Chapter 10

Ace's pov

As soon as I opened my eyes, I noticed immediately Austin who was leaning against my chest. "I love you," he mumbles as I heard him crying while he wrap his arms around tightly "I don't want to let you go but I don't know what to do if you wanted us to break up."

"I won't let go," I said. He gasped loudly as he move a bit backward and looked at me. His eyes were really swollen that I can't even resist the feeling of guilt inside of me. I pulled him closer and hug him tightly, for him to feel at ease. I stroked his hair at the back and kissed his forehead "I'm sorry for making you feel anxious," I said while looking at him.

"No, I should be the one to apologize," he sighed and slightly push me back to look at my eyes "I didn't even realize that I was being insensitive," he looks down but our drama moment ends when his stomach suddenly growled so loud. He blushed as he covers his face and suddenly lean on my chest.

"Wanna eat eggs and bacon?" I laughed and pinch his cheeks.

"Yes, please." he pouts. I smiled as I slowly stood up while holding his hand. As we arrived downstairs and to the kitchen, I grab the apron and wrap it around me. I moved to the refrigerator to get the bacon and eggs on the top and get the pan to cook. As I turn on the gas range and put the bacon on the pan, Austin suddenly wrapped his arms around me and leaned on my back. "I know I hang out a lot with Jamie but he's just a friend to me. You're the one I love so,"

I smirked and said "You know, the bacon is gonna turn out burnt right?" as I laughed, he moved back and get two cups on the kitchen cupboard. He took the grounded coffee beans and placed it inside the coffee maker. As soon as I was done cooking and placing the food on the table, he was still waiting on in front of the coffee maker. I sneaked up to his back as I slide my hands on his waist, pulling it gently and grind mine on his butt. "A-Ace, what are you doing?" he blushed while turning his head to me. I smirked as I licked and bite his nape. He moaned while he arched his back more.

I started kissing his neck on the side as he gently pushed and turn to face me. He bit his lip and started wrapping his arms around me. "Let's eat first, please?" he pouts. I chuckled and leaned to give him a peck on the lips as I said "Alright,"


The next day as I was walking down the hallways, Kai and the others came up to me and asked if me and Austin are okay and stuff. But I excused myself as I noticed Austin waiting for me by the lockers and go towards him,the love of my life. "Hey," I said as I wrap my arms around his waist and make sure that no one is looking, pulled him close and give kisses on his neck.

"Stop!" He whispered as he chuckled and gently slaps my shoulder "We're in school remember??" He whispers "Aww but I want you now," I pouted

"Stop pouting. You're too cute already, so just stop."

"Oki doki," I smiled and hug him tighter. Upod looking at the side, I see Jamie approaching us. He waved at me as I waved back. I understand Austin better now since Jamie really talks a lot and can talk about 20 topics in 5 minutes. He's a random guy but I guess it works out well. He has a girlfriend shockingly even though I still don't like the fact that he's touchy towards Austin. Everything seems to be fine but I noticed Kai and Jake, they seem to be ignoring each other and the fact that Kai is letting Jake talk to a girl is somehow rare enough to see. I poked Austin and Jamie as I motion them to look at Kai. "What happened to Kaikai?" Austin whispers "He seems to be upset and pale too,"

"I don't know but look at Jake," I said as the three of us turned our faces to him "He's with a girl? Who's that?"

"I heard that she confessed to him three days ago when you and Austin blah blah blah then there is this rumor that they are dating with each other," Jamie whispered back

"You sure do a lot of eavesdropping," I said as Austin laughs So we decided to approach Kai and then the three of us ask him all together "Why is Jake with a girl??"

He looked at us with swollen eyes and pale face as he then smiled weakly. "He accepted her confession," Kai said while tears run down from his face, he still has the audacity to smiling "Its all over now but don't worry about me, I'm perfectly fine."

