Chapter Seven ~ Get this bitch off me!!

Freya Rose

Elsa dramatically waved her hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention. She then shouted,

"Earth to Freya. Come in Freya."

I blinked a few times, so that I could focus on Elsa, and replied,

"Sorry Elsa. What's up?" I tried my best to shake the fuzzy feeling from my head, and snap out of the daze that I was in. "Wait. Didn't I just see you in the parking lot a few minutes ago?"

I looked over to see if the guy with the flowers was still there, but I didn't see him, or the girl.

"Um, no. I was with Amber and Jessie. You've been standing there just staring at the parking lot for the last ten minutes," she explained then let out a nervous giggle. "Um, can you sign my yearbook?"

She held out a pen for me, and without even looking at her, I took the pen and scribbled good luck, love from Freya, into it. I was still distracted while handing her back the pen. She turned the book around to read what I had written, and as she did, I casually walked away from her.

"Hey, is that it? Good luck? Nearly six years of school together and that's all you..." She babbled on, but I had walked too far away from her to hear the rest of her rant.

"I am so proud of you honey," my mom said with tears streaming down her face.

"Thanx mom," I replied and gave her a hug.

Cassie's parents were congratulating her, and they both threw their arms around her. Tristan had Tyler in a headlock and was rubbing his knuckles across his head.

"Congrats little bro," he said playfully.

I laughed and began to stroll over to them. It was strange that no one had noticed that I'd been gone for ages. It was like I hadn't been anywhere at all. Well, actually from what Elsa said, I hadn't been anywhere at all. I was just stood on the grass daydreaming, like a crazy person. I decided that I would tell Tristan tonight when we were alone. I didn't want everyone to think that I was going crazy.

"Move out of my way, you idiot!" Amber snapped sarcastically at me and barged me out the way with her shoulder.

"Hey, watch it you jerk!" I snapped back at her while trying my best to keep my balance.

She looked me up and down, then put her nose in the air. She then flipped her hair and strutted off towards Tyler and Tristan.

"You stupid bitch."

I said quietly, but obviously not quietly enough, because Cassie overheard me and asked,

"What's up, Frey?"

"That stupid slut just bumped me. I nearly fell right on my ass!" I snarled while pointing at Amber.

Cassie growled and folded her arms across her chest. I couldn't hold my tongue and I spat out,

"She's always picking on people. I hate that stuck up bitch."

"Well, you got the bitch part right." She sniggered. "And she thinks she's better than everyone else too." Cassie nodded her head in agreement then casually said,

"that's probably because she's the Beta's daughter."

"What? She's a werewolf too?" I questioned with disbelief.

"Oh, um, yeah she is," Cassie replied while she turned to face me.

"What in the hell? Is everyone in this town a damn werewolf?"

Am I the only human around her?

"No, but there is quite a lot of us," she answered with a smirk.

We just stood there in silence for a few minutes, as we glared at Amber, while she walked over towards Tristan and Tyler. A thought suddenly dawned on me and I asked Cassie,

"So is Landon a werewolf too?" She didn't say anything she just nodded her head. "Oh, so are Landon and Jessie mates?" I asked her cautiously not knowing if I would hit a nerve or not.

"Yeah, they are," she answered quickly, without any particular expression on her face or tone to her voice, then went on to explain, "we can find our mates any time after we turn eighteen. Jessie was over at Amber's house on our birthday. I guess Landon was home, and they found out that they were mates."

She was still eyeing up Amber when I asked her,

"so, are you okay about them being together?"

She looked at me, and with a smile she said,

"I won't lie and say it didn't break my heart at the time, because it did. I felt betrayed by both of them, especially Jessie."

She looked over at her sister. Jessie was laughing and joking with Landon. Cassie smiled at them, then looked back at me and said,

"I didn't understand, or even fully believe that the mate bond was real at first. I thought people in the pack were just overselling it, and I hadn't watched anyone find their mate before."

I watched as she looked over at Tristan, then back to me with a sad look on her face. The look on her face said exactly what I was thinking.

Tristan hasn't found his mate yet, and my heart sank at the thought of him leaving me for someone else.

"When Tyler came around that night, I was a complete mess. I was crying into my pillow and everything. He came into my bedroom and asked if I was okay. I took one look at him, and my wolf howled mate. His did the same, and in that instant all the pain I was feeling, and any feelings I thought I'd had for Landon, disappeared."

