Chapter 55- A Returning Visitor

--Alexandria POV--

“Where’s Ryder?” I asked Otis as he sat on the ground beside me but as soon as he heard the name of the eagle, he rushed to go hide in his tree.

I chuckled after him and shrugged it off, going to the treehouse to pick out a simple knee-length dress along with some undergarments and my coconut shampoo and aloe vera facewash which I had made by myself for my morning shower.

On the way to the river, I stopped beside John's grave and greeted him before continuing on my journey where I bumped into Ryder pecking at some berries.

“Ryder. Care to join me for a shower?” He squawked his disagreement before flapping his wings and racing off as I stared after him for a moment. That eagle hates showers just as much as I hate civilisation.