Chapter 50- Princess Alexandria

--Valentino POV--

It was too harsh. Why would he do this to me?

She looked to me desperately, tears glimmering in her eyes as she waited for me to defend her. How I wanted to do just that but the look that father sent me left my heart squeezing in excruciating pain that I didn't even think was possible.

"Val! At least you have to believe me, right? You of all people should know that I wouldn't steal!" I bit into my lip, hard enough for the metallic taste of blood to invade my mouth.

I wanted to say 'Yes! I believe you,' but I couldn't. I wanted to go up to her and kiss her senseless, hug her until she felt safe and beat the living crap out of that filthy animal that called himself my father.

I was shaking. Rage taking over as I clenched my fists until the nails were digging into my palm.