(Drunk) Brotherly Love

Sunday, 8 March 2099, 7:45PM

Rina walked Bruno out of the suite and towards the elevator, but not before Colton, and Esteban, waved goodbye. Jago and Sayer had a different way of saying goodbye to the young couple.

"Don't go too far, Kids!" Jago hollered in a motherly voice.

"Yeah, remember, Rina: boys have cooties!" Sayer chuckled.

Bruno ignored the two Head Guard; he was just lucky that Jago didn't hear him talk about the rape accusation.

The two continued walking until they finally reached the elevator. The last things Bruno and Rina saw were Jago and Sayer waving their hands wildly and wiping away fake tears.

"They grow up so fast!" Bruno heard Jago shout.

The doors shut and it was silent. Rina immediately turned to Bruno and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled instantaneously.

"What was that for?" Bruno asked.

"I dunno," Rina grinned. "I've just missed you, that's all."

"Well, we can get ice cream or something if you wan━"

Bruno's mobile started ringing; Anzalone's full name flashed on the screen alongside a green phone icon and a red phone icon. Bruno quickly hit the green phone.

"Anzalone! What's up, what's going on?" Bruno spoke into the mic.

"Hey, I'm at my house safe," Anzalone said. "The Piners haven't come back; my dad is stitched up and resting in his room; Espen is in the Clinic. Meghan and I have been speaking; she's still really sad about her mom. None of us have seen Maximus since he ran off."

"Have you seen my family? Valinoti's, Schmidt's?"

"Your family is okay, Bruno," Anzalone said. "They hid in the cellar while your father stayed in his Slammer cell. Valinoti and Schmidt's parents are fine, but Broden isn't okay."


"Schmidt's older brother," Anzalone answered. "He has many lacerations and broken bones from a shack collapsing on him. He's in the Clinic now, the room next to Espen."

Bruno was happy that his family was safe, that Jack and Alanna were out of harm's way. He was also glad that all his friends' parents were alive, but the situation with Broden was going to be tough to tell Schmidt.

"Bruno?" Anzalone spoke.


"Did you speak with Sir Espington yet?"

Bruno looked at Rina, who now felt uncomfortable by the way she reacted to Anzalone's question.

"He and I, probably Cradock too, will be coming back to Adlington to pick you up. Julius needs to speak with Maximus as well."

"Okay," Anzalone said without any hesitation or worry. "I will take any consequence."

"No need to be afraid, um, Anzalone," Rina spoke. "I won't have my father arrest you or anything. I know you're a good guy and I know Bruno thinks you are, too."

"Uh, thanks, Rina," Anzalone said. Then, "Bruno, I'll see you tomorrow. We're trying to find the twenty Miners, no one can find them."

"Wait, what?"

But Anzalone had already hung up.

Bruno and Rina ended up sitting at the Espington Eatery Bar. Their bartender, Maria Rosa, had served them both piña coladas. At first, Bruno thought it was a girly drink and he just wanted a beer, but Rina insisted. It took a few sips before Bruno finally appreciated the blend of coconut cream, pineapple juice, and white rum.

"See, men can have mixed drinks, too!" Rina giggled, Maria Rosa nodding in agreement.

"I still want my Togluagoan Logger," Bruno said taking his final sip of the piña colada.

Maria Rosa pulled out a brown beer bottle from the fridge and proceeded to pop the cap; she walked further down the aisle to check on her other customers.

"Care to explain what that conversation was between you and my father?" Rina asked, twirling the straw in her drink.

Bruno didn't know whether to tell Rina the truth or not. Then again, his roommates know and the rest of the ECC will soon know. Bruno didn't want to have Rina find out the truth from someone else. He decided he would tell her the truth, but long-story-short.

"Anzalone wasn't part of the original twenty Miners," Bruno explained. "He was sent here by Sir Adlington to kill your dad but didn't do it because he's no Assassin. I had to explain that to your father."

Instead of answering, Rina chugged the rest of her piña colada.

"Anzalone isn't dangerous right?" she asked.

"You have nothing to worry about," Bruno assured. "Anzalone is harmless."

Rina ran her fingers through her hair and took a deep breath in, then out. Bruno was waiting for a response, but what he got wasn't directed towards him. Rina was focused on Maria Rosa.

"Give me a shot of Mameron Vodka!"

Sunday, 8 March 2099, 10:00PM

Bruno and Rina were one of the the last customers to leave the restaurant; Maria Rosa had stopped serving Rina alcohol after the girl took her fourth shot of Mameron Vodka. Bruno held her hand as they exited Espington Eatery; he was glad that they had left before the bar-crawlers and bums arrived.

