Chapter 15

Anissa felt his intense gaze on her. Her cheeks blazed with fire and her heart pounded. She kept her eyes downcast. She felt coy but the matter at hand had her heart dreading in anticipation as to what was coming next.

Shehryaar strode towards her like a predator approaching his prey.

He sat at the edge of the bed. Dipping his finger beneath her chin, he lifted her face to look into her eyes.

Anissa kept her eyes down. His touch on her skin was fiery. She felt too shy and the weight of her feelings were just too overwhelming.

She felt something soft touch her cheek and through her peripheral vision, she saw a red rose stroke her cheek. The velvety feel of the rose against her cheek had her nerves bouncing.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he murmured, his voice low. Slowly, she raised her eyes and looked at the man sitting in front of her. Indeed he was the most handsome man she had ever seen: his smouldering grey eyes were fixed on her face. His jaw was set, the stubble making him look even more ragged. His features were darkened and hard. She bit her lower lip, the butterflies in her stomach raging in a war in her belly.

"I've waited a long time for you. Now I finally have you." He told, his voice hard and serious. Her heart did a somersault. She bit her lower lip again.

"Unless you want me to kiss you senseless, you'll stop doing that." He stated as he released her lip from her teeth.

"N-now," she shuttered and cleared her throat. She gathered her courage and looked into his eyes. "Now that we are married, what now?"

"Now, we live our lives together. You will fully devote yourself to me and I want your undivided attention." He told, his voice deep and serious. His aura radiating pure dominance.

Anissa nodded meekly.

"Can you tell me now. Why did you marry me?" She inquired curiously.

"You really love asking that question don't you?" He said rhetorically. Anissa kept silent, her hazel eyes trained on his eyes ones.

"The answer is simple: I was bored. I wanted a change in my life and besides, I needed a legal escort. It's more convenient." He said.

She didn't know why but his words didn't settle well with her especially the part about it him being more convenienced about his partner being legal.

"What with the escorts that I used to take with me to events and charities, it costed me a lot of money and a lot of drama." He chuckled dryly.

Anissa didn't like him telling her all of this so frankly; it only showed how experienced he was and how inexperienced she was. And for some reason, she didn't like it.

"Come," he said and grasped her hand gently. He stood up slowly and Anissa followed suit. Gently getting off the bed, her hair pulled as the veil dragged on the flush sheets of the bed.

She winced when her dressed rubbed on her left arm but she ignored it and stood up.

Her height of 5'5 reached only to his shoulders as he reached a good 6'2. She stared at his chest, which was so broad and well built. His shoulders were strong and muscular, his muscles in his arms were rippling out.

"Nothing is going to ruin this night." He murmured huskily. And gently wound his arms around her. Her injury burned or was it her skin?

His lips slowly descended and brushed against the corner of her lips, his hands roaming up and down her back but the veil at her back prevented his hands from touching further.

Her cheeks flushed brightly and her eyes remained glued to the floor.

"Is the floor more appealing then your husband, Tara?" He whispered in her ear, his warm breath tickling her skin. Her breathed fastened.

His hands went to the pins on her veil and he began to pull them out. Anissa released a breath of relief as her hair felt the heavy weight of the embroidered veil carefully pulled down her head.

"I love your hair," he mumbled, his fingers lightly combing the ends of her locks on her shoulder. "They're so soft, like smooth chocolate." He said in a low tone, his fingers gently rolling her loose strands and fisting it and bringing it close to his nose, his lips caressing her soft hair.

"Your scent; its intoxicating. It's driving me fucking crazy." He mumbled and his eyes met with hers: gray to hazel.

Anissa felt her heart was about to explode in her chest as her stomach knotted up. His grey eyes glistened and shimmered with so much lust and carnal desire.

She had thought that she would hate being near him but her body was responding differently. Previously, she hated it whenever he touched her, but now, when he freely touched and caressed her hair and passed his thoughts to her, she liked it.

Is it because he's my husband now that I'm looking at him from a different perspective? Maybe.

"I wonder if you'll taste just as sweet?" He mumbled, releasing her hair and gently cupping her cheek as his other hand went up and tangled in her loose hair that hung casually down to her waist.

Her eyes widened and her heart hammered when his lips brushed on hers. Closing her eyes, she delved in to the kiss as Shehryaar claimed her lips. Unlike before, this kiss wasn't harsh or forced, rather it was soft and gentle.

Shehryaar's teeth lightly grazed on Anissa's lower lip and bit and sucked, seeking entrance. Anissa felt hesitant. Smirking against her lips, his lips travelled to her jaw then her cheek and finally her ear. Licking the soft skin of the shell of her ear, his teeth bit her ear lobe, causing Anissa to yelp.

Immediately, his mouth was on hers again and his tongue plunged into her warm mouth, stroking every corner and coaxing her tongue to join in his dance. Anissa moaned softly, setting Shehryaar on fire.

A throaty moan erupted from Shehryaar as he quickened the kiss. When he opened his eyes, he saw her eyes closed, cheeks flushed and her red lipstick smudged.

"Fuck, baby," he grumbled, panting. He flicked his tongue and licked the seams of her lips. "You taste so fucking sweet." He whispered against her lips, his hands tilting her head.

His lips traveled to her neck planting wet kisses.

