Chapter Eighty Four - Out For A Run

Hailey's POV

Fear rises as memories of that day came flooding back.

"I couldn't see her from where she was hidden, but I distinctly heard the voice. I heard the words" I spoke softly, remembering that awful day no fourteen year old should ever go through.

"The voice said" I continued, "if you don't contain her, I will personally see to it that she remains here and rot" the memories just flows.

"But she fought for me, not against me, that's why she forced me to take the medication" I said remembering nanny Peirce, crying, begging the lady to allow me to stay with her, with the promise of keeping me on medication which will ultimately keep me from remembering" I said my eyes widen in astonishment, at yet another memory that I forgot over the years.

If Basil was surprised. he definitely did not show it, his face remaining, void of any emotions, with eyes on the coffee mug he held in both his hands with elbows on the table.

Staring at Basil's head, wondering where his thoughts were? Would he also think that I belong at a mental hospital? Would Adian's mother convince him that I'm crazy and that I belonged at the hospital? That is why she forced this marriage... to have Adian commit me to the institution so that as my husband, he will retain all that belongs to me?

Covering my face in my hands in frustration. Pushing my chair back, I stood up and Basil looks up at me. I need to get away from him and find nanny Pierce and Mr. Knox.

"I need to clear my head, I'm going to change and go for a run" I informed him, before I left, feeling him, stare after me.

After showering, I donned a purple joggers, with a black tank top, tying a matching purple sweater around my waist, adding a purple and blacks Adidas sneakers.

And I'm ready to run!

Mr Bradford directed me to a short trail that I asked him about. Basil and Mel were sitting at table in the back patio, drinking coffee. Mel and I greeted each other but Basil sat quietly, observing.

"Here hold on to this until I get back" I told Mel placing my room key on the table in front of her. "You can shower and use anything, but it's all still in my luggage.

Narrowing his eyes, at me, still not convince that I won't run?

"We'll continue our conversation when I get back?" I tell him,

He didn't answer me, he just nodded and I realize that he didn't trust me. I chuckle at that thought.

As I hit the trail with the Inn out of sight I saw a young boy no older than sixteen dancing and singing, Michael Jackson's Thriller.

I move to run past him but his eyes brighten as he notices me he.

"Ms Heather" the young boy shouted.

Skeptical, I nod my head,

Smiling excitingly, "my grandpa sent me to drop you a few towns away." he started to explain. "He said if he was to leave, everyone would know that he helped you" he explains to me, showing me his scooter and offering me a helmet.

I understand that what he says makes sense, but a scooter?

Putting caution in the wind, I quickly secured the helmet on my head, putting on the sweater, feeling to ensure that my credit card and cash were still intact.

"I'm Dylan, by the way" he introduces himself.

"Heather" I said, shaking his outstretched hand. "By the way, how old are you?" I had to ask.

Chuckling, "I'm seventeen going on eighteen" he says proudly.

Okay, not sixteen! "So how far are you taking me?" I asked.

He told me how far he's allowed to go and recommend that if I can afford to, that a taxi would take me safely into the city.

It was a long tedious ride but I ended up taking a taxi earlier than planned.

It was late evening when I arrived back in the city, lost for the first time.

The first thing I did was purchase toiletries and two set of clothes and a hotel for the next two days while I put my plan into motion.

After a much needed shower, I ordered room service and while I waited, I contemplated how to make my next move.

A young bellboy brought up dinner for me.

"Can I ask you a favor?" I asked the young guy as he was about to leave.

"Yes ma'am" he says, waiting for me to continue.

"I need a burner phone" I said wishing I could take it back when I saw the surprise look on his face.

"Don't worry forget it and just so you know, I'm not a criminal" I added quickly.

The young bellboy laughs as I was quick to defend myself.

"Yes sure" he told me "how soon would you need it?" he asks.

Hesitating until I saw his encouraging smile.

"Like now?" I asked hopefully. "I just need to inform my husband about my whereabouts" I said, noticing his eyes automatically flew to my wedding band"

Nodding, "Or I could just lend you my phone" he offers.

Makes sense, but....

"I can't have him calling you back" I explained, wishing I didn't start this conversation.

"It's okay. I'll just wait till the morning" I told him, reaching for my dinner.

"Yes ma'am" he respond walking out the door after I tipped him generously.

I dug into my dinner wondering how I could let Basil know that I was fine.

By the time I was done eating, I put the tray outside the door needing to sleep after getting absolutely no sleep last night, the night of the only wedding reception I ever had. I didn't even get cake.

I got up, dialing room service ordering two bottles of wine.

If falling asleep high brings on my nightmares, then I want more of it.