"W-When are we gonna go to-to the b-bar?" Rina asked, the intoxication getting the best of her.

"We already went to the bar," Bruno chuckled. "Maria Rosa cut you off. I'm going to take you back home."

Rina didn't reply, she just rested her head on Bruno's shoulder as they continued walking back to Inns Two. There were still dozens of residents strolling around Espington Square, shopping at the Markets or picnicking in the Heart. Bruno noticed Leech and Siegfried, the two Guard that were friendly with Nelson. The two men were stationed at Watchtower Three, their Obsidians gripped tightly. Bruno gave them a wave and the Guard nodded back.

"Are we-are we almost home?" Rina asked, repeating herself a bit.

"Yes, two minutes," Bruno said, eyes trained on the Inns Two front doors.

"Yo, Bruno!" someone called from behind.

Rina spun around on her heels and almost fell on her behind if it wasn't for Bruno's quick reflexes; he got her back on her feet and standing tall. Bruno finally looked up and realized that Nelson himself was walking over with Ria by his side.

"Hey, guys!" the Fabrics Marketer smiled.

"What are you guy doings outside?" Nelson asked.

"Just had a few drinks," Bruno replied. "Rina one too many."

Rina giggled followed by a hiccup.

"What are you two doing out?" Bruno then asked.

"Nelson just took me to the Meadow to see Mr. Honey," Ria answered.

Bruno remembered Elden Honey. The Fabrics Market Manager had been suffering from lung cancer and had asked Bruno one favor on his deathbed; he wanted Bruno to bring all the Cities back together as one: the Togluagoan Truce. Bruno had promised Mr. Honey before the old man died.

"Bruno, how about you come to ESH on Tuesday after End Class and watch the Eagles and me at Rukus Racing practice?"

"Duh Eagles?" Rina hiccupped.

"Yep," Nelson laughed. "We're the Espington Eagles. Second in the country, right behind the Islington Hyenas."

"I would love to check it out!" Bruno said. "Rukus Racing seems cool."

"It is! I'm team captain along with my roommate, Ruaen," Nelson explained. "Practice is around two hours in ESH's main gymnasium."

"Cool, I'll make sure I'm there!" Bruno said.

"How's Valinoti, by the way?" Nelson asked.

Bruno's expression went cold; he almost forgot that his best friend was still in the Clinic after the Piner attack and immediately cursed himself.

"I haven't heard anything from the Nurses or Dr. Hodge," Bruno answered. "After I drop Rina off, I'll stop by."

"Wuh? You gonna weave me?" Rina asked like a little girl.

Ria and Nelson chuckled. "We're going to the Heart for a bit," the Guard said. "See ya Tuesday."

"See ya!" Bruno waved. Rina tried to as well but it looked as if she was swatting a fly rather than waving goodbye.

The couple walked into the Inns Two lobby, Bruno waving goodnight to Amanda as he passed Inns Two Convenience.

Katrina was standing behind the front desk this time, filing papers into a cabinet. Her hair was lazily put up in a bun and it seemed like the Attendant was running on three hours of sleep and lots of caffeine.

"Hey, Katrina," Bruno said.

The Attendant looked up from her paperwork revealing her gigantic reading spectacles. Even though she was busy and appeared exhausted, Katrina showed her pearly whites and walked around the desk.

"Well if it isn't Boss Gatherer Bruno and the lovely Rina Espington! I heard about the Humvee accident and how a stick impaled Valinoti. Shame, I hope he is okay."

Bruno didn't know what Katrina was talking about. He was about to ask who told her about the Humvee accident but Rina spoke first with stutters and hiccups.

"Didn't, um, didn't Kait Deem-Uh-Rust, er, t-talk about duh accident on duh n-news?" she asked.

Katrina noticed Rina's intoxication, but ignored it altogether. "Yes. Kait Demarest had her Breaking News report right outside the Clinic minutes after Valinoti was rushed into O.R."

Bruno wanted to tell Katrina that Kait was incorrect, that Valinoti never got into a vehicle accident and never got pierced by a stick. But something told Bruno that he shouldn't tell the truth; maybe someone had altered the story so that the news reporters would not know about the semi-illegal trip to Adlington where Piners attacked. Did Julius tell the reporters something different? No, Bruno had just explained everything to him back in the President's office. Cradock couldn't have, could he have? Jago and Sayer heard in the Penthouse but could not have told in time for the Breaking News report. Then, who?

