Chapter Seventy Nine- Panic Attack

Hailey's POV

Standing up, I leaned down and whispered to Basil and Mel, "I need to pee" I giggle, walking back into the building, deciding to use the bathroom in my room.

"Hailey" Mrs Bradford, met me with a tray in her hands. "if you're looking for your husband, he's on the back patio with his mother. I'm just taking this out to her" she continues walking in the direction that she pointed out.

"Here let me, you are doing so much already" I offered, taking the tray from her hands, despite her protests.

I walked out unto the patio, hearing raised voices that was being drowned out by the music from the other end.

Shocked to hear Adian being rebuked his mother.

Am I hearing right? Did she say that she drugged Adian? Quickly placing the tray quietly on the floor as Adian stumbles towards me holding his head with his eyes closed.

I grabbed ahold of him, allowing him to lean his weight on me, but slowly we both started to slump to the floor.

"Adian, Adian," I cried, looking around for assistance.

"Here let me" Mr Bradford appears beside me, lifting Adian's arm and slung it over his shoulder as Adian's ex and his mother comes into the room, from different directions.

"What happened?" Mr Bradford asks, with worry lines instantly creasing his forehead.

Unable to say what I think I overheard, "is there a doctor near by?" I asked instead, fearful.

"What happened here?" Adian's mom, cried, glaring at me with an accusing look.

Picking up from where my mother in-law left out, Adian's ex ran towards me, trying to hold Adian.

"What did you do to my fiancé?" she shouts loudly.

Mr Bradford comes to my defence immediately, "STOP IT!" he shouts, as Basil walks up to us.

"What the f**k" Basil mutters, immediately, removing the arm Adian had around me, to help Mr Bradford carry Adian.

"Take him upstairs" I instructed.

"No, my fiancé is coming with me" Adian's ex shouts.

Basil ignores her, "Hailey's room" he instructs Mr Bradford.

Turning to Mrs Knights, who was about to scold me, in support of Adian's ex.

"I was coming with the dinner Mrs Bradford took out for you, so I heard everything" I lied, with a icy cold glare.

She was immediately stunned into silence. "Get me a doctor, Adian's mother admitted to drugging him so that he would f**k her" I shout, loud enough for everyone around to hear me, pointing at the ex.

"Take him to my room and stay with him until I get there" I instructed Basil, taking Mel, who apparently followed Basil, with me.

I walked back to the patio, followed by Mrs Bradford and two employees.

Picking up the wine bottle and shot glass, I realise that Adian didn't drink the shot, which was still untouched.

"Who gave you this" I asked Mrs Bradford, lifted the open wine bottle.

"She turned behind her to look at my mother in-law and Adian's ex, who also followed us.

"She did" Mrs Bradford points to Adian's ex.

With a smug look, I look at her "call the cops" I told Mrs Bradford.

Adian's ex, lunges forward to snatch the bottle, which Mel grabs.

"You bitch" she snarls, raising a hand at me.

Shifting, I avoided the slap, but she didn't anticipate a cuff from me. As she tried to recover, I cuffed the other side of her face, threatening her.

"Don't get me started" I growled, pushing her towards Adian's mother.

"You had me followed all my life, you should should warned her about my self defense skills" I laugh dryly.

"Let's go" I tell Mel as Mrs Bradford follows us, a waiter comes running up to her.

"The cops are on their way" he tells her.

As we walk off, I heard an argument start between Adian's ex and his mom.

Mel kept the bottle as we took the stairs, rushing to my room.

Basil was at the door, looking inside. "is he awake" I asked, rushing to move past him.

"Woah", he stops me. " A doctor is with him" he told me, but his eyes were on Mel, or, on the bottle she held.

Frowning, he looks at the bottle, then at me, but I couldn't answer as my lips started quivering and my body started shaking.

"Twenty, nineteen, eighteen" I started counting backwards as I slowly slumped to the floors.

"Seventeen, sixteen, fifteen" I pulled my legs towards my chest, hugging them tightly.

"Fourteen, thirteen, twelve" I stare ahead, seeing nothing. Help me, I cried, I couldn't hear myself. I cannot lose myself! I just can't!


"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six"


"Five, four, three, two, one" taking a deep breath, "Adian" I said, to the man who held my shoulders encouraging me too breathe.

"Good girl" Jerry says, pulling me into a warm embrace.

"Adian" I asked again.

With an encouraging smile, "your husband will be fine. He just needs to sleep for a while." He says, as two cops came out of the room.

It is only now that I became aware of others around.

Basil was hugging Mel, who seemed to be crying and Adian's dad was hugging a weeping Adana.

I smiled holding out my hand towards her.

She rushes into me, "Hailey, thank God you're okay. I was so scared just now" she cries as she hugs me tightly.

"Not so tight Chubbs" Basil chuckles, as he looks down at me, worry still etched on his face.

"Come on" uncle Jerry, helps me to stand, while gently moving Adana.

"The cops want a word with you" he whispers in my ear.

Nodding, I look at him nervously.

"Basil will be with you" he said "and Mr Knox" he added.

Frowning, "did I do something wrong?" I asked, searching my mind, nervously.

"Other than beat the shit out of that whore? No" Basil chuckles, lightly, still worried.