Chapter 11

*Warning: this chapter contains graphic descriptions and rape.*

2 weeks later...

Ace's pov

"I'm glad Kai and Jake has been fine lately," I sighed. As I was walking at the park, I can't help but be anxious by the fact that someone is following me. I shake my head and took out my phone as I texted Austin that we'll meet here. As I became more anxious, I looked around me. But I didn't mind the tension as soon as I saw Austin from a distance. I waved and stand up when suddenly, someone slammed a metal bat at the back of my head as I lose all consciousness.

As soon gain back my consciousness, 5 guys were glaring at me while my hands and feet are tied. I can feel my face hurt and my heart is throbbing. "Boss!! He's awake!," they all called out as they go to the table and play cards. When the guy, whom they call boss, walks closer and closer, I raised my brows as I try to think who this guy is. "Remember me, kid?"

"Why the fuck would I try to remember someone ugly as you?" I said "I don't even remember my lessons last semester,"

"Its me, Henry!" He shouts

"Henry who?"

"The guy who raped your boyfriend months ago?" he said "Man, you need to try remembering people once in a while."

"Oh!!! It was you, who??" I said as I clench my fist and try to untie the rope on my hands. Shit, he noticed me trying to escape. He smirked as he kicked my stomach multiple times, making me lose my strength. "Since you interrupted my session with him that day, I'm going to do it to you." he said as he pulled down my pants.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU- ACK!!!!" I closed my eyes forcefully as he started rubbing my cock up and down. I grind my teeth as I fet disgusted by the way he is touching me. He smirked as he forecefully inserted his finger on my hole. My body trembled from the pain and disgust. Suddenly, my phone started ringing on my pocket. He pull it out as he stopped rubbing my cock with his hands. It feels so disgusting though and my body feels so weak. "If you want him alive, meet us at the Building 7, 18th street." He smiles creepily again. "AHHH!" I groaned as he forcefully entered my whole.

"Your tight," he laughed as he tried moving back and forth. I covered my face with my arms as I groaned with disgust. I panted deeply as I try to keep up. I'm starting to lose consciousness as my head is spinning. The door suddenly slammed open, Austin came with a taser on his hands and a scary atmosphere with him. He suddenly pulled out as the other guys walk up front except for Henry who pulled the back of my collar and pointed the knife on my neck.

"How did you-"

"Give Ace back," Austin said.

"Like I'll be scared with the taser, kid." The Henry guy laughed. All of a sudden, all their faces became horrified as soon as they heard a siren. Austin came running as he electricuted each and everyone. He quickly ran up to me while putting the taser on his pocket as the police entered the crime scene. "A-Ace," he whimpered as his hand trembled while cutting the rope. After cutting all of it, he pulled up my pants as he embraced me with a hug. "Are you okay?" he cried "Y-You're bleeding.. Your hole,"

"Y-Yeah," I said. He helped me stood up while getting my phone, which was shoved beside me, but I started wobbling. Good thing the rescue team were there to help me and Austin. As we were walking towards the ambulance, I asked him "W-Where did you get that taser?"

"Oh its from Kai. I ran to his house and grab his taser from the kitchen, since him and Jake are doing it on the couch." He said. He looked at me as I lie own on the stretcher while all teary eyed. I smiled at him which made him cry more as he look at me. As we entered the ambulance, he sat on the side as he took my hand and hug it. "I tried catching the van," he said "But I couldn't catch up,"

"That's because it's a car, dummy." I chuckled but groaned from the pain on my stomach.

"Why don't you rest for a while?" Austin said "I'll be here, I promise." I sighed deeply as I start to close my eyes.

Austin's pov

On the way to the hospital, I held Ace's hand tighter as I started crying once again. As the rescuer patted my back, he gave me tissues as they try to comfort me with words. I pulled out my phone and contacted Kai.

Me: K-Kai? I trembled as I wipe my tears with tissues

Kai: Austin? Why are are you crying? Wait, no. Why did you take my taser?

Me: Kai I cried Ace... H-He was kidnapped a-and I rescued him but the guy r-raped him-

Kai: Okay, calm down. Where are you right now?

Me: A-Ambulance.

Kai: All right. We'll meet you at the hospital, okay? I'll contact the others.

As soon as Kai hung up, I bit my lower lip as I try to prevent my self from crying some more. Finally, we arrived at the hospital. They hurried him to the emergency room as they told me to wait outside. I clasped my hand gently and try to massage it while I tremble.

"Austin!" I look up and see Kai and the others run towards me. I stood up as Kai wrapped his arms around me. "He will be fine,"

"B-But what if he'll have a trauma? Or maybe he'll just start to put a distance between us because he's scared? I don't want to lose him like that," I cried. Kai didn't let me go even though we were about to sit down. He kept his arms around me as he stroke my back with his hand. I peeked out to see Jake and the others being all silent and teary. After a while, the nurse approached us. "Oh it's you again," she said as she smiled at me. she gasped and said "Oh I'm sorry for greeting youguys like that. Good evening, your friend has already been treated. We also provided a medicine for his hole,"

"Hello," I greeted back as I straightened my back "We can go home now?"

