Adian went into the bathroom, returning with the suit pants he wore earlier today, tugging at a package in his pocket.
Coming to join me on the bed, "he left this for you." Adian hands the slim rectangular box in front of me but I was still angry at Mr. Knox that I refused his gift to me.
Shaking my head, "give it back to him" I pouted, refused the gift, moving to slip under the sheets.
"It's from your father" Adian says quietly, but I spun around, gazing at the box Adian still had outstretched to me.
Still shaking my head, "I don't want it," I was determined not to allow any bribery keep me from achieving my objective, which is finding my father not accepting gifts on his behalf.
Giving me a scrutinizing look, "I'm curious, aren't you?" Adian throws the box on top of the sheet I was hiding under.
Lifting my head up proudly, "then you open it" I invited Adian, even though I was curious, I'm still apprehensive about anything from my past.
Curling his lips, with a slight tilt of his head, Adian ripped the wrapping paper off, flinging it on the carpet.
"Hey" I called out, annoyed at the mess he's making.
Chuckling, Adian slid into bed beside me, lifting the small lid of the box, the both of us butting heads as we leaned forward at the same time to peek into the box.
"Hey" Adian complains, when I reached for the item, "you gave me permission to check it out first remember?"
Huffing with folded arms, I wait for him to take out the piece of jewellery that was cushion against a purple sponge. Adian slowly lifted a silver charm band.
I reached out and pulled it from his hand, "I remember this" I examined the band that belonged to my mom. "She was wearing it that day when she died" I whispered to myself, caressing the small bear charm, and the new one mom bought that last day of a baby, which she was going to surprise daddy with and I was sworn to secrecy.
"I was going to become a big sister," I muttered, caressing the baby charm, unware that I had spoken aloud and Adain was staring at me stunned. "She said that I cannot keep a secret and promise that I could help feed and bathe the baby if I would not squeal out the surprise, because I had a big mouth and couldn't keep secrets." I tell him, "But she killed my baby and I never became a big sister, then I became a orphan." I touched each charm one by one, remembering the meaning of each one because mom use to tell the story surrounding the charms every single night.
Going backwards, "this is the baby mom was having" I touched the last one that mom got on the day she died, "this is Hailey bear" I touch the bear charm. With my fingers on the small house, "this is the church, they got married in." I continued as if I was reciting a nursery rhyme. I touched two persons entwined, "this is mom and dad" tilting my head, enchanted with the entwined figures, "representing my parents, when daddy loved mummy." I smiled sadly.
I saw Adian hand on mines, rather than feel it, so I lifted my eyes to see his soft sad eyes, gazing back at me, "the naked woman at the top of the stairs, she did this" I cried, pulling the band on both ends, trying to break it apart.
Grabbing both my hands, "Hailey!" Adian held my hands as he tried to comfort me, but I was beyond comforting , I was angry and I hated Ameila Knights, I hate her so much I want to be the one to destroy her. I will ruin her reputation in society and I expose her for who she is and what she has done to my family.
I silently pledge as Adian pulls me into his arms soothing my trembling body. I maybe destroying Adian's love for his mother during this and he may turn his back on me, but that is a chance I have to take.
I released the charm band into Adian's hand and laid back on the bed, closing my tired eyes, I have work tomorrow and I have to plan the destruction of Amelia Knights, so I should rest tonight.
I woke up with an uneasy feeling, looking around Adian's empty bedroom. Sitting up on the bed, still sleepy after a restless night.
Mel strolls into the room, dressed in a T-shirt and short jeans, followed by Mrs. Harris holding a tray with coffee and two plates, placing the tray on the bed, giving Mel a disapproving look, when she jumped on the bed, almost toppling the tray.
With an apologetic smile, "sorry" she chuckles at her clumsiness.
"Thank you" I smile, taking my time to get of the bed for the bathroom. I rejoined Mel after quickly washing my face and brushing my teeth, for breakfast.
"What happened last night, if you don't go mind me asking?" I raised my eyes, waiting for her to respond.
Her expression saddens as whatever she was thinking about, disturbs her gravelly.
"Gary called to pressure me into remaining at Knights Foundation to work for Kristen. They are blackmailing me by informing the shareholders of Sullaknights and Knights Foundation, that my own husband refused to hire me to work alongside him because I have sticky fingers" Mel explains, shaking her head unable to conceive what Gary and Adian's ex, are doing.
My plan now includes Mel's soon to be ex's business and how best I can help her, but I am determined that Mel will work for me.
"Reaching behind the bed head, I picked up my phone and dialed uncle Allan.
Adian's f****** ex will not back me up against a wall.
"Organize, we're don't want to be late today!"