Gerard was downstairs having breakfast when I walked into the kitchen with the tray of empty dishes.
Turning around, "have you seen Mel?" I asked wondering if she would back out this morning, but just as I asked the question, Mel strolled in dressed in black pencil skirt with a matching jacket, with blood red inner top, completed with black pumps and handbag. Her short hair neatly slicked back, smiling confidently.
Smiling, appreciating her vogue look, "you are not in the right profession" I whistle, to which Gerard nods, eyes moving from her head to her toe.
I looked at Mrs. Harris, do you know where Adian is?" I was worried, because I fell asleep while he was trying to talk sense into me.
Shaking her head, " I don't know but he did say to bring him his coffee?" she twitch her mouth shaking her head.
"Your coffee is the best, don't worry?" I chuckle and she smiles.
We left for SullaKnights making only one stop at Starbucks. Mel and I went in to pick up seven coffees. We arrived nine on the dot and Mel chuckle, "guess I'm not late if I'm riding with the boss." She commented.
Chuckling, Gerard agrees with her, pulling into the underground parking and I smiled, recognizing Adian's vehicle.
Gerard escorted us ton to the elevator, "you are going with us?" I asked curious.
Smiling, he nods, "I guess that Adian still hasn't mention to you that I am one of your bodyguards" he sighs.
Bodyguard? I need a bodyguard?
"Why?" I asked stupidly.
Laughing nervously as we got to the top floor, "we are almost there." Mel reminds me.
Chuckling softly, "please do not remind me." I turn to give her the same nervous expression, she was wearing.
The elevator doors opened and Mel pulled my hand as we were about to step out, "I can't" she tells me afraid. "I could mess up this company with my husband's lies." she panics.
"Soon, to be ex-husband" I corrected her. "Now lets go! I need your support as much as you need mines." I reminded her.
"And the both of you have mines." Gerard pipes in, leading us into Adian's office, where a receptionist stood to greet us.
"Good Morning, Mrs. Knights," she greeted me, nodding at Mel and Gerard with a fake smile, I thought I invented.
"Hailey!" Caleb walks towards me, arms outstretched, kissing both my cheeks, before turning to greet Mel, "and the beautiful and sophisticated Melinda." He kisses Mel lightly on the cheeks before scuffing at Gerard. "You are not my type." Hooking his arm between Mel and I, he leads us into Adian's office.
As we walked away, I wave at the receptionist, who scowled following us with her eyes.
Walking into Adian's office was different from the first time, because there were extra lightening in the room. Who knew?
Walking towards the couch set in the office, Mel and I place down the coffee cups, giving one to Gerard and one to Caleb.
Caleb whistles accepting his cup, "I could get accustom to this" he chuckles.
"Can you ask Jerry to come up please?" I requested and Caleb was already at Adian's desk dialing Jerry's number.
"Yes, the new Mrs. is here and she brought coffee but it's getting cold" he said and hung up.
Observing his confidence, "that's abrupt" Mel says taking large gulps of her hot latte.
"That's not ladylike." Caleb comes to sit beside Mel. "Take slow sips" he started to demonstrate, showing her how it's done.
"Am I suppose to be trying to seduce someone?" Mel chuckles.
Laughing loudly, "oh sweethearts, you have so much to learn." Caleb was saying when Adian walked in with Jerry and Basil.
"And what exactly are you suppose to be teaching the girls?" Jerry comes towards me to collect a coffee, pecking me on the cheeks.
Shaking his head. "he's about to teach the girls how to drink a cup of coffee seductively." Gerard responds.
Chucking at Gerard's answer, "oh you're just jealous, I didn't greet you with a hug." Caleb gets up for Basil to sit beside Mel and take his coffee.
"Thanks" Basil mutters, turning to Mel, "I didn't know you were coming in today?" he asks Mel, whose eyes lifted to mines.
"I brought her in and we are going to resolve this today, because I need her here and I am not going to be back up against a wall and neither is Mel." I informed Basil, waiting for him to challenge me.
Basil turns to Adian and he just takes a cup of coffee and walks across to his desk, while I started taking large gulps from my cup.
"Oh Hailey" Caleb protested. "This is so gross. Call me when you are done gobbling down your coffee." Caleb walks away through a connecting door, muttering incoherently.
"So what's on the agenda?" I asked Adian who turns to Jerry.
"You're the boss, what do you want?" Jerry asks me instead, while I observe Basil whispering to Mel before they both disappear into Adian's kitchen.
Gazing at their retreating figures, "did I make a bad call bringing her here this morning?" I look at Jerry and Adian.
Standing, Adian comes to sit beside me, "no, but how do you intend to deal with the threat that has been made against her.
Staring at my cup thoughtfully, I smiled and gulped down the entire cup of coffee staring at the extra one, I bought for the rude receptionist, so I helped myself to it.
Chuckling, "thank God Caleb didn't see that" uncle Jerry says, as I started sipping the remaining cup.
"Call a board meeting" I told Jerry and Adian. If they were surprise they didn't show it.
Jerry walked over to Adian's desk calling Caleb on the intercom, "Hailey needs a board meeting arrange a time as soon as possible." he hangs up the phone abruptly after instructing Caleb.
"Is that how we do things?"