Hailey's POV

Adian grinned as he led me into another direction other than the lift.

"Wrong direction" I said pointing to the direction of the lifts.

He silently tug me along as I pass Roberts smiling eyes winking at me.

Adian stopped in front of a large mahogany double door, with an Oriental design. This building was designed like that. Now that I know my father owns half of a prestigious company, I have even more respect for the Knights, who did not rob me but have been giving me what rightfully belongs to me. I understand now where my funds have been coming from over the years.

My parents left me early but have been taking care of me since their passing.

"Wake-up" Adian smiles, opening the door for me to proceed him inside.

Smiling in appreciation at the interior decor again in the Oriental design desk, with cupboards that lined the walls and carpet with the same pattern.

With a quizzical look, "Yours?" I asked

Shaking his head, "ours" he said looking around smiling in appreciation. "I'll have the walls pushed back, and you can make a change in the decor in keeping with the same Oriental theme." Adian said. "So what do you think?" he asks

"It's wonderful" I feigned excitement.

"But" Adian asked watching me.

'Isn't it too soon? I just started and personally I prefer to start from the bottom up" I told him, hoping, he'd understand my need to learn from experience.

Frowning, "it is your right" he said.

Going to sit in a chair in front of his desk, "You were privilege enough to learn from your father having him as your mentor and i wasn't. But I have Jerry, who I prefer to work under for the time being." I explained, observing his reaction.

There was a knock on the door, before it opened up and Basil strolled in with his head down, going through his phone.

"I submitted the samples for testing, so we ju.." his voice trailed off because as he lifted his head, he saw me. With a surprise expression, he looked at me as he tries to compose himself.

Having never seem him like this, I look at Adian to see Adian glaring at him, indicating that he should leave. "Hailey and I have a lunch meeting with the board, so we'll be heading out soon" Adian tells Basil.

"I also, need a security on Hailey's floor outside her door at all times. They will be answerable to only you and I" Adian also instructs Basil.

"Uh, sure" Basil responds curious.

"What happened?" Basil asks Adian, ignoring me.

Adian went on to give Basil some feedback about Clyde and the minions, especially Marla.

By Basil's reaction I realize that there's something about Marla and possibly Adian, but I trust him. If he said they never dated, then I believe that.

Gerard was assigned to me, during my office hours and with strick instruction from Adian, other than himself, Ryan, Jerry and Basil, no one was allowed to be alone with me.

I felt like a porcelain doll, but I'm not. They may not believe it, but I have been through so much. The demons I fight in my sleep has made me not just weak but strong too. But I'm not ready to share that yet or to make myself vulnerable in their eyes.

"There is no need to be that extreme" I told them and I want to skip lunch, if I may. Basil can stay with me" I volunteer, to see Basil nod in agreement but Adian shakes his head.

"I am not the one hosting the lunch, the board is" Adian reminds me "and to refuse their invitation would be rude".

"Okay, I'll go but I need to go back to my office to collect something and well Basil can escort me to your car" I suggested agreeing to the luncheon

Looking between Adian and I, "okay, okay" pointing between Adian and I, chuckling, "I see what's going on here. Gray you and my bestie keeping me in the dark? Uh huh! I think you are" Basil said happily.

Looking at Adian frowning, "what? ,Eh, no! what are you talking about and just because we are not insulting each other, it doesn't mean anything. " I told him walking to the door. "You coming?" I turn to see if he's following me.

Nodding with a wide smile. he turns to follow me out, shutting Adian's door behind him.

I wave to Roberts as Basil and I got to the elevator, entering the lift in a silence that continued four floors down to my floor .

When the lifts opened, "go ahead, I'm right behind you" Basil tells me.

"Why!" I ask suddenly intimidated.

"With a comforting smile, " don't worry, I'm behind you" Basil repeats sternly.

Nodding still unsure, I continued the walk the short distance from the lift toy office.

With my office door in sight, "well if it isn't our new boss" the minion who was making plans with Adian earlier greeted me, coming to stand beside me.

I tried to move past her but was unsuccessful and knowing Basil was close, I didn't push it.

Looking at her, "may I help you?" I enquired politely.

Huffing, "aren't you the polite one" she said. "You might own half of this company, but I'm not speaking to as an employee to a boss, I'm speaking to you, woman to woman" she said leaning closer. "stay away from Adian, he's taken" she informs me in a vicious tone and a ugly expression.

Smiling politely, "I might own half of the company but I'm not your boss, yet! And I know that Adian is already spoken for" I answered. "Now if you will excuse me?" I asked waiting in her to move.

By her surprise I realize she wasn't expecting my response.

Shifting, she looked at me confused for a second as she recovers from her surprise.

"Thank you!"