She watched Tyler with a giant smile on her face.

"So how do you know, someone's your mate?" I questioned her.

She slowly turned back toward me, and when she furrowed her brow at me, my heart sank again.

"It's hard to explain, but as soon as you see them, your heart aches to be with them. You see nothing else but them, they become your entire world in an instant," she said with such feeling.

She placed her hand on her heart and lovingly gazed back at Tyler. The way she described it was adorable, and I wondered, if that's how Tristan feels towards me?

"That sounds incredible," I said in awe.

"It is. There is no other feeling like it in the world," she replied as she waved her fingers at Tyler.

"Can a human be a werewolf's mate?"

She stopped waving and quickly snapped her head back to look at me, her eyes were full of sadness. I took in a deep breath as she delivered her short and blunt reply,


My head dropped down, and my eyes searched the grass while my brain went into overdrive. Cassie placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, but nothing was going to make that answer hurt any less. I stayed quiet for a few minutes, trying to work up the courage to ask her some more questions. Questions that I was petrified about hearing the answers of.

"So, Tristan will find his mate at some point?" I didn't bother to wait for a reply and asked in a shaky voice, "What will happen to us, when he does?"

She pulled me in for a hug and said,

"Oh babes. Nothing will happen, don't you worry yourself. He loves you more than anything in this world, trust me."

She put her hands on my shoulders again, and gently pushed me back to look into my eyes. She then explained happily,

"He has it all planned out, babes."

She tucked my hair behind my ears, while I stared at her with a questioning expression.

"What do you mean he has it all planned out?" I asked in confusion.

"It's not really my place to say, babes, you should ask him. I'm sure he will explain everything and put your mind at ease," she said, and then paused to watch as a tear fell down my cheek. She wiped the tear away. "Don't get upset, it will all work out. I promise you."

She pulled me back in for another hug.

She was telling me not to worry. I wished I could just carry on like nothing was wrong, but I was freaking out. Today had been full of shocks and stress, and now I was faced with the worrying prospect, of one day losing the love of my life. I couldn't help being upset, the thought of Tristan finding his mate and forgetting how much he loved me, just like Cassie had forgotten about how she used to love Landon, was terrifying.

"Just talk to Tristan," she repeated.

I turned my head and rested it on her shoulder. I spotted Amber, she was pushing her way through the crowd to get to Tristan and Tyler's parents. She lowered her head showing her neck to Clara, and then did the same to Aiden. I guessed it was a submissive act, or sign of respect. They flashed her a half-assed smile in response. I didn't think they liked her much either and that thought made me smile. Amber's mom, Leah and dad Dylan, followed on behind her. They then bowed to the Alpha and Luna, just as their daughter had.

Clara smiled at them sweetly, she then placed a kiss on Dylan's cheek and then hugged Leah. The women then strolled off together, arm in arm and deep in conversation. Dylan held his hand out for Aiden to shake, but Aiden batted it away and grabbed his arm instead to pull him in for a man hug. He patted Dylan's back, then they both followed after their wives.

I watched Amber go over to Tristan and Tyler and I could feel Cassie's body stiffen, she was obviously watching her too. Amber leaned into hug Tyler and then planted an overly exaggerated kiss on his cheek. As she did that, she glared at Cassie. She pushed me backwards and I stumbled a little while she let out a low pitched, but threatening growl.

Amber smirked at Cassie's threat knowing she couldn't do anything in front of all of the humans. Tyler looked over at Cassie with a furrowed brow, then shook his head at her. His facial expressions kept changing and it looked like he was mind linking her. She huffed in frustration and nodded her head at him. Amber looked at me, winked, and then made her way over to Tristan, who was busy play fighting with Landon.

"She better not be planning to do that sort of thing with Tristan," I warned out loud.

"She probably will, he's going to be the new Alpha in a few months. She's going to do anything she can, to get him to notice her," Cassie blurted out without thinking.

"What!?" I shouted as I twisted my neck around to look at her. "Ow, damn it!" I grumbled under my breath and raised my hand to my neck.

Twisting around that fast pulled something, and now it was throbbing. At that moment in time though, that was the least of my worries.