"He, um―I haven't checked yet, but I bet he'll be okay," Bruno came up with.

"Well, that's good!" Katrina smiled. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish up tonight's paperwork. And Rina? Drink some water and get some rest."

Rina bowed like a monk instead of nodding. Bruno waved goodbye as Katrina headed back to the front desk. The elevator dinged soon after and out came Jago and Sayer; they stopped walking when they noticed both Bruno and Rina.

"Oh, we were just going to get you lovebirds," Jago said.

The two Head Guard noticed how Rina's eyes were half open and how the girl had a hard time keeping her head up.

"Too many drinks, Ri?" Sayer asked.

"Hey, you-you called me by my-my nickname!" Rina chuckled.

"Do you mind bringing her up?" Bruno asked the Guard. "I need to go check on Valinoti back at the Clinic, see how he's doing."

"Yeah, no problem," Jago said. "Less walkin' for us!"

"Goodnight, Rina. Talk to you tomorrow?" asked Bruno, kissing his girlfriend on the cheek as she teetered into the elevator with her bodyguards.

"Yes-Yes!" Rina smiled then hiccuped. "See ya to-morrow, Hermes!"

Bruno thought he had just imagined it, but the half-shocked-half-awkward expressions on Jago and Sayer's faces verified that he had heard correctly.

Bruno had just heard his girlfriend call him by her ex-boyfriend's last name.

The guy who had been Exiled for kidnapping Rina last year.

Bruno walked back out of Inns Two silently without acknowledging Katrina nor Amanda. The five minutes it took him to walk to the Clinic was also in silence. Lee had called Bruno on his mobile, probably asking where he was, but Bruno had ignored the rings.

Finally, Bruno entered the Clinic and was surprised to see just as many patients as he saw earlier in the day. People filled up the lobby seats, Doctors walked in and out of the backrooms, Nurses filed papers and answered phone calls.

Bruno noticed Nurse Nicole sitting at a desk eating a peanut butter sandwich; she had headphones in her ears and her mobile screen lit. She pulled out one of the headphones when she saw Bruno walking over.

"Well if it isn't the notorious Boss Gatherer," Nurse Nicole said, Bruno smelling the peanut butter. "What brings you here?"

"Shouldn't you be working?" Bruno asked. "And isn't peanut butter not good in a hospital?"

"I'm on my break and it's allowed only in the lobby!" Nurse Nicole said matter-of-factly. "Now, what's up?"

"How is Valinoti?"

Nurse Nicole had to think about the name for a second before realizing it was the man that was practically always with Bruno.

"Oh! Tim Valinoti!" she said, waving the sandwich around a bit. "Yeah, he's great! The surgery went very well. If you had brought him in any later, it would've been bad. But he's in room thirty-nine, third floor, right now if you wanna see him."

"Thanks," Bruno said. "And don't forget to wash your hands!"

"Will do!" Nurse Nicole chuckled, placing the headphone back in her ear and biting down on her sandwich.

Bruno made it to the third floor just fine, though the elevator was crowded with coughing patients and Nurses holding stacks of paper-filled folders.

"Room Thirty-Nine is down the hall, first right," Nurse Caroline said.

"Thanks, Car," Bruno smiled. "Good seeing you!"

The door was closed. Bruno knocked and heard someone say "Come in" very faintly. It was not Valinoti; no, the voice sounded lower and manlier.

Bruno opened the door and was not ready to see a room filled with Nurses. Nurse Lauren and Nurse Madigan were near the heart monitor, writing down information onto their clipboards. Two other unfamiliar Nurses were rewrapping Val's legs, while a male Nurse was readjusting the curtains. Henry Hodge stood at the foot of the bed, speaking to Valinoti himself, who looked alive and healthy. The Head Surgeon noticed the newcomer and smiled.

"Looks like you have a nighttime visitor, Valinoti," Hodge said.

Nurse Madigan waved to Bruno and he waved back while walking to the bed where Valinoti lay. The three other Nurses had finished their jobs and proceeded to exit the room.

"How ya feeling?" Bruno asked his friend.

Valinoti was wearing a polka-dot hospital gown. His scar that Sir Espington had healed was barely visible now; most of Val's hair covered the raised skin. The cast around the Sergeant Guard's leg was just a simple wrap of fabric gauze.

"I feel good, great even," Valinoti smiled. "Second time getting stitches and I'm stronger than ever. Hodge had a tough time with the toxins, but he got rid of 'em completely!"