"I talked to the doctor and it seemed that he knows your friend so he took care of everyhting. Do you guys have a car?"

"Uh yeah," Kai said

"Alright," she nodded "You may go in now but please let me help you putting him in your car,"

As we entered the emergency room, I immediately saw Ace as he waved weakly towards us. I quickly ran towards him and wrap my arms around him gently. "Let's go home?" I said as he nodded. The nurse smiled to me as she push the wheelchair towards us.

"We'll get the car," Kai said as he tapped Jake and Steve to come with him while Johnny and Ross helped me put Ace on the wheelchair. While pushing it, the nurse said as face me "Please remind Mr. Hunter to take his medicine for his hole 2 times a day. As for his wound, put the ointment prescribed." I smiled and nodded as we stopped at the exit. Timingly, Kai arrived with the car. Jake hop out the car as he opened the door on the middle seat. Steve moved to the back of the car as Ross and Johnny come with him while Ace and I are left on the middle. I waved at the nurse and bid her farewell.


On the way to Ace's house, no one even tried to open their mouths and talk. As Ace slowly leaned on my shoulder, I noticed how much he was trembling. I noticed Kai kept checking on us on the rear-view mirror. "Ace, are you alright?" Kai asked. He tried opening his mouth but he can't seem to speak. I sighed deeply while I grab his hand and entwined mine to his as I try to make him feel that he's safe now and he doesn't need to worry because I'm here. "He's trembling," I said.

Upon arriving at his house and helping him out of the car, I told Kai that I'll be sleeping over until Ace heals and he said "Okay, I'll get you some clothes and I guess we'll be staying with him as well. I'll text you, alright?"

"Sure," I said.

"We'll be back," he said as they waved at us. As I stand on the front door to open it, Ace held my hand tighter as we both noticed someone passing by. I quickly opened the door and pulling him in gently. I closed the door behind me as he slowly walk towards the living room. "Water?" I asked

"Y-Yes please," he said. I quickly took a bottled water from his refrigerator as I ran towards him, gave it and let him drink. I slowly sat beside him as he puts the water on the table after closing it. "Austin,"


He looked at me with fear and sadness on his eyes as he started crying. "I-I'm scared," he cries. "Everything's a mess inside my head. Everytime I close my eyes, I can still feel and see what he had done."

I bit my lower lip as I stood in front of him and sat on his lap while facing him. I wrap my arms around him and leaned on his shoulder "I'm here. I will not leave you," I said "Are you going to tell your mom and dad?"

"Of course. When they go back tomorrow," he said "But I don't know how," while trembling, he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Austin, I'm scared. I-I can't even think straight at the moment,"

I sighed as I hug him tighter and said "I'll be here if you can't say it," I gently pushed him while looking at his eyes. I smiled and said "I don't know how to cheer people up, I don't even know how to make your worries and anxiety go away as of this moment. But... I hope, me being here with you right now puts you at ease."

As he smiled back weakly, he slowly leaned forward as our faces gets closer and closer. Desperately looking at his lips, I gently pulled his head towards me as we kissed. I moaned as his tongue entered my mouth, licking every part of it. "I love you," he said between kisses

"I love you too," I moaned as his lips travelled down to my neck.


As Kai and the others arrived, they quietly entered the house. I didn't even realized that we fell asleep on the couch while I was sitting on his lap. I opened my eyes while everyone sat down on the floor and sighed all together. "What's the matter?" I yawned.

"Our clothes are at the doorway and we're too lazy to get it," Ross said "We're kinda exhausted from what happened today and to think that it's already night time."

"I already ordered pizza, chicken nuggets and drinks for everyone. It should be here in a minute," Jake said.

ding! dong!

"And here it is," Jake groaned as he stood up. I slowly stood up, making sure that Ace is still asleep. I held his head and slowly putting it down and carried his legs up the couch. "He's scared," I said as I sat down and stroked his hair. "I don't know what to do to make his anxiety go away," I bit my lower lip as tears streamed down my face. "Somehow I feel that my presence is enough tomake him forget what happened,"

"You may not notice it Austin but Ace feels at ease whenever you're there." Kai said "You don't need to tell him anything and he was raped today, don't expect him to forget all about it after so many hours. He may be traumatized about what happened, but the best thing we can do for now is be there for him and make him feel that he's not alone. And Austin, the only one who can help him is himself."

I looked at Kai and nodded while Jake came back with the food. I slowly wake Ace up and told him that it's time to eat. I stood up and get a pizza while he sat up, rubbing his face with his palm. "I'm hungry," he said. I smiled at him and gave him a pizza. "Ace?"

"Yeah?" he said as he faced me.

"We're all here and please don't take it all on your own," I said as I looked down and sat beside him. He slides his arm at my back down to my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I know," he smiled as he kissed my forehead.