
I am casually walking to the guild. Got a few glances from veteran adventurers and others due to my face mask or the zero openings I have that get noticed by those with combat experience.

Along the way, I decided to sightsee while walking like a country bumpkin visiting the big city for the first time. The only reason I'm like this is because it isn't every day you get transported to an anime world. Well, I can't treat this place like an anime cause this is now my reality meaning everyone is now a real person and will not have predetermined actions.

I need to find out how far off or along is the story to prepare for when events happen. If I decided to take part in what happens. I noticed that I'm getting closer to the giant tower where the guild should be located nearby.

I noticed a lot of adventurers around a grand looking building so this must be the place. As I'm walking to the building a party of 4 female adventurers waved at me. I decided to wave back and they started giggling. I'm not sure if they are making fun of me or not but one of the giggling girls' faces changed to that of horror as she tried to warn me of something.



I felt like I bumped into a brick wall but a warm one that had muscles. I turn my head to see that I bumped into one of the people I wanted to avoid Ottar.

"Oh s-"

Stopping myself from cursing I looked directly into Ottar's eyes and he stared back.

(Author: cue anime love at first sight music

Naozumi: Shut the fuck up!!! )

"Hmm" the noise Ottar made while looking at me.


Everyone in the vicinity is looking at us. All of them had pity on their faces. Some even took off their hats and helmets like they paying respect to the dead.

"Umm... Sorry, excuse me..."

"..." Ottar said nothing

Everyone else is looking at me like a dumbass who is about to die. There is no way in hell I could fight Ottar unless I'm on the same level as him. Then I could say with confidence I could beat him but the current situation isn't good at all. There is a high chance that he could tell Freya about me if he decides to leave peacefully.

Ottar just turns and starts walking to the tower but he stopped and I felt killing intent like none other before but I returned it back in full. My intent barely holding his back. Most don't notice what's going on but the higher level and more experienced notices. Like how it appeared it stopped just like that and Ottar just walked off towards the tower. It is a good 5 minutes before anyone spoke out of fear of Ottar's wrath.

"Damn kid you got balls of steel!" said a random adventurer

"I've never seen someone face ottar without pissing themselves. You have my respect." said another adventurer.

One of the giggling girls came up to me.

"Are you ok?" she asked.


"That's good" she responded.

The other girls come over and repeat what the first girl asked and I responded with the same answer.

"My name is Emily" said, one girl

"My name is Fana" said the elf girl

"Kira" said the amazonian

"Name is Mira" said another girl that looks like Kira.

(A/N: None of them are romantic interest before you guys ask just friends)

"If you need help just ask us since we are kinda at fault you bumped into Ottar" said Emily.

The other girls nodded in unison agreeing with Emily.

"It's ok I'm fine I'm just about to register at guild"

The girls had a concerned but also confused look on their faces. Mira walks up to me about to ask something.

"What level are you?" she asks.












"How" asks Kira

"How what?"

"How did you withstand his killing intent?" Kira responded.

"I sent my own back"











"Your lucky to be alive right now" says Fana.

After conversing with the party of 4 females we finally say goodbye and I head inside the guild. Some were whispering and pointing at me and the people listening have a look of disbelief on their faces.

I see two receptionists at the counter and chose the one called Rose. The other is that half elf but I didn't like her for some reason I don't know why. So deciding to talk to the red haired wolf girl I walk up to her.

"Hello, sir how may I help you?" she asks.

"I would like an I.D. and to register as an adventurer"

"Ok, what's your name and I'll need to know your level" said Rose.

"Naozumi Ito Level 1"

"I'll be right with your I.D. please wait patiently" said Rose

Right about now I wished I had music. It just dawned upon me that I'm most likely never gonna be able to listen to my music ever again. A downcast fell on me as I waited 5 mins for Rose to return.

Upon seeing my depressed state I see a hint of concern on her face. She passed me the I.D. but before I leave Rose stops me.

"Wait are you in any familia?" she asks.


"I can set up an appointment with some familias" She responded

"I humbly decline"

"Well, would you like for me to be your adviser?" she asks.


"Are you ok?" she asks.


"Can you tell me what happened?" asking another question.

"I realized something that I'm used to and got me through life will never be obtainable here"

"I'm sorry to hear that is there anything I can do to help?" Rose asks.

"No, even if you do help it's impossible to get what I want even gods can't get it"

"Even the gods?" she said confused.

"Doesn't matter. No use in crying over spilled milk. Anyway I'll be going now"

"Ok just don't go in the dungeon till you join a familia, please. We lose a lot of new adventurers due to overconfidence or just plain stupidity. You don't look like either of the two so please heed my warning"


Since you sound so concerned about my well being I'll listen but as soon as I get a familia I'm going to at least floor 10.

I began to leave the booth and Rose waved goodbye and waved back. Leaving the booth and guild building I see people watching a group of adventurers. Looking closely it's Loki's head dungeon team. All of them are accounted for and I began profiling them to see where the story is at. Ais looked a bit younger than what is shown in the anime about 14 or 15. So that means I either got 2 years or 1 year before the canon starts. So to be on the safe side ill say that the canon starts in a year.

I turn around and leave but feel Ais look at me then carry on. The party stopped and asked her what's wrong but I don't feel like eavesdropping.

My next step is to find a cheap and good in for the night. I walk around for at least an hour till I feel a gaze more powerful than Ottar fall upon me. I immediately snap in the direction of the gaze but see no one. Whoever it is is faster than me. I'll continue to look for an inn but away from here.

(??? pov)

Oh my, what terrifying perception. To even notice me from this distance and know exactly where I am is not something a normal level 1 can do but after all, he isn't a normal level 1. Let's see what's so special about you that I had to come down here to see what's going on fufufu...

(Hope y'all enjoyed the chap and no it's not Freya)