that more than a month is no longer a few weeks and if by the end of the month I don't have my .."

Izumi mutes Yuno shaking his head, "Did you forget there's a family function today? I still need to meet the other Lin's I've only met Yu I was surprised to find out she has children not to be rude, but it doesn't suit her."

Yuno follows him to the car Xavier and Tori already inside whining about their ties, "I don't want to wear a tie I'm dying." Xavier burns his tie.

Tori freezes his tie before his eyes glow yellow pulling on the frozen tie letting it crumble.

"Hey, don't do that, are you boys okay? Did you eat?"

Xavier nods while Tori shakes his head, "He's lying he ate."

Tori sniffles, "I did not."

Xavier turns tilting his head to the side with an attitude, "Oh really? Fine eat until you throw up I don't care."

Izumi shakes his head, "He's a mini version of you, not a complete by the way."

Yuno rolls her eyes arriving at the Royal house changing into her black dress happy she could go back to the gym again.

Senitsu smiles behind her, "Must be nice having a figure like that after having two kids, I heard you're a great baby sitter was wondering if you could help me out with my twins."

Yuno's body turns instantly looking her in the eyes, "They're here?"

"Izumi insisted he's convinced you and Ken will patch things up after you see them."

Yuno pulls her out of the room, "Where?"

Senitsu takes her to the small room set up for the twins her face falling when she finds Ken already in the room watching the twins.

"What is he doing here?" Ken looks up narrowing his eyes at Yuno who turns to Senitsu for an answer.

"He's the only one Hitori listens too and you know what being Royalty means."

Yuno shakes her head, "No, I don't. I grew up in a crappy neighbourhood with crappy friends and an even crappier life style. Can we get some privacy?"

Senitsu leaves and Yuno smiles at the baby boy in her arms pecking his forehead.

"Why the hell did you have to look like your dad?"

Ken chuckles, "I'm the hotter one that's why." Yuno rolls her eyes.

Ken puts the baby down taking the baby from Yuno's hand putting him down, "Quit disturbing him he's sleeping."

Yuno glares at Ken as he leans in capturing her lips into his slowly snaking his arm around her waist pulling her in.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Ken's eyes are glued to her as she tries to look herself over in an attempt to avoid his gaze.

"A dress."

Ken's eyes get smaller, "I hate it."

Yuno shoves him out of the way, "No one cares what you think."

Yu enters the building with her daughter and brother surprised they were actually invited or that Izumi is interested in other Lin's either than Yuno and Kai.

Scratch that she's surprised to see Ryu and Yuno getting along last she heard they were not on speaking terms. AGAIN.

"Hi, I haven't officially introduced myself to the rest of you I'm only familiar with Yu." Izumi introduces himself to everyone else.

Kai takes off his Tie while Xavier and Tori sit quietly in their seats.

Senitsu walks into the room and finds Yuno who managed to sneak away from Ryu to spend some time with the boys Ken too  both parties not saying a word to each other they don't seem bothered with the silence or maybe Ken heard her coming, but that's unlikely.

Senitsu smiles watching the way Ken's eyes are glued to Yuno as she breastfeeds.

"I get the feeling this isn't the first time this happens."

Yuno sticks her tongue out at him, "Unlike you, I actually want to spend some actual quality time with my kids so on my free time at work she brings them over for me to see them and she's been making me use a breast pump so the boys get breast milk.

"You wait until the situation dies down or whatever sitting on your ass has you convinced is working I'm going to enjoy every little moment I can with them."

"Why am I only finding out about this now?" Ken turns to Senitsu walking away there is no way she can answer any of the questions he's about to ask.

Izumi is sure to nail her to a tree if he finds out about this, but she believes it's the right thing to do.

There's no reason for Yuno to not see her children she's willing to take the risk if they are not they don't have too no one is forcing them to think the way they do, but no mother in their right mind would just sit back and wait when they know the risk is worth it.

Ken holds the baby burping and changing him while Yuno feeds the other baby.

"Was this your idea?" Ken asks already knowing the answer.

