Chapter 8

Ace's pov

As we head home that day, Kai prepared Austin's favorite food 'Pesto' as well as iced tea. When we entered his house, everybody popped their party poppers and welcomed him home. He started crying and said "I'm home," he then turn to me and wrap his arms around me.

It's been a month since, everything is going pretty smooth. Until this new friend of his came in the picture, Jamie Wilstone. We met him a week ago when we were having a date in the arcade. The three of us were playing car race when they suddenly talked to each other, he treated the both of us french fries and stuff which was not suppose to happen. It was supposed to be a date but Austin keeps on asking him to come with us. I can't argue with him too, I don't want to ruin his day so I agreed for that Jamie guy to come.

When I was being flirty with Austin this morning, Jamie came forward to greet us. Austin was shocked to see him and that he's the grade as us. Not only I was shocked, I was also frustrated upon seeing him. He's in class C while Austin is in Class A and I'm in Class B. Ever since meeting him at school that day, everytime we have lunch, Austin would invite him to come eat with us too. It's suppose to be our private time together but thsi Jamie guy is really getting on my nerves. Even after class, he would be hanging out with us or with Austin alon without me knowing. I get that the both of them has the same hobbies or interests but does that also mean to ignore your boyfriend when he's there?

He doesn't even ask me if I was okay inviting that Jamie. I also noticed that this Jamie guy is looking at Austin differently. Sometimes he would put his arms around Austin, or even hug him to the point that it gets into my nerves. Like seriously? The disrespect right in front of the boyfriend? He knows that me and Austin have a relationship! Austin told him everything so get on with it. Now, I'm here completely spacing out and quiet since these two won't stop talking to each other. But then thankfully the bell rings.

"Jamie! I'm going to class first see you later!" Austin waves as he walk towards his classroom. Acknowledging that Jamie more than my existence.

"Hey, I need to talk to you with something." Jamie starts as he stopped me.

"What is it?" I asked coldly and glared

"I'm going to get Austin from you," he smirks. I pulled his collar and slam his body against the wall. "Don't you dare do that! He is mine, only mine and I will never ever let him go,"

"Hah... Well it seems to me that he doesn't even care if you're there," he smirks then he shove my hands and walk away. But he stop and said "I will get snatch his heart from you and I'll be the one who'll love him,"

My eyes widen as he started walking away. Now that I think about it, they are both similar with almost everything. Somehow, they clicked. What if he succeed in taking him away? I'll be sure to never let that happen. Lunch time came, Austin waited for me in front of the classroom but then my mood suddenly dropped when I saw Jamie behind him. I glared at Jamie and looked at Austin "You know what? Why don't you eat lunch together? It's not like I need to be there anyway." I said as I walk away from them. But then Austin grabbed my hand and look at me with puppy eyes. I pulled him into a corner and slammed my hands on the wall, trapping him between my arms.

"B-But I want to eat with you," he said as he blushes.

I sighed and said "I will eat with you if you get rid of Jamie,"

"What? No, he was ditched by his friends and I'm-"

"Well, is he ditched everyday by his friends?" I said. I sighed once again on frustration and gave up. "I'm not hungry. Go eat with him, I don't care." He once again grab my arm but eventually gave up after I did not turn back.

After school, I decided to go home on my own since Austin would probably ditch me anyway. As I drive home, I realized that tomorrow is Austin's birthday and its Saturday. So I was thinking, I will treat him in a restaurant. So I made reservations with my dad's friend who owns a restaurant, I also requested to have a bouquet of roses, the human-size teddy bear I bought has always been ready and the cake is ready too. The next day, I texted him to come with me at the park this afternoon since I wanna make it up to him for what happened yesterday. I'm just thankful that he's not mad and said yes without inviting Jamie.

I took his hand and entwined it with mine though he's busy with his phone rather than enjoying the cool breeze with me. So I took his phone and put it on my pocket. "Hey," he said "I was talking to Jamie," he pouts. Really? Right in front of me?

"Austin, are you free tomorrow afternoon? Maybe at 4?" I asked as I move him closer to me while he leaned on my side.

"I think so. Why?" he said "Jamie and I made plans actually,"

"Remeber that restaurant I told you?" I said as I changed the topic.

"The one that your dad's friend own? Yeah, why?" he nodded

"Well, since its your birthday tomorrow, I was thinking we could have a date on a restaurant and I have a suprise for you ." I said as we sat on the nearest bench. I slide my arms behind him and pull him closer. "Cancel all plans for tomorrow and reserve it for me."

