
"Ah, don't you know it's not nice to curse at a person that you have met for the first time, you know?" Fu Meng sighed as he looked the sick bastard right in his eyes.

For a moment, the justiceseeker flinched. He looked as if he was looking at some ghost. His reactions and expressions made me believe that he had some kind of deep history with Fu Meng. I mean, that should probably be a no brainer at this point. But, yea. This just further proves our point. Anyway, it was all in Fu Meng's hands now. He has to provoke the sick bastard to the point that he spouts out his relationship with him.

"You got quite the tongue, don't you? Since when did you start to openly defy me like this?" Justiceseeker asked.

"Ha! You're totally fine with your dear minion  rebelling against you, so why are you so pissed off that a random stranger is rebelling you?" Fu Meng asked.

"Random stranger, huh? You really broke through it, didn't you?" Justiceseeker asked.