"Oh, my God. I'm sorry Frey, I didn't think. I wouldn't worry though, he hates the bitch just as much as we do," she said with a grin as she looked down at my hand that was still rubbing my neck.

I dropped my hand down by my side then replied,

"Good, because I might not be a werewolf, but I will kick her slutty little ass if she tries anything with my man. The bitch won't know what hit her."

I punched my fist into my hand pretending it was Amber's face.

"Please don't hurt me almighty one," Cassie joked while laughing at me.

She held her hands up in a don't shoot kind of way, and then showed me her neck in submission.

"Idiot," I said with a giggle while I playfully pushed her away.

Amber tapped Tristan on the shoulder, disturbing his play fight with her brother. Landon patted Tristan on the back, then rolled his eyes at his sister as he walked away. Amber put her arms up and around Tristan's neck to hug him, before placing her lips onto his cheek. She left them there a little too long for my liking. I could feel my blood beginning to boil. I scrunched my hands up into fists and growled. Cassie laughed at my pathetic attempt at a growl, so I punched her in the arm.

"Ow, Freya what the hell? That actually hurt!" She cried out while rubbing her arm.

I huffed and scowled at her for joking around. I then looked back at Tristan and Amber. Tristan pulled his face away and politely pushed Amber away by her shoulders. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows, his face looked so apologetic and worried. I knew he hadn't done anything wrong, but I was still really angry. I ushered with my hand for him to come over to me.

"I got this!" Cassie said smugly while still rubbing her arm.

She looked over at Tyler. He nodded and immediately ran over to Tristan and Amber. I could see him saying something to Amber, he then grabbed Tristan's arm and pulled him away.

"Mind links have some perks then?" I scoffed.

Cassie nodded and chuckled. Amber turned to look at us, and Cassie sarcastically waved at her in reply, while I poked my tongue out at her. She gave us both an evil stare then stamped her foot down on the floor. She looked like a child having a tantrum before she turned on her heel and skulked off.

Cassie and I burst out laughing and high fived each other in triumph. Tyler ran up to Cassie and lifted her above his head, then lowered her down into a kiss. She giggled with happiness and my heart melt a for them. A smile grew across my face as I watched them.

"What's got you smiling, babe?" Tristan asked as he put his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest.

"Cassie and Tyler, they're so in love," I answered.

He kissed the top of my head and I inhaled deeply through my nose, he always smell's so damn good.

"Did you just sniff me?" He questioned me with a chuckle.

"Um, yeah," I blushed as I replied.

"You've been spending too much time with us wolves," he mocked me while he leaned down to kiss my neck.

"Mmm, I'm not complaining," I whispered.

His kisses were sending tiny sparks through me. His hands seductively swept down my body before grabbing my ass. I gasped at his touch and quietly let out a soft moan. He laughed into my neck, groaned, and then pulled his hands back up to my waist.

"Aw, why'd you stop?" I whined.

He sighed then reluctantly answered,

"Because, if I carry on, I'm not going to be able to control myself."

A laugh escaped me, and I replied cheekily,


He paused for a second then looked around to make sure no one could hear him. He then whispered into my ear in a sexy and husky voice,

"So... Then I'd have to rip your clothes off right here and now. Then I'd have to fuck you in front of all of these people."

His lips were hovering just above my skin, and his breath rolled across my neck like a wave. His breath tickled and it sent a shiver of pleasure coursing through my body. The vision of what he'd just said, and the anticipation of what could happen next, made my knees buckle and I fell back against his hands. He held my weight at my waist with one arm and placed the other hand behind my head.

I looked up at him through my eyelashes and saw that his eyes were black again with lust. I pulled my hand down his chest and over his abs until I reached his belt buckle. He furrowed his brow trying to work out what I was up to. I bit my bottom lip and moved my hand lower, then gently rubbed it over his crotch. His body stiffened at my touch, then in a low and sultry voice I said,

"Hmm, someone's excited by the idea of fucking me in front of all of these people, huh baby?"

He let out a low and rumbling growl in response. He then grabbed my hand and pushed it harder onto the large erection that he now had in his pants.

"Very excited," he answered in a deep and breathy voice.

A smirk grew across my face thinking about how much he wanted me and how much power I had over him.

I literally have him by the balls.

I suddenly pulled away from him and held him at arm's length. He raised his eyebrow in confusion. I stood up straight, brushed my gown down, then ran my fingers through my hair making myself more presentable.

