"BABY, YOU KNOW THAT I MISS YOU! I WANNA GET WITH YOU! BUT I CANNOT BABY GIRL, AND THAT'S THE ISSUE! I JUST ASKSVXJS WITH YOU! APJLADKAB KISS ME THROUGH THE PHONE!~" our parents laugh at my keyboard smash lyrics. Jane was so busy laughing her heart out whilst clutching her stomach that she missed out on her part which made the whole situation even more funny.
"Ah, my stomach hurts so damn bad!"
"Language, Princess." The king says in a semi stern voice.
The karaoke session continues joyfully with all of my favorite people in the world. It makes me feel warm inside, to see them being stress-free and happy and laughing along as I was being a goofball.
"YEAH!" I scream to the unknown lyrics, something which is called as rap by Jane.
Jane doubles over laughing and her whole face reddens greatly.
"Song change!" I take the cord and change the song to something else.
~My Heart Will Go On, by Celine Dion~
"Oh Titanic!" I remember watching the movie along with my parents when I was a child. I was barely a five year old when we three watched it at home on the DVD, the only entertainment DVD we possessed those times.
"Jane! Jane! Let's reenact the scene!"
"That one?!"
"Yes, that one!" we giggle like little kids before she faces the karaoke and lifts her mic up to sing. I stand behind her and lift our hands up, but I wiggle my hips to make them bounce. (pretty inappropriate if you ask me)
"Oh RON!" I laugh when my parents shout and my mom slaps my bottom for being nasty.
"He's such a sweetheart!" The queen exclaims.
"Your daughter's one of a kind too, your majesty!" The mothers start a conversation but we both were too immersed into our performance to entertain the dads.
"That was FANTABULOUS!" The king yells in delight and stands up to give us an applause. We, bring a dramatic couple we are, bow to the parents like the people do at the end of their show.
"Ah the roses are missing!" My mom screams over the music, making us chuckle.
"Ah...today was wonderful. Thank you kids. I didn't know I needed some fun elements in my stressful royal life..." The king says and hugs us both. We feel the genuineness and hug him back.
Being a royal is different, but being a king is much more harder. There's too much on your head and there's too much more on your plate to handle.
I admire the king just for being himself. The deification, the love for his profession and his people, and his kindness and generosity. No wonder the daughter is the most perfect woman on earth.
And it's my absolute, humble duty to cherish and adore the princess like my daughter, my lover and my mother. That's why she is my mate.
"Ron, where are we even going?" Jane enquires, whining. I have her clung around me like a koala, blindfolded and obedient in my arms as we go through the dungeon. I keep the voices of the roaring, raging beasts away from her by blocking the sounds out with my powers.
"Are we here yet?" she whines again.
"Don't you like being in my arms, baby girl?"
"Nuuu I do! But- but I don't like surprises..."
"Uh huh." I chuckle when she wriggles in my arms, similar to throwing a tantrum.
"Alright. We're here babe." inflate at the wolf-witch who snarls at our presence.
The blindfold is slowly dropped as I fling my wrist to clear out on the sounds, finally letting them reach Jane's ears.
I watch as her eyes widen at the maximum, realization seeping through as she looks at me...
...with a betrayed expression.
"Why am I brought here?"
"To clear some misunderstandings out, honey." I explain and bring my hand up to place the stray strand of her hair behind her ear. My heart almost leaps out of my chest when she slaps my hand away harshly.
I understand. I can percept how she must be feeling right now because she loathes this woman and vice versa. That'd why I'm here to resolve the issues which were left unattended and unresolved since many years.
Having grudges is never good. It ruins your soul's integrity and leaves you scarred for life. You are never happy if you hold grudges against anyone.
"Jane, please. Listen to me baby. I want you two to talk it out. I will leave you two alone, but I cannot guarantee your safety that way. But I promise I won't hear anything you both have to converse about. But please, consider what I've said and talk, both of you. I know you have some unresolved issues to be clarified and I want it done now so that 'I' will be free." I say with a soft voice. I point to myself because I want both of them to live a happy life. Though the princess is happy with me but deep down, she remembers the sadness she's dawned upon herself years ago.
I want Jane to have the memory of her talking it out and being polite to each other, and I'll make sure of it.
I sigh and walk further away, turning around and blocking out the conversation but keeping the visuals steady on her. I can't hear her, yes, but I can sense danger better than anyone. And if the witch initiates anything funny...she's going to regret doing so.
Jane stops glaring for awhile, her head held down. She slowly lifts it up and looks at me through the shield which blocks out out sounds.
A tear drop trails down her cheek. I manage to be as stoic as possible because damn do I want to wipe that tear off of her rosy cheek. But I won't.
She cries...
...because she feels guilty.