"Come here!" The three of us pull him and rush outside the school garden "Tell us what he said,"

He looked at us first being hesitant as he breathe in and out "He didn't say anything to me. She confessed here actually. I was just passing by then I saw them and I was about to call him but they seem so serious so I hide behind that big tree." He said as he suddenly squats down. "I heard she liked him for almost a year now and that she doesn't care if he's gay or not. Th-then after that, I was wondering why it was all quiet ll of a sudden. When I peeked out, they were making out. He suddenly started to ignore me." he cried "I actually know that this whole time it was all unrequited love. He's straight to start with and all the things he did, it was like he's forcing his self to me." He cries louder "I don't know how to let go. I loved him with all my heart and what hurts more is that I felt like I was ghosted. In those 2 years of dating, he didn't love me back at all."

"He's straight? I thought you said you guys were doing sex all the time? Is he jut sexually frustrated?" Austin asked

"I lied." Kai said "I just told you that, for you to think that we're a happy couple. I don't want to worry you, guys."

"Kai we'll talk to him-"

"What's the point Ace?" He said as he stands up and wiped his tears. "I knew from the start that he liked that girl before she came in to our school because they were childhood friends! Even though I knew that, I still chose to stay and try everything to make him mine but none of it worked. I don't know what to do anymore, I think its better if I end it all." Then he suddenly ran away

"What?! Kai! Wait up!!!" Austin shouted as we tried to ran after him

Kai's pov

I ran and ran until I entered the hallways and lost the sight of them but unluckily I ran into Jake and his girlfriend"Kai?" Jake said with wide eyes. I coudn't eat that much these past few days and has been quite sleepless so I get why he reacted like that."Wha-"

I quickly ran away before he could say anything. I can't control myself from crying when I see them. "Kai wait!" When I look back, Jake was catching up. So I ran even faster but I was starting to slow down. My sight began to blur until it all became black, my head hurts from crying and I think my energy just dropped. But I didn't care, I keep on running even though I can't see clearly.

He didn't love me back but he accepted my feelings. I know that he doesn't love from the start but why? Why do I keep hurting myself from loving him even though I know that he won't love me back? For the first 3 months of dating, I said I will let him go but I can't just because I love him so much that I don't even know how to end it with him. But its all over now, I just want end it all. I hate myself for loving someone who can't love me back, for falling deeper in love with him,for loving someone like him. I hate myself because I love him so much. I just want him to love me back.

Jake's pov

I keep on running until I catch up on Kai. His eyes were swollen and his face were really pale. " Ahhh shit!" I groaned as I try to cope up with his speed. I don't really love Kai and all I thought of his love was pitiful so I accepted his feelings. I don't want him to feel upset around me and I don't want to lose this friendship. But until my girl best friend confess to me, I was happy since I have the same feelings for her. I think Kai didn't notice it. So two days ago, I started to ignore him. Because I don't want him to fall deeper in love with me, I know it'll only hurt him in the end. But I was wrong. I regret that I accepted his feelings and ended up hurting him like what I'm doing right now. I'm fucked up.

While chasing him, I noticed that he's slowing down. It seems to me that he doesn't where he is going. I ran as fast as a cheeta until I finally catch up to him. He stop his tracks in the middle of the road as the truck was speeding up but he seem like he doesn't know. "KAI!!!" I shouted as I pull him back. He ended up on the top of me. "Kai!!! What the hell were you thinking?!!"

"Why... Did... You... Save... Me?" He said as his eyes were blinking slowlyand noticed his face being all red. I touched his forehead and knew that he's running a high fever. "I just... Wanted to end it all. I just hate myself for loving you so much. I know it was all one-sided but do you know why I didn't let go?? Because I keep falling deeper in love with you even though I know you were forcing yourself," he smiles weakly as he leaned forward and slowly kiss me. He actually knew all this time? "But don't worry. I-I'll get over it," he nodded as he stood up and smile at me. "All I wanted was for you to love me back but... It seems that its impossible for you to do that since you love her so much. Why did you accept my feelings? For what? For me to hate myself more? Or for you can have fun looking at me being hurt? If you just rejected me back then, I would've given up everything about my feelings and I wouldn't feel so regretful by loving you so much." My eyes widen as my body is frozen the moment I heard him say that. I bit my lip as I try to hide the feeling of guilt that is building up inside of me.

