Cabin in The Woods

Everyone was ready to go, well everyone except Rose.

"Hurry up!" Mike yelled up the stairs.

"Coming!" Rose yelled back from her room. He sighed, rubbing his temple. Chloe chuckled beside him.

"She's so adorable," Chloe stated. Michael shook his head.

"What is she doing, packing the entire house?"

"Hm free cookies!" Nathan lurched at the plates of cookies on the kitchen table.

"Don't eat it all! Give me some." Elnathan came stealthily behind him and stole the rest.


Mrs. Turner chuckled coming from the living room.

"We're really grateful for you having us," Michael said thanking her.

She waved him off.

"It's nothing." She chuckled.

"I'm ready!" Rose announced, seemingly out of breath dragging the overweight suitcase.

When she got to the foot of the stairs and finally looked up, she was shocked to see the rest of the guys already there.