Chapter 7

Ace's pov

Week after week, I kept on visiting him after class and I even sleep there during weekends. I can't lose someone as precious as him. I can't stop thinking of Austin so much that I forgot I'm in school.. My heart won't calm down and why the hell am I blushing!? I stood up, brought my bag with me while the class is going on and go to the front. Our professor asked "What is it Mr Hunter?" When he look at me, his eyes widen "Are you okay? Do you have a fever, kid?"

"I'm not really feeling well. Can I go to the infirmary?" I asked

At first he furrowed his brows and said"Well, that's a first. Okay, you may go." he said in a confuse tone.

Walking towards the infirmary, I still can't stop thinking about Austin. I shook my head and entered and as usual the nurse isn't here so I just lie down the bed and get some sleep. I've been sleepless these days, a lot of thoughts been going through my head. Don't tell me I... No no that can't be or I really am? Oh shit.

"Ace??" Someone called out "Ace??"

When I open my eyes, I see Austin smiling at me. His eyes are sparkling and he's naked. I look at my body, I'm naked too.

"Good morning," he smiles and kisses my lips

"Morning," I smile and kiss him back. I caressed his cheeks and smiled. "I love you Austin," I kiss his forehead "

"I love you too," he smiled. Our foreheads were against each other as he cried in joy.

I woke up panting as I checked the time and its already 4:30pm. Now that was a weird dream. Me and Austin... Kissing... Embracing... Saying I love you to each other... Wait... What the hell? My heart is beating really really fast. I can't seem to calm down. Do I like him? Am I gay? What?

"Ace!" My group shouts and waves "Where have you been? We've been looking for you,"

"Eyo!" I said and waved back "Ace, you okay? You seem so red," Kai asks I touch my face and its really hot. That dream doesn't seem to get off my head. Now that I think about it, why did I keep on bullying him? Don't tell me I've been bullying him because I like him? And think that he's cute? What was my motive again?"Earth to Ace?"

"Y-yeah! Hahaha!" I awkwardly laugh "I'm going home now and change my clothes. I'll go visit him today!"

"Wait!" They all grab my hand and slowly pulled me back. "Where do you think you're going? "

"You seem so excited," Johnny says "Is it because of the weather? There must be something, "

"Hmmm? Yeah he does," Ross aggrees

"Ohhh I think I know," Kai said "It's definitely what he does everyday,"

"Huh? What are you guys tallking about?" I'm starting to be nervous and sweat a lot. Ahh shit! I just remembered! They can see right through me.

"You started to like Austin, don't you??" They all asks together I started to blush so hard and I just simply look down as I sighed. I covered my face and then massage my head.

"Ahah! Busted!"" Kai and Jake said. "Jinx! Jinx again!"

"Okay. Now let me go! I need to see him now," I said while I try to get out from their grip.

"Bye! By the way there's a suprise for you when you get there," they wave and smiled. Austin, its the third week now. Please wake up and maybe I do like you now. I'm sorry for not realizing it earlier.

I hurried back home to change my clothes and pack some extra clothes and undies since I'm planning to stay the night there. I don't care much now about wasting my time at home, all I want now is Austin. I made sure to bring my charger, phone, keys of my car and some other stuff. I grab my bag and quickly go to our garage to get my car. Before driving straight to the hospital, I stopped by a flower shop and get a bouquet of red roses first with some blue roses on it as well. As I think about it, I never failed to bring him flowers every single time I visit. Walking down hallway of the hospital, a granny walk up to me slowly. "Oh hello," she greeted and smile " I see, you're visiting your boyfriend today as well. Ahh to be young,"

"Uh I guess so," I smiled as I scratch the back of my head. Then I picked one rose from the bouquet and gave it to her" Here you go Granny, it was nice meeting you."

"Thank you very much," she bowed "It's been a while since I've recieved a flower. I miss my husband," she sighed as she walks away with her caregiver. I smiled and walk towards the door of Austin's room. Before opening the door, I breathe in and out as I try to calm myself a bit. As soon as I opened his room, my eyes widen as I lost the grip of the flowers. When he turn his head to my direction, he was shock too. "Ace?"

"Austin!" I rushed over to the side of his bed and wrap my arms around him. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and smiled "Austin, you're awake."

"Wha-what are you doing here??" He asks as I let go and found him blushing

"To visit you, idiot! When did you wake up?" I smiled. Suddenly, my tears went down from the joy of seeing him.

"At 1am this morning... W-why are you crying!?" he shouts

"Because it's my fault. It's my fault for being so oblivious about you and your feelings," I cried as I hug him again but tighter, afraid of letting him go "From now on, please tell me everything. Everything! What you feel, about you.. Everything! Please,"

"Why would I do that?" He said as I hold him by his shoulder and slowly push him to see his reaction. He immediately averted his eyes when I looked at him as I can see his blushing ears."I-It's not like we're a thing or two? Wait, what?"

"For the past few weeks, I was trying to figure out my feelings for you and now I figured everything out. I think I like you too," I said while wiping away my tears. I held his chin up and leaned a bit as mine met his soft lips. When I let go, he asked me "Okay. I think I'm dreaming, I better go back sleep." he said, pulling te blankets.