I couldn't even move as I watch him collapse."Kai!!" I shouted as I suddenly began to move and rush up to him. I carried him on my shoulder and run him into the infirmary. He is so much lighter than before and I guess its all my fault.

As we arrived in the infirmary, the nurse immediately organized the bed as I put him down slowly. "He has a fever," I said. She just nodded and get a clothe from the cupboard. She then washed it, squeezed and gave it to me.

"I've noticed him for a couple of day now. Does he have a weak immune system?" she asked

"I-I don't know," I said.

"Alright. I'll leave you two," she smiled as she closes the curtain. Now that I think about it, I don't really know anything about Kai. I don't even notice the things he do for me sometimes or even is mannerisms. Although we have been together for 2 years, it seems that I was not really interested. "I should apologize," I mumbled as I scratch the back of my head. I slightly moved him aside and lie down beside him.


Without realizing it, I unconsciously slept beside him. I slowly move up but he suddenly woke up as well, his eyes grew a bit wide as he started to tremble and cover his face. "Sorry I woke you up,"I said as I stood up and wrap my arms around him. "And I'm sorry. You're right, I should have rejected you. I'm sorry for having your hopes up, and now I reject your feelings."

"Too late for that, idiot." He said as turn his body to the other side. When Austin, Ace and Jamie came inside, I walk out the curtains and sat in front of it. They let Austin enter as Ace and Jamie stayed and talk some stuff happened a while ago. But my ears focused on the when I heard Kai said "Hey Austin, remember that time when I told my parents divorced because my mom has another man? I think that was in 4th grade?" He actually told me that. His dad only visits him once or twice a month because his dad has a new family in Hawaii.

"Yeah why?" Austin said "Don't tell me she's been abusing you this whole time?"

"What? No." He chuckled "I actually liedon the another man part. Actually my mom couldn't accept someone like me. When I confess to the both of them that I'm gay, my dad completely accepted me but my mom? No... She told me not to hang out with you anymore that time but I did. Then later that night, I heard my parents argue. My dad said 'he's your son! You accept him for who he is!' And I will never forget what mom said about me... She said 'I will never ever accept someone who is disgusting!!' After that fight, they divorced and eventually dad found someone new which has more good personality and stuff. That woman accepted me and told me to live with them," He said "But I refused since I don't want to bother them. I was happy that someone accepted me but I want mom to do so. Then I had this huge crush on Jake, I was really really happy when he accepted my feelings. Now, I can't seem to think as everything's clearly messed up." This is my first time hearing this. He only told me that his parents are divorced, nothing more nothing less.


"You know why I'm telling you all these? Because I feel that no one truly loves me," he said "I've been keeping this mask for too long that it has become a burden. I kept lying about every situation, lying about my feelings, 'coz I don't wanna worry you."

"Kai don't say that! Me and Ace are here, there's Jamie, Steve, Ross, Jim and Johnny. Plus there is-"

"Jake? That guy was not interested in me to start with. I guess he only did that because I was so desperate. " he sniffs. I was frozen for the fact that I cannot argue with what he jus said. All of that was out of pity and because he was so desperate of me loving him.

"Let's go home," Austin caledl the three of us to help him carry Kai. But instead, I pushed them aside and carried Kai on my back then let Jamie carry his bag.

At first, he was hesitant to hold on but I gently pulled his hand up and support his legs. "I have to tell you something," he whispers to me as he leaned his head on my shoulder. "I'm going to live with Dad in Hawaii by next week and we'll sell our house here. Which means I'm not going back here anymore and I guess it will make me forget 'bout you too." I stopped on my tracks and asked "What? Since when did he asked you to live with him?"

"3 days ago. I was going to refuse again this time but after seeing you with that girl, I started to think things through and agreed. Maybe it's a way for me to move on as well." he hugs " So thank you for everything,"

Kai's pov

I slowly opened my eyes as I sat up and stretch up my body. Suddenly, I was completely awake when I felt someone is holding my hand. As my eyes try to adjust and cleared up, I looked beside me and found Jake holding while sleeping on the chair. While for Ace and the others, they are asleep on the futon on the floor. I look at the time and its still 3 am. I slowly took out my hand and chuckled as I whisper "I'll be sure to miss you," I said as gently stroke down his hair. I flinched when he started moving as he sat up and yawned. I immediately took my hand off his hair and averted my eyes.

