Chapter 50

Where humans seek to have answers to anything outside of their comprehension, they use science and logic. Anything that could rid them of their vulnerability. Because what are we humans other then animals, out to kill. Except what makes us different from the rest of the species is our ability to process and analyse various emotions that make us human- a being distinct from animal. We do not just possess logic and emotion, we also possess knowledge and the intelligence of how to use it wisely.

But then there was some of us, who tend to ignore the emotional side of things and solely focus on the logic in order to use that knowledge, not for other or the benefit of helping others but rather only themselves.

That's basic human nature.

Why be so selfish?

Because it gives you power and control, something that humans desperate seek.

Isn't that how the universe works?

Isn't that how humans evolve?

Survival of the fittest.

And that's exactly what Shehryaar Ghulari desired.