"No, you're not." I laughed as I gently grab him "Oh by the way," I go back to the door and get the bouquet of roses to give it to him "Next time, I'll bring some balloons, cake and a teddy bear!"

"I'm not asking for that though. All I need is you, dumbass. " He laughs "but thank you," he slowly wrap his one arm around my neck and pull me gently to give me a peck on the lips.

"Oh another thing... Will you be my boyfriend Mr. Scot?"

"The answer is pretty obvious," he smiles

"Now, you're mine and I will never ever let you go!" I shouted as my hand went down to his waist.

"Hey! Keep it down!" He whispers and chuckles

"How can I keep it down if now you're mine?" I lean forward and look at his lips "I didn't know you could say something so cheesy but I guess this will do," he pull my collar forward as he gave me a peck on the lips.

"But thats not enough," I pout like a 5 year-old little kid. Then he suddenly pulled me harder as lips met again, he licked my upper lip making an entrance for his tongue. I smirked as my tongue entered his mouth, making him moan. It was deep and passionate, its like my whole world has stop. I know it doesn't sound like me but I'm just telling the truth though. "Ahem!" Someone coughs loudly but we didn't stop. "AHEM!" Then Austin keeps on poking me hat it started to annoy as it kept on coughing, ruining our momentum. So I turn around and glared "What?" I asked with an annoyed tone.

Kai and the others are looking at us while smiling which is creeping the hell out of us "Don't tell me us two are whispering your favorite things again," Kai smiled "We perfectly saw you two kissing by now,"

"Well I guess you can say that,"

"Now tell us why are you two kissing?" Johnny smiles as his eyebrows are moving up and down.

"I-Is there a problem kissing your boyfriend?" Austin asks while his eyebrows furrowed then his eyes widen when he realizes what he just said. He grab his blanket to cover his face from embarassment.

"What can we say," Ross said "CONGRATULATIONS!!" They all shouted with a small party popper.

"Okay, now where the hell did the party popper came from?"

The night came and everyone cleaned the room before going home. By the time we were done cleaning, Austin's mother came to stay for the night but I suggested for her to rest and I'll take care of him since tomorrow is Saturday. "Oh right," she said and warmly smiled at me "By the way, the doctor said he could go home next week. But my husband and I has a business trip again so I was wondering-"

"I'll take care of Austin," I said "I'll tell Kai as well to help,"

She sighed in relief and said "Thank you, Ace." she said. "I better go back home. Austin, honey?"

"I'll be fine," he smiles at her. "Go rest,"

"About the payment, I'll leave it to Kai tomorrow and make sure he'll give it to you."

"Uh sure,"I nodded

I decided to accompany her while walking out the hospital. "You know," she started "I'm happy for the both of you,"

"What?" I asked

"Kai told me," she chuckled. "We don't keep secrets with each other,"

"That guy," I groaned. Now that I think about it, he was busy with his phone a while ago.

"But I'm really happy," She smiled "If you ever make him cry, I won't let mt husband punch you but I will."

"Yes, ma'am." I salute and laughed with her. I waved at her goodbye after she goes out the door. I walk back to the elevator, up to Austin's room floor. After entering his room, I made sure it was closed as I go back and fix my things as well. I charge my phone and secured my wallet on my pocket. "Do you think two people can fit on that bed?" I asked

"Hmm," he wondered "I guess. I'm small so probably two people can fit,"

"Good," I said as I walk towards his bed and lie down beside him as he moves slowly to the side. I slide my arm below his head so he can lie on my arms. "Good night,"

"Good night," he yawns as he shares his blanket to me. I caressed his cheeks as he look at me, blushing."I still can't believe it," he laughs. I wrap my arms around him, making sure he's not feeling cold. I leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I might get the thought of regretting this decision but I like him. Every second, I can't stop thinking about him.

A week passed by fast as I get ready his stuff for leaving. I also told Kai to wait in Austin's house since we'll be eating together. As soon as Austin walks out the bathroom, I smiled at him and asked "Ready to go?"

He slightly chuckled and nodded. I carried his stuff and open the door for him. "The doctor said I should start eating healthy," he said "Will you help me do that?" He asks as he blushes. I reached out for his cheek and pinch it. I laughed and said "Of course, dummy."

Upon walking down to the parking lot, I took his hand and entwined mine. As we reached my car, I opened the car for him as I put his bag on the back seat and close the door. I walk around in front of the car to go to the driver's seat. Going in, I connected Austin's seatbelts first to the retractor mechanism as I keep looking at him. I stopped in front of him as I lean slowly. He bit his lip which made me more desperate to make a move here and right now. But he grab my head with his hand and pull it towards him.

He licked my upper lip, seducing me to make a mess out of him. He slightly open his mouth, making an entrance. I sucked his lower lip as I go down to his neck. "A-Ace, someone might see us." He stutters and panted.

"How can I resist when you're this sexy?" I whispered. But I sighed as I saw his bandages "Maybe after you're healed?" I said as I kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry," he looks down

"No," I said "I don't want hurt you in this state. Plus, your wounds aren't closed yet. I want to at least treasure you. I wanna make it up to you as soon as possible, " I said and then he smiled and wrap his arms around me.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"