"You feeling okay now?" He whispers

"Yeah a bit. My head is a bit dizzy but-"

"Oh wait," he slowly stood up as he took the water and medicine on the table to give to me. "Here you go,"

"Thanks," I said as he feeds me the tablet. I quickly drank the water since the medicine was bitter in my taste buds.

"About you living with your dad, I won't let you."

"Excuse me, what?" I said as my brows raised up and turn to face him.

"I will not let you," he said. Is he serious? "Because I don't to lose my best friend even though I broke his heart,"

"C'mon, be serious." I chuckled nervously as I shove the blanket to the side. He took away my glass of water and pulled me up

"I don't want you go." He said as he pulled me out of the room and pushed me by the wall. He suddenly leaned forward as our lips met and I was frozen for a while. He kept licking my lips, finding an entrance. I wasn't suppose to give in but then he suddenly started rubbing my cock which made me moan, giving him a way in. We both panted as soon as he let go.

"S-Stop leading me on, please." I pleaded as I slide down with weakened legs. He squat down in front of me and smiled as he puts my arms around his neck and carried me up by the legs. While carrying me, he entered the other room which was supposed to be for guest. As he closes the door, he slammed me on the bed while he gets on top of me. He slides his hands under my shirt, making me tremble while caressing from my waist up to my nipples. He leaned beside me and whispered "Kai,"

I trembled even more as I moan and cum on my underwear. "More," I moaned, wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him down for a kiss. He quickly took off our clothes while continuing our kiss. As soon as he took my shorts and underwear, I can't help but be nervous and gulp as soon as I saw his cock. He smirked while gazing at me. He turn me to the side, as he positioned himself at the back.

He suddenly pulled me closer, as he holds my waist. I was even more suprised when he started sliding in his cock between my legs. I can't help but be more turned on while he slams his body against me and feeling the pleasure while his cock rubs between my legs. I moaned louder as he started biting my shoulder and nape, as if we're gonna be mates in an omegaverse story. More, I want more.

Jake pov

I woke up and noticed that it was noon. I look at Kai beside me while he tightens his embrace. I smiled and brushed his hair, as he started moving and opening his eyes. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" I whisper as I kiss his forehead.

"Not really," He groaned as he crawled up on my lap and wrap his arms around my neck "Good morning," he hugs

"Its the afternoon, you know." I laughed

"Good afternoon then," he chuckles

"Good afternoon to you too,"

As we both came to our senses, we walked out of the room and downstairs. While sitting on the couch and cuddling, we heard loud thudding coming from upstairs. We realized that the three is still here, we hurriedly walked upstairs and checked if they were okay.. When we reach Kai's room, it was only Ace and Austin lying down next to each other while Jamie is in a hurry. "I need to go, its afternoon already right? My girlfriend is gonna kill me," Jamie rushes

"Wait, you live with your girlfriend?" We both asked

"Uhh well, my girlfriend is 4 years older than me and my parents trust her since she was my tutor so thats why they let me," he blushes

"Is it really a girl?" Kai asks

"To be honest, no." He laughs awkwardly " Don't tell anyone okay??"

"Yeah yeah! Go home already!" Jamie smiled as he quickly walks out the room. As we tried to wake the both of them, they only groaned and cuddle some more. Ahh these two. "Hey why don't we~," as I carry me up on my shoulder walk towards the guest room. I slowly put him down and smile warmly.

"Again??" He smirks

"Yeah," I laughed as I stop and look at his eyes.

"Hey why did you stop?" Kai ask as he put his arms around my neck "Well, I just realize how much I like you and maybe I'm starting to love you." I smirked

"Don't make me blush," he avert his eyes and his whole face became rose red "Yeah, your ears are even red." I laugh

"Don't laugh at me. It's your fault," he pouts. I slowly pull his chin up as I smile at him and kiss soft lips.

"I love you Kai,"

"I love you too,"