"No, it was just hard for me not breast feeding considering I had twins my breasts were aching and the occasional leakages had no sense of timing I was backed into a corner so Senitsu at first decided I pump, but at night during those late ours she'd let me do this with the boys.

"It's even easier now that she stays at the Palace you just came back from your business trip so I guess it was going to be a surprise for you."

Ken sits next to Yuno smiling at her, "I still hate the dress you're wearing."

"Fuck off Ken."

Kai is surprised to see Yuno in a different dress holding one of Izumi's new borns, "Let me guess, he nagged you about the dress until you hated it too."

Yuno turns to Kai, "I'll do you one better, he poured a drink on my dress on purpose and got me a replacement dress right after. Why the hell was he here in the first place?" Yuno sits with everyone at the table after putting the twins to sleep.

Izumi has been a surprisingly great host genuinely interested in knowing more about his family.

Kai stares at Yuno drinking water staying extremely quiet. "Yuno, you haven't said anything this whole time, everything alright?"

"Yes, I'm just a bit on edge my pager could pop off any second and I'm having a hard time enjoying myself when there's the constant nagging feeling that right when things are about to get interesting I'll be called off too work."

Senitsu checks on the boys Izumi tied different coloured strings on them she can't take them off no matter what she tries.

"You have cute babies I can't tell if they are boys or girls I'm going with girls." Yu comments Senitsu smiles

"Nope, boys."

She can already see the Lin features vividly, "Names?"

Senitsu points at the baby with a red string, "Sora, his brother is named Shinrin. The sky and the forest, beautiful is it not?"

Yu nods, "I have to go though, duty calls we have a band of illegal protestors in front of the PSB building."

Senitsu waves her off.

Yu arrives in uniform rushing to the front line, "What the heck is going on here?" The crowd is getting riled up even more.

"They want the Supers to stop getting special privileges because they are now getting top priority when it comes to jobs and they are left unemployed.

"These people been job searching for months now and yet Supers were given top priority. The licensing tests are seen as an unfair deal for them."

Yu sighs she's starting to hate her job more and more. "Alright, everybody get back this is not the way to handle this matter and you know it solves nothing."

A male in red glasses jumps forward. "Supers must go! We don't need them in this country take them to other countries more accepting of their kind we won't."

Yuno drives past the building Senitsu at the back with the twins one man throws a rock at the car Yuno stops the car opening her door stepping out.

She walks through the crowd grabbing the man by the collar dragging him to the car opening the back seat. "Do you see that?"

The male stares at the new borns than back at Yuno who's fuming, "Quit staring at me and apologise."

Saito flies in flinching when Yuno breaks the mans arm tossing him to the crowd with a single hand.

"Get the hell out of my sight before I incinerate the whole lot of you and do it in less than 10 seconds."

Senitsu plays along forming black clouds with roaring thunder over the group.

"You don't scare me."

Ken flies in holding Yuno protectively glaring at the crowd. "Your 10 seconds are up."

Izumi puts up a bearer between the two sides. "That's enough, I'm not in the mood for this." Izumi heals the man's arm and fixes Yuno's window.

"Get in your car and keep moving the rest of you go home this matter will be sorted out soon enough." Izumi let's his military group handle the clean up.

Ken turns to Yuno. "Did anyone ever tell you that you need anger management classes."

Yuno ignores him getting in the car, "We're surrounded by water I didn't need you coming in to save me."

Ken crosses his arms, "I wasn't here to save you."

Yuno starts the car, "Let others do your fighting for you Ken it's what you're good at any way."

Yuno pulls over at the Palace her usual parking spot is occupied.

Ken opens the door to the driver seat the second she turns off the ignition. "Mind giving us some privacy? We need to talk." He stares Yuno dead in the eyes when he says the last part waiting for Senitsu to take the boys and get inside.

Ken gets in the car tilting Yuno's chin to the side. "Fucking look at me."

She turns her whole body in his direction, "What else?"

Ken is beyond fuming at this point the level of disrespect is unfathomable. "Yuno I don't know what's going through your mind, but if you have something to say I'd like to hear it."

