Chapter 3

once outside the city walls Selenia had stopped and got off her horse. Kenji asked her what she was doing and she showed him the map. "I think its best we head to the Hina Kingdom first and then cut through the village's to make it to the Ishii kingdom and then head down south near the Nashdra kingdom. we'll have to lay low in the Hina and Nashdra kingdoms since I'm technically wanted dead there." Kenji was amazed that she had planned ahead that far, but then he got startled when she suddenly put the map back in her bag. Selenia Mounted her horse and they began moving towards there destination. After a few hours of riding Selenia was getting annoyed at the mumbling from Kenji "Can you stop on with your rambling for five minutes, its driving me insane!" Kage then stopped when he heard her yell at him, the trip was continued in silence until he remembered that she never told him her name. "sorry for asking but what is your name anyway, I told you mine so its only fair that I know yours." Selenia didn't say anything at first as she wasn't willing to give her name to a general of an enemy nation.

"For now call me Wrath, and remember we need to make it to the Hina Kingdom before nightfall since I don't intend to camp out here." Selenia then had her horse pick up the pace with Kenji following close behind her. After a couple hours of travel Selenia stopped her horse and started to make a camp fire. "This looks like a good spot to enjoy a meal." Kenji then started to look for some wood to light a fire until Selenia stopped him. "why are looking for fire wood when I already made the fire?" feeling stupid, Kenji insisted that he was going to go hunting instead of bringing fire wood. Selenia told him to do what he wants as she didn't really care what he did.

After about an hour, Kenji returned with a rabbit. it may seem like little food to cook but to them it was more then enough to fill their hunger. While eating Kenji couldn't help but wonder who this Selenia really was, as she was surrounded by many mysteries. When he had received the very small amount of information the Nashdra Kingdom had on her, it felt that they were going up against a ghost. they didn't have her real name nor what she magic she specialized in. the only thing the Nashdra Kingdom had on her was her title as a warrior and what kingdom she came from, other then that they have no other info on her. "Hey listen to me when I'm talking." Kenji soon snapped out of his thoughts as Selenia was pointing her sword made of flames at him. "We'll be in the Hina Kingdom before the sun sets, at this rate we'll be able to find my comrades in three weeks top, maybe less. Do you think that's enough time to stop the Nashdra army?" Kenji believed that should be enough time, so they mounted their horses and continued through the tress until they arrived at the city of Hina. The pair got of their horses and began walking around looking for an Inn but there didn't seem to be any. after looking for thirty minutes, Kenji found one near the slums.

Selenia didn't complain since she just wanted a place to rest. "How much for a two night stay?" Kage decided to keep quiet since he had forgotten his money pouch. "A room for two nights is twenty gold coins." Kenji was shocked at the price and the front desk lady didn't seem all that surprised. "Excuse me for asking but why is it so expensive." Selenia asked as she didn't seemed fazed by the price and was wanting to see why it was expensive. The old lady sighed as it seemed the pair in front of her were travelers. "You see, after the late Queen passed away, the King was free to do what he wanted and had raised his son to be like him. The King raised the city taxes causing many people to become poor and for merchants to raise the prices of their products." Selenia listened to the story and it made her feel disgusted but she didn't show it. she grabbed her coin pouch from the inside of her coat and payed the old lady two platinum coins. "I hope this is enough and don't worry, keep the change."

Selenia then headed to the room on the second floor without saying anything else. Kenji imminently apologized for her behaver and followed behind her. "You know for being a Queen you sure are rude and tempered, were you always like this or what?" Selenia simply threw her bag on the floor and sat down on a chair that was in the room. "you can sleep on the bed, I'll keep an eye out till morning. Judging by what happened due to the greed of the current ruler, I have a feeling my comrade will be here." Kenji wanted answers but didn't push it any further due to her skills in killing. Selenia then pulled out her book and began to write, it was one of her pass times when she lived in solitude. Once she made sure Kenji was asleep, Selenia went out the window of the room and began scouting the city from the roof. The moon was high in the sky as the city was rather quiet but Lumina concentrated on the task at hand. "Lets see, if I was a broke, greedy pig, and trying to get money, where would I be?" Selenia thought for a few minuets until she spotted a tavern.

she quietly and quickly made her way there and made sure to bring her money pouch with her. If there was one thing he wanted then she should have enough. when she opened the door to the tavern, the smell of ale and booze hit her nose. The tavern was rather small but loud and lively, as a tall man with short blond hair and golden eyes was collecting money. He wore a plain white shirt, black pants and brown shoes. "Excuse me but do you mind if I play." Selenia said rather sweetly but was ready to kick his ass. "Sorry young lady but you gotta pay to play, so beat it." Selenia really wanted to kill him on the spot but decided to embarrass him at his own game first. so she took her coin pouch, that was still rather heavy, and dropped it on the table. the crowed soon went quiet until the blond haired man started to laugh. "Okay young lady, we'll play a game then. If I win, you'll give me all those coins." Selenia then threw in her own conditions if she won the game. "And if I win, then you'll owe me one favor." the young man was now thinking that the young lady looked familiar. "Alright you got yourself a deal little lady. the game we shall play is double solitary, easy enough right." Selenia simply nodded and was ready to beat him at what ever game he chose.