Chapter One Hundred and Thirty - Will no Snswers

F**k! F**k! F**k!

"All these f***king years and now everything is coming out in the open!" I shout slamming my hand on the dashboard of the Benz! My prized possession!

Looking at the broken phone, now lying in pieces at my feet. "Lend me your phone?" putting out my hand for Bas's phone."

With one hand on the steering wheel and then other wiping his red eyes, he glared at me. "For the one hundred f***king time, my f**king phone is dead!" he shouts, shaking his head, turning his attention back to the road!

Running my hands through my hair, frustrated., Upset with the way I bolted when I heard what Hailey said. There's so much being hidden from us, that hinders us from moving forward. All the secrets, all the lies and even though I spent all night cussing and breaking things at my parents, dad still refused to cooperate and tell me what Hailey and I need to know.

Staring absently out the open window, smelling of stale alcohol, contemplating, how to explain why I bolted last night.

Other than Bas, no one knows the extent of my search for answers concerning David Sullivan and his late wife.

"My mom was pushed" Hailey and if she was, my mother was the only one standing beside her on the steps, then it means my mother did it! My own, f***king mother, whom I am ready to trash. I love my mother, but I believe Hailey.

Those eyes, can't tell a lie! Her lip, they speak it, but her eyes, her heart are two of her most honest features. I cannot let mom know what is going on and I trust my father to keep the reason for my being home last night confidential.

That f***ing whore kept throwing herself at me all night and I congratulate myself for taking Bas along with me.

Mom on the other hand was elated to see me looking disoriented last night, probably assuming that Hailey and I have had a great falling out. If she only know!

Frowning as we drove into the my penthouse carpark, as is my custom, "my Audi isn't here" I told Bas looking around. I know that it couldn't have been stolen, so, I just shook my head, having enough to worry about and most of all explaining myself to Hailey and my f***ed up attitude last night.

As we walked towards the lift, "what are you going to tell Hailey" Bas, suddenly asks, walking backwards and facing me.

I shook my head, because I honestly have no idea, how to communicate the information I have with Hailey without upsetting her.

"We simply have to thread carefully with what we know and what she remembers. It is safe to allow her memories to return on her own and take each step as we go along." I shrugged, frustrated.

Dipping my hand in my pocket, forgetting that I broke my phone in anger.

"Second thing I need to do, is get myself a phone" shoving Bas, as he walked towards the elevator.

Staring at Bas's disheveled reflection in the mirrored steel of the lift, "I'm sorry I pulled out of bed to deal with this shit man" I smirked, apologetically, "Hailey didn't want me out on my own, because she senses danger around us!" walking out the elevator as the the door opens in front of us!

As I opened the door to the penthouse, "why the f**k isn't today Sunday?" Basil groans and I chuckled but I do need him with me and especially Hailey, because the closer she gets to the truth, the more danger mom will put in her.

"We'll have a light day" I promised, walking into the kitchen, accounting for everyone in the apartment, expect Hailey.

Raising an eyebrow, I nod upstairs, "Hailey still asleep?" I asked, turning to walk out when Chubbs, mocking tone, stopped me.

"Your bride has run off into the sunset again. Maybe you shouldn't have gone off to meet the love of your life, Kristin." Chubbs chuckles and I turned for the stairway.

"Wait" Mel, shouts. I turned back, not missing the angry looks, Chubb's got from Mel, Mrs. Har and Gerard. I look expectantly at Mel, waiting for her to continue because I need to know what the fuck is going on and if Hailey ran away again, even though I begged her not too.

Looking at my hand, "where's your phone, Hailey messaged you and us. She went to the office early and message us when she got there. Gerard was in the shower when she left so he's waiting to take me there." Mel explains calmly and Gerard seems agitated and I know that's he's definitely upset that Hailey's left without him.

The ass***e chuckles behind me, "she must have taken the Audi that he's missing." Bas comments, twitching his mouth. "She's definitely got good taste."

"Unless she didn't crash it before she got there" my sister chuckles, in a mocking tone. Everyone looked at her horrified but I was enraged because I know that mom sent her here to spy on my wife or something to that effect.

Through clenched teeth, like everyone else, I marched up to her angrily, "if you don't start respecting my wife, you will get your f**king ass out of my f**king house and go back to your f***ing mother." I yelled at Chubbs, something I have never done before, slamming my fist down in front of her.

As I started walking off, I turned back to her, "there are things you don't know and don't understand. If you need to know something, ask, otherwise stay the f**k out of mines and Hailey's lives and stop f***ing snooping around my home" I let her know that I am aware of what she is doing. Her face started crumpling and I didn't fall for her tears, because she is just a victim as Hailey.