My date


It's today ! my date! I still can't believe it. I'm a little afraid about this, I was thinking about how much I'd get to school. The memories of how all this happened are fresh back in my mind...

I had just arrived in high school, I was waiting for Pedro at the school gate to have a serious conversation with him ,I waited twenty minutes until I found a known red hair ...

Pedro had just come through the school gate and went straight to him,' he noticed that I was going to him, I thought he was going to avoid me as he had done to that girl on the first day of school! However did not do this, I actually found it strange because now that I realized he was... what?! He is smiling at me?! It must be something in my head, I used to say to myself as I approached to talk to him, it's... it's not my impression, he was really with a smile stamped on his face, he was in front of him.

-I need to talk to you! -said authoritative.

-You can talk! -he said not showing surprise.

-Good is about yesterday, what happened between you and my best friend. It seems like they left out a lot of things from yesterday's event and I wanted you to

It is said that none of this is true.- I was getting to the point I wanted. -And also want you person apologies to my best friend!

-All right! But, I want something in return...-smiled showing the canines. -How about a date ? - Asked narrowing the eyebrows.

A date? A DATE!? I thought, it is not ugly, it is quite beautiful in reality ,beautiful even good extremely beautiful! I have to admit, not to mention that he didn't give a damn about any other girl I know, from the first day of school. Do I take a chance?

It's worth a try, right?

-All right, I'll take it!

-It is arranged then, this Friday, my princess, at 2:00 pm, at the Mall. -smiled giving a kiss on my cheek and leaving me there a chill on my spine ,until he realized that it was 5 minutes to start class

I was just going up the stairs when I saw Suzi a little bit ahead.

-Good morning Suzi! - I approached.

-Good morning Luna ! - she smiled when she looked at me. - She is looking forward to her date tonight ? -Yes! I told about my date to my friends ,even to Lukest who took to digest what I had said.

-A little afraid to do something wrong, It's my first date...

-Don't worry friend, I know you'll do well. Besides, it was you who was asked out by that boy.-My friend smiled at me hinting at a malicious face ,I couldn't stand it and even had a chuckle muffled.

We arrived in the room and soon my eyes ended up in the direction where was the wallet of my best friend, on the right side of the room was he, talking to his friends , I remembered that they must have been talking about the entries of the football team that Lukest had told me about yesterday. Somehow I started to notice that my best friend was sometimes avoiding talking to me, it may be my bullshit, but he started to avoid me since I told him I was going to have a date with Pedro, I know!It's crazy to think that on my part, just my best friend who's always been by my side now? but I really feel like he's trying to keep a certain distance...

I started to have a conversation with my friends to get out of my thoughts while the teacher didn't arrive. After 10 minutes the class began and Peter was nowhere in the room, "must have missed" I thought.


Thank God that redhead had not come today , It was difficult to face him every day smiling with mockery to me and knew it would be worse today because it is the day of his meeting and Luna.

I can't believe she agreed to go on a date with that guy...what's so special about him?

Now I'm even angrier than before, when he pissed me off days ago,I don't know why else to see my Luna with that idiot makes me...

Wait! I said "my Luna"?

I mean, not that she's mine, but she's mine and I care about her well-being.

That's it!

smiled faintly as I thought.

-Did you see anything funny Mr. Denking? -Asked Johnson the physics teacher, taking me out of my daydreams.

-No... no teacher! - I exclaimed.

I better leave these thoughts for later...

. . .

I felt something colliding with my body ,I looked at the floor and there was a crumpled paper ball ,I took the paper and looked around the room, the guy who had hit it was Luis who looked at me making mention to me for I opened the paper .I unfolded the crumpled paper and began to read:

"The team layout has already been decided, you will be one of our starting strikers. I will enter our team in the championship when it is 12:00 pm . the registration is in the physical education room.

I have also found a square with a soccer field here near the college for us to train on when there is still a long way to the Championship.

The trainings began to leave the next Monday at 3:00 pm as it will be the first time you see the camp, meet us at the 14:30 school to all go at once .

Note: Days of training (Monday and Friday)"

Maybe this distracted me ...

