

This early in the morning the terminal was empty and Marcus pulled up to the departure lounge and as he alighted from the car, the squad car from the airport patrol pulled alongside him.

“Stephanie, don’t move I will deal with this; the less people know that we are here, the better it will be for both of us. Go straight inside while I speak with these two squaddies. I will get your bags inside shortly.”

“Men! He did not realise that I travelled extra light and by the time he finished chatting, I should already be on the plane,” she mumbled.

“Morning, gentlemen.”

He spoke in an authoritative manner as he acknowledged the two uniformed men in the service vehicle,

“Morning, Supt, what brings you to the airport so early?”

“Oh, dropping my niece that is flying out. Are things ok?”

“Yes, so far, Boss. Things are quiet Supt.”

“Anderson, we need to link up at the usual spot to drink some juice and of course, carry young Paul here.”