"I have nothing to say to you nor do I want to hear anything from you if I listened to you my sons would still be where ever the hell Senitsu has been hiding.

"I hate this Ken, but you don't want to see things my way and that's okay I won't see things your way either. I've found a way to bring my boys home and I won't stop until I can fall asleep with them in my arms. No matter what it takes Ken I'll fight for my boys."

"Do you have to disrespect me so much?"

Yuno leans against the car door. "You just make me so mad Ken, do you even care? It seems like you don't to me if I could ask how far along are you with your grand plan to bring the boys home I doubt you have a plan yet."

They sit in silence until Ken breaks the ice, "We do have a plan we're just waiting for them to make the first move we need to be sure who exactly is watching us and the boys have a plan of their own that has potential to let this whole mess blow over in one go.

"I'll admit I'm impressed, but tell me what you plan to do now that you brought them here."

Yuno turns her eyes slowly, "I don't need to do anything now that they are here, if everyone knew the truth they would gladly beef up security for their sake and they would keep this secret no matter what. How long will your grand plan take?"

"I don't know, but the longer they take the better for us."

Yuno buries her face between her knees, "What was I supposed to do in the meantime? Does your little plan take into account how I must be feeling? How I'm doing? You've got all this to keep your mind off thinking about them I don't. You're selfish Ken."

His eyes widen looking Yuno in the eyes he has never taken her feelings into consideration and expected her to go along with the plan he knows the plan will work he just never saw outside the scope of what needs to be done.

"I'm sorry."

Yuno doesn't say anything sitting quietly in the car she knew right from the start she never lost her baby at first she though she was crazy but after the three months the symproms that made her think she was going crazy became consistent.

The light tingles and cravings, random morning sickness, and worse. She felt a bond with the babies before they were born being apart from them is just torture.

"Yuno say something."

"I don't know what to say to you, we're not on the same page."

Himawari lowers her glasses as Yuno leaves her car Ken behind her quiet.

"He's sad, vulnerable making this the perfect opportune time to strike."

Himawari shakes her head turning to her friend, "That's the thing about Ken Tachibana games like that don't work on him he wants to be alone right now that's what's best for everyone."

Yuno goes straight to bed.

Ken stares at the ceiling tossing and turning a few more times before looking back at the ceiling. He wakes up going to Senitsu's room knowing that's most likely where Yuno is sleeping tonight.

He finds Tori and Xavier up with Yuno being her little helpers around the room, "Need a hand?" Tori shooshes him holding the bag of dirty diapers.

Xavier takes it running downstairs to throw it in the trash can running back up with a bottle of water for Yuno.

Izumi sighs in relief watching Ken and Yuno get along.

"I don't get you do you want them apart or together?" Tiyo asks crossing his arms he feels like he wasted his energy in something so futile.

"That was your test or did you forget we had to test you first before we trust you."

Izumi are observing from the roof a building a few blocks away to make sure no one else is spying. They already caught a lot of spies on their way here.

"Behind closed doors they're a straight family, but Hiroshima will soon find out before he comes after them we need to convince everyone else she lost the child I need to know if you can find the phoenix flower in time."

Tiyo nods. "I know exactly where it is the Exorcists too I know without a doubt we'll bump into a few where we're going."

The wind blows getting stronger as the two keep a watchful eye on Yuno and the twins Ken keeping Tori and Xavier occupied seeing as how he's not much help with the twins and the two in front of him won't go to sleep any time soon.

"Are you going to work tomorrow?"

Yuno nods, "At night the Palace is heavily guarded and the barrier is stronger, but early morning Senitsu takes the boys to her hiding place."

Ken purses his lips looking around the room. "I'm sorry about the way I acted Yuno I didn't consider that this could be possible."

Yuno yawns, "It's cool."

Izumi squats down, "I don't want them apart completely, but for now it's the way things need to be besides some time apart is doing them some good, wouldn't you agree?"

Tiyo yawns, "Yeah, but I have school you know."

"I Know I just needed you to deliver the message back to the islanders, did you?"

"Yes, they agreed to our terms."

"Good. Musha Cay is our ace in the hole. You can leave now."