I removed a sheet from my notebook and wrote back talking about how excited I was to start training, thanking for being one of the attackers because as far as I know this position is not for anyone!


It was 13:55 p.m. Luna was already in front of the Full Shopping Mall waiting for the red-haired emerald eyes ,was wearing a :gray jeans pants torn at the knees, a pink sleeved blouse written "pink" and a red sneaker .

I was a little nervous if the redhead was coming or if he was just making fun of you. This reminded her of the conversation she had with Luke earlier, at the time of departure.

The brunette told Luna not to be fooled by Pedro, he might have a nice face, but could mess with a girl's feelings very easily, even though he helped and made Luna's head stay smart in case Pedro tries something she doesn't like-if somehow your words sounded like you wanted your best friend's date to be unsuccessful.

Lukest was very different, more protective over Luna than was common.

Pedro, the new boy in his class, stopped in front of her and made her leave his thoughts. He was wearing a black leather jacket ,a dark blue jeans, a red bracelet on his left arm and a brown sneaker. I was "dazzling" thought Luna.

-You look very pretty! -He praised Pedro looking at the girl's troughs and then his face.

-T-Thank you ! -suddenly crowned Luna.

-Let's go in ? -Pedro smiled with his hand out the girl with the blue hair.


. . .

As they walked around the mall, they saw Clothes stores full of beautiful and wonderful clothes, Luna's eyes were shining as they passed through the windows full of clothes and accessories . Inside the mall had everything you could imagine : Bookstores, cafeterias , cafeterias, pizzerias among others.

They stopped in front of the cinema and entered . Pedro went to the clerk and asked for two tickets to see one of the most successful films in that month, was the romantic comedy genre. They bought the popcorn and the soda and came into the theater ,it was full of people, a lot of people wanted to see that movie by the look of it.

If they sat in their rooms that was in one of the last rows ,they could have a great view of the entire screen . It didn't take long and the film started...

. . .

The film ended and Luna had fun, she laughed so hard during the film that they had to ask her to be quiet so that others could pay attention, even though it was a mid-novel film it did not seem to be the main focus of the film.

They left the cinema and Luna will not notice that Pedro had his hands behind his waist ,when she noticed the contact tried to move away, however, the redhead will not let her move away so easily . Luna then pinched his arm, causing him to release it and rub his hand on the arm that had received the pinch.

-Aaiihh!! Why did you do it !? - complained the redhead.

-You were very close...- She said quietly.

-Are you afraid of me? -he asked with a very sample smile.

-I !? afraid of you ?! Hahaha !!! Don't make me laugh. -exclaimed, walking together out of the mall.

-I well be dangerous, you know? -Spoke seriously the redhead wanting to see what expression the blue-haired girl would have hearing these words.

-H-how so dangerous ?! -stuttered the girl, were already outside the mall and the sky was already starting to pick up an orange tone, it should be around 5:30 p.m.

-I can be dangerous this way! -The redhead quickly took the blue-haired girl's lips to himself. At first she was perplexed It would push Peter back but could not, she was bewitched by the traces of the face of the new boy of her class, who were so close to each other, the kiss had delivered in a few seconds that seductive person of green eyes and red red hair had caught him.

Pedro began to press his body against Luna's while kissing her, but had to stop by realizing that the girl was running out of air.

When the kiss ceased, Luna had her cheeks crimson and admired that the redhead kiss so well, it was the first time she touched her lips with someone else's and only thought how good her first kiss had been.

-Do you understand now?! - He said removing the girl from his reveries.

-Y-yes ! -The young woman's cheeks were already red to intense.

-Do you want me to take you home ? -Asked Pedro wanting to withdraw another kiss from her.

-N-no, I can go alone. - She replied stunned.

-Then our walk ends here my dear. - The redhead took his lips again but voraciously this time leaving Luna almost without breath.

Pedro quickly left giving a wink to the girl with the blue hair. Luna followed him with her eyes until she saw him disappear from her sight.

The young girl was finally coming home when she realized something she hadn't yet asked herself. Were they dating now?