Chapter Eight ~ Pregnant!?

Freya Rose

I had no idea what Cassie was on about when she asked me what was wrong with my eyes. To be honest I didn't really give two shits either. If they weren't falling out of their sockets, or leaking blood down my face, I really didn't care a shit. All I cared about right now was ripping Amber fucking Wade apart with my bare hands.

I ignored Cassie completely and stormed off in the direction of Tristan and Amber. I was absolutely fuming by then, and I could hear that Cassie and Tyler were quickly following behind me. They kept frantically calling out my name, but I wasn't in the mood to listen. I knew that they would just try to calm me down and convince me not to beat Amber's ass.

Which is not an option!

By that point, nothing, and I mean nothing, was going to stop me from teaching that bitch a lesson. The lesson of the day was, keep your filthy skank hands, off my man!

By the time I'd finished with the girl, she'd know not to even look at Tristan again, let alone dare to lay her scabby little hands on him.

"Freya, calm down!" Cassie shouted out to me.

I guess either Tristan heard her, or Tyler had mind linked him and told him that I was on the warpath, because he instantly looked up at me. He was wide-eyed and I could tell he didn't know what to do. He tried again to push Amber away, but she wasn't having any of it.

"Hey, bitch! Get the fuck off my boyfriend!" I shouted, louder than I'd ever shouted in my life.

She went to turn her head around to look at me, but before she got the chance to, I'd grabbed a handful of her hair. I wrapped it around my fist, making sure I had a tight grip. Knowing now that she was a werewolf, I fully prepared myself, and used all the strength I had to pull her off of Tristan by her hair. To my amazement, I'd managed to yank her head back pretty easily and she fell straight onto the floor.

Maybe she's a really weak wolf? I thought to myself as I began to drag her, kicking and screaming across the grass.

I heard gasps all around me, but I didn't care what other people thought at that moment in time. I'd had enough of the bitch trying it on with my man and she was going to pay. She'd been like it for years, constantly flirting with him. Laughing at his pathetic jokes, cheering him on way too much at his football games. Always trying to pair up with him to do class assignments. She even got a job working in his family's business, so that she could be closer to him. I originally thought she was just trying to annoy me or make me jealous, but now I knew that she'd been after him all along, because he was going to be Alpha.

If I wanted to keep my man, I needed to show her who was boss once and for all. And while I was at it, I'd let all the other wolves know that I wouldn't be a pushover. Although I didn't expect it to be that easy. Neither did Tristan, Tyler or Cassie, by the shocked looks on their faces. They stared at me as I continued to drag Amber along the floor. She was screaming bloody murder and flailing around like an upturned turtle. I looked back at her and began to chuckle at her pathetic attempts to free herself from my grip.

If this is how weak all werewolf girls are, then I have nothing to worry about, I giggled to myself.

I think I was enjoying it all way too much. I finally let go of Amber's hair and jumped on top of her. I sat back on my knees and straddled her. I then raised my arm high up into the air ready to punch her, and her eyes grew wide with terror. I smirked at her, then brought my fist down as hard as I could, punching her right in the eye.

"Arrghh!" She screamed.

Then someone else cried out,

"Stop it Freya!"

I didn't listen or bother to look up to see who'd said it. By then, I had completely lost it and kept repeatedly trying to punch Amber in the face.

"Get the hell off me, you crazy bitch!" She screamed at me while holding her hands up to protect herself.

She wasn't quick enough though, so a few of my punches managed to connect with her face. On the last punch, I felt a pop under my knuckles and heard a loud crunch as my fist smashed into her nose.

"Ahhhh!" Amber screamed out in agony while blood exploded out of her nose and began to flow down her face like a crimson red river.

The sound and sight of it should have shocked me into stopping, but it didn't, and I went to punch her again.

"Please, Freya, no more," Amber sobbed.

