From another point of view


It was morning and from my bedroom window I could see the sun coming up, I got out of bed instantly and went to the bathroom to do my morning hygiene. I have :dark hair half rebellious, light blue eyes, skin half white and 1.80 tall. And as you already know I'm Luna's best friend.

I finished my hygienic and went straight to my room to change, I wore the men's uniform consisting of: a white social blouse ,black pants and a pair of black shoes .

Now that I was ready I went to the kitchen, where there was a note of my mother nailed to the refrigerator, I analyzed what was written :

"Good morning, son, have breakfast and don't forget to take Jinjin for a walk! Have a great class! "(Mom)

I left the paper where I was and started to eat my breakfast, Jinjin was my dog. My companion for everything.

I looked at the clock that was in the kitchen, on top of the refrigerator, it was 6 in the morning ,I didn't live long enough to eat, I took my things and I already had my backpack on my back, leaving the house. When I was growing up, I started thinking about last night's conversation I had with my best friend. I don't know what happened to me, but ever since that idiot named Pedro got into high school, he managed to mess with Luna just by looking at her, it made me feel a little weird. I don't know why I felt my body bubbling out of nowhere. Anyway this must have been by chance. Today is going to be different! Besides, I don't have to worry about my best friend getting flushed by a guy who just got into high school.

I was approaching the gate of the school . I saw in front of the gate a blue wig with its back to me, I already knew who was...

I hugged Luna from behind who took a fright with my sudden act, she turned her face facing me, first amazed, then with a gentle smile on her lips, as soon as I noticed that our faces were very close, I was busy looking at the iris of your eyes that were very beautiful, I always found your eyes beautiful! Her face was now picking up a redder color, so I extinguishedly stopped hugging her. But how strange... was she blushing? impossible ,should be my impression.

-G-good morning Luna! slept well ? I asked trying to make conversation.

-Yes!- Said blundering, after that I said nothing more as we entered the college together ,I chose to be quiet, I should be embarrassed because our faces are so close two minutes ago .

We climbed the stairs quietly to the fourth floor, entering our room. I told her that I would go straight to my colleagues. Luna nodded, I went through some wallets going straight to my friends. They were on one side of the room making a small wheel , talking about something. Louis ,a repeating blond boy, turned around and came to greet me upon my arrival, the others came too, I joined the wheel and started the question about what was so important at 6:55 in the morning.

-Lukest, we are here talking about the soccer championship you will have this year here in high school! -Replied Carlos, a dark-haired boy with purple hair.

-And guess what? There will be six teams in total, which will be chosen by high school classes !-commented Roufi, a medium chubby curly-hair.

-That's right! and this championship was already decided, it happened in September! And we have until Friday to find out who's gonna be on our team to write us at the soccer championship! - Said Trox super excited, one of the tallest boys in our class.

I was just starting to get emotional and excited, too. We were ready to start talking about how we were going to decide to know who would get what position on the team, however we were prevented by a bearded and bald man who had just entered the room ,only could be the teacher...

We went straight to our wallet and decided we'd talk more about the championship later.

I looked around the room, looking for red hair, as I suspected ! I was in the corner of the room , in the distance I looked at Luna from the corner.

- Good morning class! My name is Izo and I am your Chemistry teacher.

. . .

Break! I couldn't take it anymore, I was starving, I got out of my chair and went to my best friend's wallet calling her to have lunch together, it was common for us to have lunch together in the cafeteria. However, she said she would stay with her friends in the classroom and snack bar right there,I answered with a "OK" and left the room wondering what I would buy to eat.

I was getting close to the diner that was inside the school and I saw that there was no line, what I could call lucky! I was three inches from the register when someone instantly stopped in front of me and started asking for something in the register ,I realized at the time it was the bastard of the new student! A vein of pure irritation began to appear on my forehead, because besides being hungry he still took my turn in the cafeteria box. He knew I was staring at him with an extinct killer and yet he turned around grinning sarcastically at me.

-Did you lose something? -Said the redhead.

-You took my place ! -Said angrily.

-So ? has a problem ?! -commented with a harsh smile.

-Obviously there is! The problem is that you have to wait your turn like everyone else! - I shouted stressed, at the time a whirlwind of students began to surround us, with the intrigue of seeing if there was a fight or not .

-What if I don't want to do ?- Exclaimed in response.

-Now your...-I was ready to punch that son of a bitch in the face , but then came reason hit me in the face, I knew that if I got into a fight I would take a warning and would receive several complaints from my mother. Before I hit a well-punched punch in the face of that unfortunate man, I stopped the movement. I just pulled it out of my face and ordered my snack. I left a lot of people wondering why I had given up fighting. Ten minutes after the event the signal hit and when I arrived in the room murmurs about me and about "how I had been intimidated by the new student of the school".

I pretended not to hear anything and sat in my chair, I noticed that Luna was coming to me, looking at me with concern. " Great! She probably already knows about the event earlier." I grumbled pissed at myself.

-Luke, can I talk to you? - She asked by looking at me.

-could you talk to me later ?! - I said, 'I wanted to be alone for a while, she pressed her lips and withdrew back to her chair, in that came the "idiot" in the room and then the teacher, "What the hell!" babble.

It took a long time but finally finished the last class. I was the first to leave the room leaving everyone behind my best friend.I wanted to get home soon, I was very stressed, I was leaving the gate when I heard someone call me :

-Lukeee wait!!!-Luna was running up to me panting ,stopping so in front of me. -Why didn't you wait for me? - She asked by pouting for me.

-Sorry, I'm really tired today - I lied.

- I know...-your tone of voice came out sarcastic in my ears. -Come on ! I still have to talk to you. -Commented, what made me apprehensive. So we started walking to the bus stop.

-So...what was that ? -She asked me slightly.

-That? - I played innocent.

-Yes, that ! Why did you fight with Pedro ?

-In fact, we didn't even fight! -I exclaimed.

-They said you insulted him in various ways! -babbled my best friend.

-And you believed what they said? -I asked with a little anger in the words and apparently she noticed.

No! That's why I want you to tell me what happened. -she spoke smiling at me minimally,-I don't know why, but her smile always makes my heart beat a little faster...

I couldn't keep the story hidden to myself, I told everything. Luna said she was going to have a talk with Pedro the next day, I told her that she didn't need to worry and that I could manage, but she insisted.

Okay! I was just at home, so I went up to my room knowing that no one would be home since my mom was working. I took a bath and put on :a short jeans , a black blouse with a band name written on it and put on my slippers . I left my room and went straight to the kitchen and removed a lasagna from the fridge, putting it in the microwave to heat, after I ate the lasagna that was delicious! I went to my dog who was always in the backyard ,my dog is very beautiful, looks like a wolf! I put a collar on him and took him for a walk.

. . .

-Son, I am here!- Screamed my mother who was just entering the house and I was at this moment in the room holding a portrait that showed our family, sitting on the couch.

-Son, where are you? -Asked my mother.

-I'm here in the room! -I said.

When she came across the scene of me holding a portrait of our family where our father was, she soon came and gave me a warm hug. It was five years since my father died...

I realized that Mom was holding on so as not to cry, so I left the portrait where she was and went straight to my mother, told her that this time I will make dinner.

I prepared a pasta with meatballs and we had dinner together,before going up to my room said a "I love you" to my mother and I kissed her on the forehead.

-It's dad by the way mom is stuck to you to this day and me too ...