A fine addition


Up until that moment, I hadn't given much notice to what the sick bastard wore. Well, except for the initial surprise of seeing him in a bathrobe for no apparent reason, I had no reason to ogle over some random man's body or accessories.

However, once I heard Goldy speaking about artifacts, I started noticing it. For a man who was coming from his bath to meet us, he had all his accessories on. I mean, we could say that he wore the accessories after bath for argument's sake. But if that's the case, then I call him a weirdo. I mean, I haven't seen a person who's eager to wear his ornaments before his underwear. If they do that, it probably means that he values those accessories more than anything.

But then comes the other point. Just… why? I mean, it's not like he'll have a hard time getting all the ornaments in here. After all, the people are literally fixated on him. So, why does he care so much about them?