
In my search for a decent and affordable inn, I found one that charges 600 valis a night but I have a problem. Someone keeps watching me but I can never catch whoever it is no matter how hard try. Oh well, I'm going inside to get a room I'm a bit tired from today.

(hours ago)

Ok, let's find a place to stay for the night. I wonder should I find a familia. Nah that's tomorrow's problem. I wonder who was that following me? Freya? No, Ottar should be going up the tower right now so it isn't her. I don't know anybody at the current time that could know about me so fast. It could be a god who heard about my encounter outside the guild building with Ottar. Whatever the case is they don't know my face so it's fine. I need a night to rest after today.

Suddenly I feel the same gaze upon me I quickly turn towards it but no one is there. The hell why did this person come back after the first time? Wouldn't they think it's a good idea to wait before trying peep again? Let's extend the stroll through town so I can get a layout of the city.

I walk around for 2 hours memorizing every street and back alley. Right now I'm in a not so guarded area. The people in this area are poor but not slums poor. That doesn't mean that this area wouldn't have any people looking for trouble. There are 5 guys following me. I must look like an easy target. I lead the thugs in the same manner as the bandits I killed. They are not even caring about being covert at all. I feel their malicious intent because they are not hiding it at all. They must really think that I'm that easy.

I lead them to a dead end alley because I don't the innocent citizens of the area to see the upcoming event. As soon as I reach the end I turn around.

"You can stop hiding"

5 thugs come from around the corner with smirks on their faces like they're looking at a big bag of money.

"So you knew that we were following you" said the thug that appears to be the leader.

No shit Sherlock

"You see, we noticed you walking around without a care in the world. You looked like you were sightseeing so you must be new around here" said the lead thug.


"So we are gonna beat your ass and take your valis and that sword on your hip. Looking at you now I see that you are clean too clean. Must be a son of a wealthy merchant so you'll make a good ransom" explained the lead thug

"Yeah" said the muscular thug agreeing with lead thug.

All of them are snickering right now. Don't they find me being calm in this situation alarming?

"Hey look how calm he is. Must think daddy is gonna come save him" said a skinny thug

"I bet he's scared as shit right now hoping we spare him" said another thug.

That person is back must be here to watch the show. If it is a show you want a show you get.

"Mell grab him" said the lead thug.

"With pleasure" said the muscular thug.

He starts walking up to me and put my hand on my blade ready to slash him at a notice.

"Hahaha... Kid, you got guts but your little bit of sword training can't help you against a level 2. So just give up and I beat the shit out of you as badly" the muscular told me.

As he got closer to me he reached out his hand to grab me but I'm not gonna let him touch me. I tightened my grip on Estoc drawing it and cut his arm.


On the ground laid the severed arm of the muscular thug.

"Ah-" the muscular thug tried to tell but I interrupted



I slashed his throat which caused him to reach for it with his remaining hand. He drops to the ground choking on his own blood. I didn't even look at him I just looked at the shocked faces of the other thugs with a cold stare.

The leader snapped out of the daze and pointed at me.

"Kill him!!" the leader ordered the other thugs.

The others snapped out their dazes and rushed at me. The 3 thugs had anger on their faces for killing their comrade. Like I care anyway.

Three thugs rushed while the leader stayed back. The skinny one tried to slash me but I sidestepped and tripped him. The next thug aimed to behead me. I ducked and slashed his stomach causing him to fall to the ground holding his stomach. The last thug backed off but is smiling.

Do you think I'm a fool? I know there is someone behind me. I stabbed my sword behind me and hear the skinny thug moan in pain. I feel him slide off the sword dropping to the ground. I didn't even look back at him but feeling how he isn't moving means I pierced his heart.

The last one that tried to rushed me tried to run but I summoned my gun and shot him in the lower spine causing him to fall to the ground. He tried to crawl but I walked up and shot him in the head. The one guts I slashed is still alive but doesn't have much time left. I aim and shoot him in the head ending his misery.

The lead thug is standing there shocked at what just happened. If he was smart he would have left not that he would have gotten far anyway.

I walk towards him and he starts backing up scared shitless. He trips and starts backing away. I walk up to him and point my gun at his head.

"Y-You can't kill me! I'm from the Soma familia! If you kill me he will have revenge!" said the lead thug.

So they are part of the Soma familia. Doesn't matter if I kill him then. I noticed he is smiling thinking that he gonna get off Scott free.

"You hear my God and you're reluctant huh Hahaha!" the thug laughed.

"No, I'm going to kill you... The reluctance you saw was me remembering if Soma would care if you die"

He turned pale knowing the answer. He tried to go for his sword but a mana bullet is way faster.


Like that he died but before I check they got anything useful.

"You enjoyed the show"

I fall into the shadows and come out on top of the building that is in front of the alley and sees no one here. This person is really getting on my nerves. I fall back into the shadows and loot the dead bodies in the alley.

(??? pov)

That was close he almost caught me. If I wasn't any faster he would have got me most likely tried to kill me but that wouldn't work since I'm way faster.

That fight was rather interesting. He is level one but can fight two level twos and two level ones easily. The last guy isn't worth mentioning since he stood back like a coward. That weapon he pulled is interesting too. I've never seen anything like it. It's way stronger and faster than a bow and arrow. I'll find out more about it but it appears to be summoned by magic. His shadow element took me by surprise as well but he wasn't quick enough. I wonder what else is he hiding.

For my third time down here a lot has changed. That man isn't here. Damn dog forever in heat isn't such a big shot anymore. I give him credit for being smart and never going after me cause it would lead to his death.

Moving on the very interesting person I'm following has gone out the alley. Let's follow and see where he's going. Show me more interesting things.

(2 hours later)

He seems to be getting very irritated that I'm following him. He has tried many times to get me but I'm always one step ahead of him. He has tried a lot of interesting ways to trick me so that he can catch me. If I was any other person he would have got me. What kind of skill does he have to even detect me anyway? Cause there is no way he can detect me with normal senses.

He goes into an inn and gets a room. I wait a couple of hours till he is asleep but just to make sure he is asleep I look directly at him since his body always has a reaction when I stare directly.

Seeing no reaction I sneak into his room easily and see him laying on the bed sleep. Getting a good look at his face without that mask he is very handsome. He can compete with gods with his looks.

I move closer but suddenly a black needle like sword is at my throat.

"It appears I've been finally caught"

He sits up and looks at me with a serious expression.

"Who are you?" he asks coldly.

"Making demands I see"

Narrowing his eyes he said "You aren't in a position to be making jokes... Now I shall ask for the last Time who are you?" this time adding killing intent.

"Woah thats some good killing intent. Wouldn't expect less from someone that doesn't belong here"

He tries to stab me in the throat but I stopped him by releasing some pressure on him. His expression is more serious now but I can tell that he is confused about how I know that he doesn't belong here.

"To answer your spoken question I am the ruler of the night. I was there near the dawn of creation. The one that even Zeus himself wouldn't dare anger.

I am the Primordial Goddes Nyx"

(Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter Nyx's picture is here)