Knowing 1

She woke up with a start with the pain of the other still fresh. But she could feel it slowly but surely ebbing away.

She laid back on the silky bed, the rays of the early morning sun went by barely noticed by her.

If it was Joe and Brenda's want to further harm her, then so be it, but she was through letting it bother her.

Her mind replayed the whole thing and she exhaled.

She wouldn't worry. He was a bully and she needn't give him any more power over her.

She looked around her and she felt. . .happy. Yes, happiness is the word.

The room was nature enclosed in four wooden walls. The strong woods stood tall in all their architectural glory.

Her room was breathtakingly beautiful. It had been the last room left unoccupied but it easily could have been the most beautiful.

Lights glowed all around her, little tiny balls on the walls and over her bed. It was enchanting.