Chapter 11- A Place Called Home

--Alexandria POV--

As I walked down the corridor the next day on my way to the garden where Ryder was most likely already scrounging down his breakfast, I was surprised when a maid came scurrying towards me and when she was close enough, she moved down into a respective curtsey.

"Is everything alright? You look to be in a hurry," I asked, concerned as she stood back up, chest heaving up and down as she took some quick breaths.

"Oh yes, my lady. I am here to escort you to the dining room. The King has requested your presence for breakfast," Without so much as waiting for a reply, the maid spun around and started walking once again and I obediently followed.

I was planning on just picking a few berries from the many berry bushes in the garden as I had always done on the island with John but I guess Alpheus had other plans.

"Lady Alexandria is here, my King," The maid said in a shaky voice.