I didn't feel bad for her at all, in fact, I still felt a strange and uncontrollable need to destroy her. It was like there was something that had taken over me, and it didn't want to stop until Amber was wiped off the face of the earth. I admit, it was a little dramatic and over the top, but I couldn't stop myself.

My fist was mere inches away from her face when Tristan wrapped his arms around my waist. As he struggled to drag me off of her, I kicked my legs out and shrieked like a banshee.

"Stay the hell away from, Tristan. You hear me, Amber!"

Jessie and Elsa quickly ran over to Amber's side then both glared at me while they helped her up. Amber took her hands away from her face, and I burst out laughing when more blood gushed out of her nose. The sight of her destroyed face made me happy, and all tingly inside for some demented reason. She was crying her eyes out and she was absolutely covered in blood.

I should've felt bad for what I'd just done to her, but I didn't. In fact, I felt amazing. I was tingling all over like a surge of power or electricity was coursing through my veins. I felt really strong, like abnormally strong. I stood there watching her and questioned myself,

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Even though I didn't feel guilty about what I'd just done to her, I knew that it wasn't like me. I was usually one to shy away from confrontation, and I hadn't had a physical fight ever, not in my whole entire life. I mean I'd play fought with Tyler and the others, but this was pure aggression. I didn't think I would have stopped until she was unconscious or dead, if Tristan hadn't of pulled me away from her.

Elsa and Jessie slowly walked Amber over towards Landon and her parents. They all quickly fussed around her, and her mom Leah squealed,

"Oh my God, look at my poor baby!"

I rolled my eyes and smirked at them.

What the hell is wrong with me? I think I'm possessed! I thought to myself.

"She's broken my fucking nose," I heard her scream at them. She then turned around to scowl at me, so I gave her a giant cheesy grin in response. "You're fucking crazy. You know that?" She screeched as she pointed her finger at me.

I didn't know what came over me, I couldn't control myself and I burst out laughing again like a crazy person, before lunging at her again. Tristan held on to me even tighter as I wriggled and kicked, trying to free myself from his grip. I froze on the spot when I heard an almighty growl. I looked up and there was Landon, his eyes were raven in color, and his face was homicidal. He growled again then charged right at me.

Tristan acted fast, and forcefully threw me behind him. I went flying backwards and fell onto the floor, landing straight on my ass with a huge thud. Tristan then charged headfirst towards Landon. Cassie ran over to me, grabbed my arm and helped me up, while Tyler sprinted to catch up with his brother.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said as I brushed some grass off my butt.

We both didn't have any words and just watched the fight unfold. Tristan reached Landon and violently tackled him to the ground. He punched Landon square in the face and then kept trying to punch him. Unlike his sister, Landon was extremely fast and really good at protecting himself, so Tristan's punches fell short.

I chuckled out loud when I remembered the sound of Amber's nose breaking.

What the fuck?

Cassie raised one eyebrow at me like I'd gone mental. I just shrugged and carried on watching the vicious fight. Landon lifted both of his legs up and kicked Tristan right in the stomach, Tristan went flying through the air and landed on his side. They both got up so that they were crouching on all fours facing each other. Landon growled and lunged forwards, and Tristan followed suit. They crashed into each other and wrestled around on the ground. Tristan then threw himself up and over, so that he was on Landon's back. He reached his right arm around Landon's neck and held it in place with his left hand. Tristan had Landon captured in an incredible choke hold.

My eyes grew wide as I watched my boyfriend fight like a God. Landon thrashed around trying to throw Tristan off of him, but Tristan's hold was unwavering. He stood up and straightened his body out, pulling Landon to his feet. Landon's back arched and it looked like Tristan was about to snap his neck. I should have been put off, or been scared by all of this, but I wasn't. I watched him in awe as he easily overpowered Landon.

Landon reached his hands up towards his neck trying to pry Tristan's arms away from his throat, but Tristan just growled and tightened his arms some more. Landon was turning bright red while he struggled to free himself from Tristan's death grip. Eventually, he began to struggle less and less, and his eyes rolled back into his head.

