Chapter 49

The estate was quiet and dark.

The guards were outside but at a distance so as to not disturb the master and mistress of the house.

The maids had retired to their quarters. The whole estate was deadly silent. Even the sound of the whistling wind could be heard. There weren't any crickets around seeing as the estate was in the middle of an island in the sea.

Slowly, the gentle taping of soft footsteps could be heard as they made their way down the large staircase.

It was darkness all around her and she never thought that the absence of light would ever be so comforting.

So soothing.

So comforting.

She never thought that the darkness could be so inviting.

And what was darkness?

Just the absence of light?

Or rather, the absence of everything that mattered.

But this darkness was nothing compared to the darkness that was inside her mind.

All that lurked in the deep cavernous of her shattered psyche was one single thing now.