"I best walk away then before I tempt the big bad wolf too much."

I pointed down to his crotch with my eyes. He pouted then let out a whimper. "I would like to keep my clothes on a little longer, if that's okay with you? You pervert," I said sarcastically as I flipped my hair.

He laughed and playfully rolled his eyes at me. I then strutted away, making sure I put some extra swing into my hips, because I knew he'd be watching my ass as I walked away. I looked back over my shoulder at him and he was holding his chest like he'd been shot, then he dramatically fell to the floor. I held in a laugh and just rolled my eyes at him. He fell back on to the grass like he'd just died.

"What did you do Frey?" Cassie asked as I got over to them.

I leaned into her ear and whispered that he'd gotten an erection, and I'd just walked away and left him with it.

"Oh, that's so cruel."

She chuckled, obviously not believing her own statement.

"Aww, whaddya do? You broke his poor little heart. Look at him, he's all dead N shit," Tyler said in a sad voice while pointing at Tristan who was still playing dead.

Give him his dues he was really committing himself to it.

"I don't think it's his heart that she's broken. Think a little further south," Cassie said, and then I giggled.

Tyler stood there as confused as ever, then all of a sudden, his eyes widened.

"Ooohhh, that's so mean Frey. The poor guy is probably dead for real over there," he said and pointed a thumb in Tristan's direction.

I quickly whined at Cassie for telling him,

"Hey, no fair, you told him through your mind link, didn't you?" She laughed and nodded. "Bitch."

I giggled while I playfully pushed her. She stumbled backwards, lost her balance, then fell down and kissed the grass with her ass. There is no way I should have been able to push her over like that, I thought while we both stared at each other for a few moments in shock.

"Oh no, Tristan!" Amber screeched.

All three of us shot our heads around to watch as Amber ran across the grass towards Tristan. When she reached him, she knelt down beside him and put her hands on his chest, before bending down so that she could see his face. He quickly sat up and tried to push her away, but she just flung her arms around him and started kissing him all over his face.

I scrunched my hands into fists as I watched that bitch paw all over my man. A rage I had never felt before engulfed my entire body and I began to shake uncontrollably. Cassie and Tyler looked at each other and then back at me. Tyler was standing there with his mouth wide open in shock. Cassie turned to me with panic written all over her face, then pointed at me and asked in a shaky voice,

"Freya! What the hell is up with your eyes?"

Tristan Cole

I lay on the grass pretending to be dead from a broken heart. I was hoping that Freya would come to my rescue and maybe even finish off what she started. I could hear Freya and Cassie giggling in the distance and realized that my plan hadn't worked. I decided to stay there a little longer while I waited for my excitement to subside.

"Oh no, Tristan!"

I rolled my eyes while they were still closed, at the sound of Ambers shrieking voice.

How the hell any guy can get close to that girl, I don't know. Her voice sounds like nails scraping down a chalkboard. Please don't come over here, you crazy ass.

Too late, she was already at my side and I could feel her hands resting on my chest. Oh God, I could now feel her breath on my face. Well, my big bad wolf was now a shriveled-up prune. So at least she'd helped with that.

"Amber, I'm fine. You can get off me now," I said politely but firmly.

To my surprise instead of backing away, the crazy girl grabbed my cheeks and began kissing me all over my face. I couldn't hear Freya giggling anymore.

Please don't let her be seeing this. She'll rip off my balls and wear them as earrings. I

peered around Amber, and sure enough, there was Freya staring right at us, looking like she wanted to murder us both. Her hands were all scrunched up into fists and Cassie was trying to talk to her, but she wasn't paying her any attention.

"Amber, enough!" I growled at her hoping that she'd get the hint, but she didn't.

So, I tried to push her away from me. I could of easily of slapped the girl silly, but the last thing I needed right now was a conflict with her father and brother. We were so close to the Alpha ceremony and I needed to keep them sweet.

"Cassie?" I called out to her over a mind link. I got nothing in reply.

She was either linking someone else or was ignoring me.

"Tyler?" I called my brother over a mind link.

Still nothing, I guess that answered that question then.

Seriously I could do with some help right now.

"Tyler?" I tried him one last time and this time he replied,

"Tristan, there's something wrong with Freya!"

Then it all went silent.

I really need to get this bitch off of me!