Chapter 48- Take Me Home

--Alexandria POV--

The sound of the metal prison door being scraped open was heard before my hiss of pain as I was pushed inside and stumbled, almost falling to my knees if not for my quick reflexes. I stood up straight and turned to look at the two guards.

One a girl, the other a guy. Both with disgusted looks on their faces.

I didn't say anything and turned to look at the ground as they walked away after locking the door, cursing me under their breaths as they did, both of them disgusted with me like everyone else who judged me based off of false rumours.

Before I could move, I heard the sound of approaching footsteps and picked my head up to see Tobias standing in front of me on the other side of the metal bars. Now that I was stood here behind bars did I realise how pathetic I must have looked.

"Alexia..." He started hesitantly.

"Please go," I mumbled quietly, turning my body away from him. I really couldn't handle anyone or anything right now.
