Chapter 5

Austin's pov

Since that friday night, when Ace saved me my heart won't calm down. But then that saturday morning, he seemed weird. He didn't talk that much while he drive me back home. Kai and Jake were also waiting at the entrance for me that day. Then he left without saying a word to me or two. Did I pissed him off last night? Did I say something while I was asleep?

Right now, I'm standing in front of my locker waiting for Ace. After how many minutes, he finally came. I quickly run towards him while I smile brightly like nothing's wrong. "Ace! Thank you again for saving me last friday. I really don't know what to do without you!"

"What do you want?" He answered coldly as he glared at my soul.

"W-what's the matter? Haha did you woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" I awkwardly laughed. But then...

"Shut up," he said while furrowing his brows "I've had enough! I've had enough faking all of the things I'm doing,"


"That's right! It was all pretend!" He smirks "You know ever since you came into my life, everything became so gayish!" He shouts

"I-I'm-" I tried saying I'm sorry but I was too nervous since everyone's eyes were on me and him. "A-Ace let's talk about it-"

"Oh shut it! I hate guys like you! Always hide things as if they're not obvious," he said the he slowly leaned forward and whispered "I hate gay guys like you and maybe I should've let that guy raped you instead," My eyes widen from his words as I slapped him and tears were running down my face.

"Yeah! You should have!" I shouted while crying "What's the matter with you all of a sudden?" I whisper and walk away from him. I didn't attend the first period as I directly walk to the rooftop to calm down.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I mumbled and cried.

As lunch time came by, it seems that I lost of my appetite. I can't help thinking about Ace and about what he said. "And maybe I should've let that guy raped you instead?" As I think about it, why did he save me? Maybe he should've let that guy then kill me after raping as well and hide my remains as if nothing happened, then this wouldn't happen, right? He can refuse Kai's request about being friends with me. He doesn't have to pretend.

"Such an asshole," I mumbled as I look out the fence. We're currently in the rooftop, eating. I look over to Kai and Jake, who are being flirty and making out. I shake my head and rolled my eyes. Sometimes, I don't really want to hang out with these two.

"Earth to Austin! You okay?" Kai called out as he was sitting on Jake's lap while facing him and hugging him.

"What?" I

"You keep on sighing and looking down. You didn't even touch your lunch." he said "Is it about that friday night? Does yourbody hurt somehwere?"

"Of course not. I'm trying to forget that though," I said "But I'm fine, I guess. I just don't have the appetite to eat,"

"Did something happened between you and Ace?" My eyes widen as I heard his name but instead of telling Kai, I brushed him off

"No! Of course not!" I laughed "Why would something be wrong with us? You're funny Kai,"

"Okay but tell me if there is a problem,"

"Yeah sure," After we finish our lunches, I quickly walk towards Ace's room. I asked his classmates if he is inside and then they called him. Yeah, that fast. But the moment he walk towards me, I can feel the atmosphere between us change. I can't breathe properly, I began to sweat, my heart is palpitating so fast and sight is becoming to blur though I'm trying to keep up.


"Uhm are you going to my house later??" I said as I manage to talk properly. I get a little fidgety since he's looking at me with daggers.

"What? I told you right? I hate people like you. Did you even listen to me this morning?"

"Why do-"

"Just go away!" He shouts. "Do you really wanna know? It's because you're gay and obviously, you wanna have sex with me. As if!"

"Right," is all I said as everyone's eyes are on me. He just outed me and i just smiled at him. "Then let's stop seeing each other. Might as well disappear from your sight,"I said and walk out in front of him. I decided to go back to my classroom and along the way, I began to wobble. I leaned my side against the wall sight became black as I panted heavily.

"Hey Austin! Where you goin'?" Johnny asks as gently pats my shoulder "Are you okay? You seem so pale," Then I suddenly fell down and began to breathe more heavily. I can feel Johnny is supporting my head. "You're hyperventilating! Does someone have plastic bag or paper bag!? Please anyone!"


"Thanks! Here you go Austin. Just breathe slowly," Then Johnny put it on my mouth and help me start to breathe slowly. "Feeling better now?"

"Y-Yeah, thanks."

"Let's go to the infirmary," Johnny help me up as he supported me by putting my arm on his shoulder and hold me by my waist while we headed to the infirmary. When we reach the infirmary, the nurse quickly helped Johnny as they slowly lie me down on the bed. I suddenly crunched down as I felt some aching on my stomach. "I'm going back to class now Austin and don't worry I'll tell Ace about what happened, bye!!" He waves.

"Wai-" before I can stop him, he quickly ran out the infirmary. I sighed as the nurse checks my temperature and stomach. She then gave me a menthol ointment then let me rest as she fix the curtain by closing it. Thinking about what he said awhile ago makes my heart hurt as my tears suddenly burst out. Then after minutes of silent crying, I drifted off to sleep.

I guess he does hate me but he doesn't have the right to out me when I, myself, am not sure how to tell other people. What a great way to ruin my day.