As I stared at Tristan's menacing expression, I began to zone out into my own thoughts.

Is it wrong that I don't feel shocked or repelled by all of this?

I actually felt surprisingly turned on. The strength that Tristan had was amazing, and he looked like a God. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion and I just stood there staring at him in complete awe, as he slowly choked Landon unconscious.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I like this so damn much? And why did I enjoy beating the hell out of Amber? Not to mention, how in the hell did I beat her up? She's a werewolf and I'm... Well, I'm just me, a normal, human girl, right? Something definitely isn't right.

Amber and Jessie were screaming, and people in the crowd were in complete shock. Landon and Tristan's parents on the other hand, were surprisingly calm, and just watched from the sidelines. My mom had her hands over her eyes, but was occasionally peering through them, then hiding behind them again. Tyler was frantically trying to calm Tristan down, but Tristan was zoned out, and wasn't paying attention to anything.

Suddenly Landon's body went limp and he slumped down towards the floor. Gasps came from everywhere in the crowd. Tristan was still holding him in the choke hold, but he was just staring into space. Tyler's attempts to get through to his brother were useless, and he turned around to Cassie with a pleading look on his face.

"Tyler said you need to get over there, now. You need to try to get through to Tristan. If he doesn't let Landon go soon, he's gonna kill him," she pleaded with me.

"Okay, I'll try," I replied.

I ran over and stood in front of Tristan. I looked up into his eyes, and what I saw were just jet-black pools of emptiness. He was motionless and staring off into the distance. His breathing was heavy, and he was shaking with adrenalin. I went up onto my tiptoes, so that I could reach over Landon and placed my hands-on Tristan's face. He was covered in sweat and his skin was burning up.

"Tristan?" I said quietly, he didn't respond so I tried again, "baby?" I questioned, still no response.

Fuck this! I thought to myself.

"Tristan!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and raised my hand into the air.

"What the hell are you doing?" Tyler questioned me in a panicked voice.

I ignored him and slapped Tristan as hard as I could across his face.

"Ow. What the hell was that for?" Tristan whined and instantly dropped Landon.

He put his hand to his cheek where I'd hit him and was in complete shock. I laughed and pulled him away a bit so that Landon's family could get to him. He looked awful, all pale and crumpled on the floor. I felt bad for him and hoped he'd be okay.

Oh, thank God for that! I thought to myself. That sounds like the normal me, sort of response.

I shook my head and concentrated on Tristan, I whispered softly to him,

"Follow me, baby, we're gonna go and sit on the grass over here."

He was still a little dazed and shaky, so I guided him further away from Landon and the crowd of worried friends and family that had formed around him. I sat down on the grass facing away from Landon and patted the floor next to me for Tristan to sit. He obeyed and sat down next to me. Tyler and Cassie started to walk over towards us, but I shook my head at them, and they went and sat a bit further away, to give us some space. Tristan laid down and rested his head on my lap, and I ran my fingers softly through his hair.

"I'm sorry," he whispered so low that I barely heard him.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Tristan," I replied as I began to stroke his face.

"I do Freya. I lost it, you must have been so scared, I'm so sorry baby."

"I wasn't scared, Tristan."

He sat up in front of me with a confused look on his face, then asked me,

"You weren't scared seeing me lose it like that?" I shook my head and explained,

"Something weird is going on with me, T," I spoke quietly because I didn't want anyone else to hear me.

"What do you mean weird?" He asked me to elaborate as he took my hands into his.

"Well I got so jealous when Amber was kissing you, that I completely lost the plot."

He cut me off before I could finish, and said,

"Well we all get jealous sometimes babe," he said it with a laugh at the end. His carefree attitude about it, kinda pissed me off, and I snapped at him,

"No, you're not listening!" He startled and sat back a bit, then replied sweetly,

"Okay, babe, calm down. I'm sorry, I'll keep quiet and let you finish."