His eyes widen as he wrapped his arms around me. "Okay! I promise!! I will be there! What should I wear? A suit?" He smiles excitedly and gave me a peck on the lips "I love you,"

"I love you too,"

The next day, before lunch I checked if everything was really ready at the restaurant. Even though its Austin's birthday, It excites me to have the whole night with him. Just right in front of the resto is the hotel that my cousin managed, so I also booked a room for later. Tonight, I will make this night the best for him and I will do everything he wants just to make him happy. Its also a good thing that he didn't mention Jamie to be invited in our dinner date. I'm just happy.

As I drove back to the house, I parked the car in front of the house and quickly entered. I ran upstairs as I quickly change my suit. My phone rang as I was putting on my slocks. Austin texted me to wait for him at the restaurant later and so I did. At 3:30, I was already waiting here in the restaurant with the big bouquet on my right side and the human-size teddy bear. Well the one I reserved was an exclusive part of the resto just for both of us. I looked at the time since it's been a while that I was waiting.

"Its already 4:30pm. He should be here 30 minutes ago," I mumbled. So I waited a bit longer. The waitress keeps going back and forth to ask me what I want to order, but I keep on saying just water since I want to wait for Austin to come and eat together. I'm also a bit hungry so I ask them to make me some mashed potatoes. It was delicious though especially the gravy. I checked the time once again and it was 6pm.

"Uh excuse me?" I called out the waiter.

"Yes, sir?"

"Can you please tell me if my date has come? He should be here 2 hours ago," I said as I took out my phone and showed him a picture of Austin "This is him,"

"Will do, sir." he bowed as goes back to the counter.

Then I waited again and waited but still no sign of him. I tried calling him but no answer as well. I asked the waiters and waitresses if he came already but still nothing. I kept calling as I sighed. I wanted to give up on calling but I also can't. I also texted him but nothing. I also told Kai to contact him but still no answer. I sighed and lean against the seat as I look at the time and its already 10:50pm. I was actually shock though that I waited for that long and didn't even realize. Then suddenly the waiter came in and said "I'm really sorry sir that your companion haven't come but we're closing in ten minutes sir,"

"Okay. Thanks though, tell the owner I said hi as well." I sighed as I handed the money for our reservation and start to take the bear and flowers with me.

"Uhm sir excuse me but the money you gave is too much," the waiter said

"Its okay, you can all have it." I walked out the door and called the hotel to cancel the room I booked. I sat outside and called Jake afterwards.

Jake: Yo! Ace! How was the date? I bet you two are in the hotel right now.

Me:Where are you? Are you with Kai?

Jake:Yeah! He's with me. Why do you sound so sad?

Me:No more questions. I'm coming.

I quickly hang up and called a taxi cab. I paid him immediately when I reach Jake's house. When they open the door, they were looking at with a shock expression. "He didn't came," I said, dragging the bear inside and sat down on the couch. I massage my head but suddenly my tears went down. The both of them sat beside me and wrap their arms around me.

"Did he even call? Or chatted you guys?" I asked

"He didn't. I also tried to call him but nothing," Kai said "I also checked his house but he was not there." I sighed again as I began to feel worried and anxious.

"Can you guys leave me alone for a while?" I said as they nodded. "And Kai, don't even try to call Austin again. I'll talk to him tomorrow.

"Okay," he said. After the both of them went upstairs, my tears still won't stop from falling, as it stings inside me. Don't tell me he's with Jamie the entire day that he forgot what we talked about? But is that even possible? He promised to come but this is also the problem with hoping so much. If we keep hoping too much, the situation ends up disappoiting us. I know for a fact that we are a bit different with each other since we're not friends to begin with. But is that a good reason to leave your lover hoping so much from you?

I wanted to sleep but couldn't even close my eyes. I stood up and walk towards the kitchen to get a water and some food. I looked at his refrigerator and took the bar of chocolate on the side. I sat down as I ate it with tears running down. I've been hurt a couple of times as well but not this much. I really love him. I don't want to worry him just because I'm jealous but this is also too much. I know I should let him socialize other than me and my group but spending that much time with Jamie than me? Is he perhaps doing this on purpose? No, Austin is not that kind of a guy.

"Why? We're only dating for a month but why am I so possesive around you?" I said as I walk back to the refrigerator and get one bottle of beer. After opening the bottle, I walk back towards the living room and sat down while I lean back on the couch. I love you so much that I'm so afraid of losing you.