I slowly woke up as soon as I heard someone calling me."Austin? Wake up now. The classes ended already," The nurse calls out I slowly get up and found her smiling. "You should go home to have more rest because it seems that you're so pale. Make sure to stay hydrated," "

"Okay. Thank you miss," I was actually expecting Ace to be looking after me but it seems that he's really serious about hating me and faking all of it. Why can't I just accept that? We've only hang out for a couple of months so no need for me to keep liking him, right? As I slowly walk back to my classroom and took my bag, my phone starts ringing. When I took it out, I see mom's caller ID.

Me: Hello mom?

Mom: Austin honey*sobs*

Me: M-mom what's the matter?

Mom: Your grandma. She's... dead.

Me: What? Where are you guys now?

Mom: Hospital. Please honey hurry up!

Me: I'm coming! I ran as fast as I can but someone pull my collar which makes me fall backwards. "You're weak as ever," he smirks. When I turn around it was Ace "What are you looking at?" He glares "

Let me go! I don't have time for this Ace," I said, trying to stand up.

"Nope, I will not!"

"I said let me go Ace!" I shouted at the top of my lungs

"Nope," he still mocked

"LET ME GO!!!" I slapped his hand and stand up but when I was about to run, he grab my arms and pull me again. "I said I will not!!" He shouts back but then I slapped him by the face, once again.

"Do you think I have time for this when my grandmother is dying?! I don't know what's with you today but let me go! Hate me if you want, watch me suffer, kill me, I don't care!" I glared as tears run down my face then he slowly let my hand go.


"You just outed me a while ago, in front of everybody," I cried and panted "Yeah, I'm gay so what? Outing myself, I must be the one to decide that and not you! You don't have to follow what Kai says, you don't need to be friends with me if you don't like it. If you've had enough and don't want to pretend anymore... I've had enough as well," I grab my bag and sighed.

Ace didn't say anything as he just stare at me with a blank expression but I didn't mind as I quickly ran outside and get a taxi cab. Grandmother hang on please. Luckily, a taxi stopped in front of me. "Uhm sir, can you please hurry to the hospital? It's an emergency,"

"Sure thing, kid."

Ace's pov

I feel a bit guilty for what I did today. I was just in a bad mood since my cousin is coming over tomorrow and I just hate her, she's so annoying. When I got the news from Mom last Saturday morning, It all became bad. I know I'm not suppose to take it out on him, I think I should apologize. It's true, I don't have the right to out him and he doesn't need to disappear just for my sake.

While walking towards the cafe, my group came up to me.They invited me to go karaoke and they said they would bring girls so I agreed. But even though I'm not in the mood, I still did. "Yo! Cheer up man! You and Austin will be okay soon!" Johnny says "I called the girls over so chill, bro."

"How did you know that?"

"I can see right through you man!" He laughs

"Well I guess you do." I chuckled "But seriously, how?"

He looked at me with confusion and said "Didn't I texted you that Austin was hyperventilating and that I helped him walk back to his classroom?"

"Huh?" I quickly took out my phone and saw his text. "Oh," I should've... Nah, I said I hated him . He might even wonder and cry more if what is wrong with me.

"Hi," the girls greeted as we entered the room. I look at them one by one and Man, Johnny knows our type. Big boobs, pretty face and that hot body, damn.

"Yo," Johnny greeted. I sat with the who was at the corner and started talking to her. Everyone started flirting except for one, Kai. I noticed that he seems uncomfortable talking to her. That's a first. I mean, Kai would always flirt and Jake would get in the way. But now, something's wrong.

"Hey, wanna come to my house after this?" the girl asked

"Sure baby," I smirked. Then suddenly the girl that keeps on touching and all flirty with Jake, pulled him up and they both stand at the front. The girl suddenly kissed Jake in the lips and the girls cheered and squeals as we became silent and look at each other. We began scared as Kai emits a murderous aura and sent us all a glare. Kai seemed to be so pissed off that he sighed, quietly stood up, get his bag and walk out the door. He slams the door behind then all of us boys look at each other. "I'll go get him," I said. I quickly stood up and walk out too. Then when I close the door behind me, I looked for Kai and found him standing outside the shop so I asked a dumb question "Kai, are you okay?"

"Do I look like okay?" he glared.

"Geez just asking," I sigh "Its just that- It looks like Jake is having fun with that girl and stuff. Nahh, I won't care."

"Oh okay. By the way, I need your help." I awkwardly said

"What is it again this time?" he asked, getting more pissed. I paused and thought for a moment if I should tell him or not. And...

"Me and Shorty has a problem again. I didn't know that his grandma is dying, so I keep joking around him a while ago and-"

"Wait his grandma is dying?"

"Yeah, he's in the hospital right now."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I was scared to tell you and I was in the bad mood. Now, you're pissed off which gives me chills."

"But you don't have the right to take out your anger on him!" he shouts and ran quickly to the taxi area.

He doesn't have to rush, right? Its not like its his own grandmother. I get that they're childhood friends but it's a family matter. I shook my head and went back inside but when I was about open it, Jake came out. "Where's Kai?" He asks in a worried tone

"The audacity of yours to ask after kissing a girl, huh?" I said "He went to see Austin. Hospital,"

"Shut up," then he ran outside to get a taxi cab. After he left, I go back inside to drink some more beer and have fun with the girls. Maybe this will keep me from thinking Austin.