He squeezed my hands urging me to continue. I took in a deep breath and continued,

"I don't mean a little bit jealous, T. I mean this weird burning anger that took over my entire body, and I felt a huge surge of electricity inside me." He frowned but let me continue without interrupting. "I wanted to rip her apart, and I don't understand how I was able to beat her up. I know she's a werewolf."

He widened his eyes and asked me,

"Did Cassie tell you?" I nodded and he continued, "I'm not going to lie. It is weird how you had that much strength. You shouldn't have stood a chance against one of us," he said while rubbing his chin.

"I know right."

"Something's definitely going on, for sure. What else did you feel?"

I tried to work out how to reply without sounding mental. I finally found the words then said,

"Well, I found it amusing that she was covered in blood, and that I'd broken her nose. I also found it a turn on when you nearly killed Landon," I admitted with utter embarrassment.

He must have forgotten about Landon because he quickly looked over in his direction, I turned to look too. Landon was now sitting up and being fussed over by Jessie. I saw the guilt on Tristan's face, so I put my hand on his cheek and rubbed it with my thumb.

"He'll be okay, T."

Tristan put his hand to mine and rubbed his face against it. He gave me a weak smile then raised one of his eyebrows up and stared at me.

"A turn on, huh?" He asked with a sexy smirk.

I pulled my hand back and hit his chest, he laughed at me, so I snapped at him,

"It's not funny Tristan!"

All of a sudden, I was overcome with emotion, and as I tried to hold back my tears I said in a shaky voice,

"It's very disturbing and it's scaring the crap out of me. I don't understand what is happening to me."

Tristan pulled me on to his lap and cradled me. I put one arm around his back and rested my head on his chest. I felt so loved and safe in his embrace, with him to protect me I knew that somehow everything was going to be okay.

"I'll do some research and ask around the pack. I'll try to find out if anything like this has happened before," he said reassuringly, before kissing the top of my head.

"I am so sorry, Freya. This is all my fault." I pulled myself away to look at him, because I didn't understand what he meant, so I just asked him out right,

"What do you mean it's all your fault?"

Did he know something that I didn't? I wondered.

"I dunno, but it's got to be though, hasn't it? You're a normal human girl and I've been having a relationship with you for nearly two years. This might be why werewolves don't usually date humans," he said, and I looked back at him in shock as he continued, "Some wolves in the pack weren't too happy when I started dating you, maybe they knew something like this would happen?"

"Are you saying, that you don't want to be with me anymore?" I snapped at him while I tried my hardest to push him away from me. I struggled against him, but he pulled me into him tighter, then quickly replied,

"No, of course not. I would never stop wanting to be with you, Freya. Babe, you are my always and forever, never forget that."

He held my locket up, and I sighed with relief when I leaned further into him, then rested my head onto his chest again.

"What are you trying to say then, T?" I asked wanting to make sure he wasn't trying to break up with me.

He took a huge deep breath then began to ramble,

"Maybe some of my wolfness has rubbed off? Or you caught something from me? Like a werewolf virus or something?" I raised one eyebrow at him as he carried on rambling at an extraordinary speed. "Or I bit you by accident one time? Not enough to turn you but enough to change you a little bit. Or you're pregnant. I dunno. All I do know is that it has to be my fault somehow. But don't worry, I'm going to find out exactly what it is and fix it."

He took another deep breath then exhaled slowly as he finally finished his babbling.

I looked at him in complete shock while I tried to let everything he'd just said, sink in. I loved the fact that he was really concerned about me, and I thought that it was sweet that he wanted to be my knight in shining armor. He desperately wanted to fix it, whatever it was.

But I doubted that what was going on with me had anything to do with him, or the fact that he was a werewolf. There was one part of his rambling speech that stuck in my head though, and I just couldn't shake it. It was the only part that made any kind of sense to me.

"Did you just say, Pregnant?"