"Ah," she moaned, his hands grasping his strong forearms for support as her knees buckled and legs wobbled. Shehryaar's smooth and skilled lips sucked on the delicate skin of her neck. His hands removed the necklace and threw it away but Anissa was far gone to even notice.

All the ornaments decorating her body were in his way so her slowly removed her large earrings while his lips feared in her neck, licking and sucking. Throwing the hair piece on the floor, his hands went to the back and started to unfasten the buttons of her gown.

His hands came in contact with her hot skin. Anissa felt goosebumps crawl on her skin from where he touched. Anissa's heart jumped and her mind started to panic.

Calm down Ainnie. You can do this. He's your husband. You can't deny him this night. Just swallow your fear. You're brave. You've dealt with far worse.

She tried to muster up Her courage.

Slowly, his hands removed the dress from her shoulders, his lips descending to her shoulders. Unmindful of the bandages around her arm and chest, he continued kissing her skin. The gown cascaded to her feet, leaving her only him her red lacy lingerie. She felt conscious as his eyes roamed her maleness without shame.

Her hands went to cover herself from his gaze but he immediately caught her wrists, his eyes hardening at her feeble attempt.

"Don't ever hide from me what's mine." He growled. She flinched but obeyed. His features softened and his lips went back to the soft pulsating column of her neck.

"So fucking perfect." He mumbled against her neck and scooped her up in his arms bridal style. Her arms immediately wound around his neck.

Anissa's heart went into overdrive as he laid her down on the bed. She plopped on her elbows to catch a view of her husband disrobe himself.

Removing his sherwaani, his eyes remained on her body. She felt so shy under his heated gaze. Her cheeks blushed and heated brightly as she saw his chest, so strong, packed with built pectorals and abs and a delicious six pack at his abdomen.

Keeping his white pajama on, he climbed on the bed and hovered over her.

"Now, you're mine." He growled and claimed her lips in a slow heated kiss. His hands went to her waist, gently caressing her skin as they made there way to her ribs and strokes at the bony turns, causing Anissa to shudder.

His words echoed in her mind, the situation sank in.

'Now you're mine!'

She was beginning to hyperventilate as her mind slipped back to that night from two years ago.

He has said the same words to her that night. His dark eyes had shone with so much malice and evil as he had bound her beneath him.

The darkness shrouded her. She felt her husbands touch slowly being replaced by the monster who had defiled her. When she opened her eyes, she saw the same crazed look in his eyes that the monster had.

His hands had touched her and she felt disgusted.

Her body began to shiver as her eyes welled up with tears of fear and terror. Her mind kept on recalling the moments when that monster had raped her in that dark store room and her cries and pleas were echoed off the walls but that monster didn't stop his assault.

All her courage abandoned her. She was scared out of her wits. Her mind went into panic mode, her sympathetic nervous system kicking in. Her heart beat spiked.

Her sobs broke through and her hands began to shake as they went her his chest and tried pushing away the man who was kissing her and also began to fondle her breasts. Adrenaline pulses through her veins and the need to run became primal that it drove her on the edge of insanity.

"P-please," she sobbed and tried pushing Shehryaar away.

He growled but plopped on his hands as he observed her: body shaking like a leaf. Her hands went up and covered her face as her sobs broke down. When she felt his body move from hers, she began to crawl away from him.

"What the fuck?!" He shouted.

She jumped off the bed and scrambled the sheets to cover herself. But Shehryaar was fast and was in front of her before she knew it.

His face was hard and his grey eyes were as cold as steel. Anger was evident on his face as he caught waist and pulled her flush against his chest.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He glowered.

"P-please, I'm n-not ready. I c-can't do t-this a-after all." She stuttered, her eyes cascading down her cheeks in rivulets.

"You're mine Anissa. I will not allow you to deny me what's mine!" He shouted, his voice bouncing off the walls. She cringed and sobbed as he grabbed her, his grip rough and harsh that Anissa was sure that it would leave bruises.

"B-but please, understand, Shehry-"

He silenced her with his lips capturing hers in a cruel kiss as soon as his name left her lips. He refused to hear anymore. He would let nothing disturb his wedding night: the night he had desperately waited for so long.

"You're my wife. I've waited a long time for this. I wanted to have you in a legitimate way because that's what you deserve but if you refuse me then I won't hesitate to take you without your consent." He sneered, his cold grey eyes piercing into hers.

She swallowed as her fear overcame her and her arms began to fight him as he carried her back to the bed.

"Please don't!" She screamed as her threw her on the bed, kneeling between her knees and latched onto her neck as his hands cupped her breasts and spilled them out. His skilled fingers began to twirk her soft nipples and they hardened.

"Don't please!" She begged.

But he wasn't having it. He cupped her breasts and mouthed her right nipple. His other hand ventured south and cupped her sex from over her panties. As soon as his hand touched her there, her heart felt as if it would leap out of her chest and burst. Her mind shattered into a million pieces.

So, I'm about to be raped by my husband as well?

Just that thought drained her energy. Her limbs went limp and fell by the sides of her head. Her eyes trained on the ceiling. She saw black spots dance in her vision as darkness enclosed around her.

Shehryaar felt her struggle go down and stopped. He looked up and saw that her eyes were closed and her head fell to the side.

"Anissa?" He said softly and gently patted her cheek but she didn't respond. "Anissa?" He called loudly but she didn't answer.

"Fuck!" He cursed and got off of the bed.

What the fuck just happened? He couldn't understand.
