Chapter One Hundred and One - Releasing Pressure



Adian tugged me along with him into what I know to be his private elevator, in a tight grip. I don't don't know if he held me tightly because of the rage he was in or if he didn't realize that his grip on me was hurting.

I opened my mouth to speak to him, but the outline of his clench jaws that he just kept clenching and unclenching, his blue eyes, blazing fire, made me close my mouth just as quickly.

'Adian", I gripped the arm he held me tightly with, "Adian" I tugged his arm when I didn't get a response from him.

He tilted his neck towards me, but avoid looking directly. His breathing confirms that he was fighting to compose himself.

"We're in this together, remember?" I gently reminded him. Leaning myself against the firm muscular arm, that's covered with his navy blue pinstripe Armani suit. "I love you" I whispered softly".

Finally getting his attention, "she just wants to rile you up. Don't let her win, remember we are in this together because the only person she really wants out is me." I encourage him, even if he doesn't know it, I'm also encouraging myself.

Adian reaches out and stops the elevator, breathing heavily, "I'm sorry," he loosens his grip on me, lifting the hand that he just a short while ago, place a wedding band on and kisses my fingers. "I hate not knowing what to expect." he growls softly, drawing me closer, that I felt his warm breath on my neck. "I hate not being in control of everything around me."

Dropping the bags that I held, I wrapped my arms around his head that was bent down, nuzzling my neck.

I was unexpectedly pushed against the elevator wall, with Adian immediately dropping a hand under my dress, working it's way up my thigh, stopping on my underwear.

"Oh God" I moaned, loosing my senses to the heat that's taking over my body. Adian's hands moved rapidly, his open mouth leaving wet kisses as he sucks and bites my neck while, with his other hand, he unzips my dress, letting the top fall, giving him free access to my now exposed breasts.

My body went limp in his arms, while he held me jammed against the wall, starting to unbuckle his pants. I removed his hand and assisted him in getting rid of the clothing that separated us in the moment of our need.

Adain shoved my underwear aside, as I tug his pants and boxers lower until nothing separated the parts of our bodies that craved each other. Even though I was anticipating his penetration, I gasp as he entered me fiercely, pausing inside me, before he leaves my core, then rams himself back into me.

Holding me against the wall, his forehead on mines, he captures my lips in the deepest, most sensual kiss he ever give me. before he rips my underwear, letting it fall to the fall. "I'm not sorry" he moans. With my dress now crumple on my waist, I experience what my friends spoke about. I understood what it is like to the thoroughly f**ked, with Adian lifting me off the floor, wrapping my feet around his waist, pounding himself hard and relentlessly into me.

All I felt was, never ending pleasure, feeling my husband releasing his anger and frustration on my body. I gladly received it because this punishment brings me great pleasure. "Come with me, come with me" Adian moans as I clench his c**k that was buried inside me. "Come" he growled with the both of us letting go at the same time, felt erotic.

We held each other, still breathing heavily, as we gasp for breath, I tighten my arms around his neck, still holding him inside me, until our heavy breathing subsided. Adian being the first to recover, lets me go gently until I'm standing looking down at my torn underwear that was thrown at my feet.

With horror I look up to see the smirk on his lips, "I have to go to the meeting with you and you tore my underwear," I whined to Adian's amusement.

Pushing me back up against the wall, he leaned down and kissed me, biting my lips until I open my mouth for his tongue to invade mines. F**k, my husband felt ready to make another round in the elevator again and even if I wanted too, I was to engrossed in wanton pleasure to object.

Adian used my underwear to clean me up, before cleaning himself up, then pocketed the underwear.

Using the light reflection from the stainless steel walls of the elevator, we dressed each other, with Adian helping me, because I'm now conscious of those on the outside who needed to use the lift.

Sensing my dilemma, "it's my personal elevator," he said, easing my fears. "It only operates with my finger print." Adian adds, slightly eliminating some of my nervousness.

By the time the lift door opens, I kept my eyes glued to my bag of pastries, which I hope hasn't broken apart when i drop it too the floor.

Ignoring Adian's PA, I went directly to his office, opening and adjoining door, which, thankfully was the bathroom.

Using the mirror and tissue paper, I cleaned myself up, washed my face clean and added light makeup. I tried to straightened the creases in my dress which wasn't noticeable, but because it is me, I noticed it.

I jumped guiltily, when the bathroom door open and Adian, walks in locking the door behind him. I look up at him expectantly. He chuckles and walks over to lift the toilet seat, that I just shut close, to urinate.

I was ready to bolt for the door, "don't you dare open that door" Adian warned me, stopping me, but I didn't turn around to face him. This scene is so intimate.

Smiling, "so this is being married."