"Toxins?" Bruno repeated.

"Phorbol," Dr. Hodge answered. "Seems like the Piners dip their arrows in the sap of a manchineel tree, a skin irritant."

Bruno had never heard of a tree with that name, let alone that type of toxin. He was glad Hodge cleaned Valinoti's wound in time.

"Damn, Val," Bruno laughed. "I may have gotten stabbed and into two vehicle accidents, but this definitely wins."

Together, the roommates and Nurses laughed. Henry Hodge picked up his clipboard and pen, flipped through the few pages that were on top.

"Valinoti is going to stay here the night and will be able to leave the Clinic tomorrow afternoon, but he must take the hoverchair. Val shouldn't be walking for some time," Hodge explained.

Bruno and Valinoti looked at one another with wide eyes. Nurse Madigan and Lauren looked at the boys with confusion.

"What seems to be the problem?" Nurse Lauren asked.

"Um, what's a hoverchair?" Bruno asked, Valinoti nodding.

The Nurses and Hodge started laughing once more, but Bruno nor Valinoti knew what was so funny.

"Adlington must only have wheelchairs," Hodge said. "The hoverchair is designed to hover a few inches off the ground so you don't have to wheel yourself around. The machine is powered simply by a joystick."

Valinoti's jaw dropped. "I get to ride a hoverchair? Sick!"

"It's not a ride, Val!" Nurse Madigan informed. "It's for your safety."

"Yeah, sure, not a ride, gotcha," Valinoti mumbled, looking at Bruno with an expression of pure excitement.

"I have a question, er, a private question for just Valinoti and Dr. Hodge," Bruno change the subject, trying not to stare directly at the Nurses.

Henry Hodge nodded to both Nurse Lauren and Madigan and the two girls left the room, closing the door behind them.

"What's up, Dude?" Valinoti asked.

"Apparently Espington News explained your injury as a vehicle accident and how a stick impaled you? Did you tell the reporters that?"

Valinoti shook his head and when Bruno turned his attention to Henry Hodge, the Head Surgeon just shrugged his shoulders.

"I was the one who told Maxwell Binkley that Valinoti got hurt on the way back from Adlington," someone said.

Bruno turned around and saw Mitzu Yee, the Clinic Boss. The elder Togluagoan stood with a bit of a hunch, making his scrubs look bigger than they actually were. Mitzu wore giant spectacles, as big as Schmidt's, though they were rectangular instead of ovular. Bruno couldn't stop staring at the Boss' bald head that had only a handful of grey hairs. It took about five seconds for Bruno to remember that Yee was one of Bosses to vote in favor of Carth's Execution.

"Why, Sir?" Valinoti asked.

"You two obviously went to Adlington not just for the twenty Miners, which still aren't here," Yee said. "There is something else dark going on, with Piners included, and I thought it was smart to tell Maxwell it was just an auto accident because we don't want panic in Espington. He believed me because I am the Boss of the Clinic."

And just like that, Mitzu Yee walked out of the room, not waiting for a response. Bruno and Valinoti looked at one another and then at Henry Hodge. The Head Surgeon shrugged his shoulders and pocketed his pen.

"Don't wanna know," he said. "I just save lives."

Sunday, 8 March 2099, 11:20PM

Bruno stood in the elevator heading to the fourth floor. Inns Two Convenience had been closed and an unfamiliar Attendant had taken Katrina's place at the front desk.

There were no other occupants in the elevator shaft, which upset Bruno. Being alone made Bruno have to think to himself and the only thing on his mind right now was Rina.

See ya tomorrow, Hermes, Rina had said in her drunken stupor.

Why did she have her ex boyfriend on her mind? Not only was he her ex boyfriend, but he had tried to kidnap Rina through the sewers and keep her to himself. Even if she was drunk, why would that name come to mind? Bruno had no idea and tried as best as he could to erase it all from his mind.

Finally the elevator doors opened and Bruno walked to R Nine.

. . .

"I called you and you didn't answer. Where were ya, Bro?" Lee asked, Jojo the Great Dane laying beside him on the living room sofa.

Bruno obviously didn't tell Lee that he had ignored his call so he just exaggerated a bit. "I was speaking with Julius all this time and then I had stopped to see Valinoti."

"How's he doing?" Lee questioned, Schmidt now entering the living room.

"He's totally fine," Bruno answered easily. "He'll be out of the Clinic tomorrow with a hoverchair."

Schmidt was pacing the living room now; every so often he would take off his spectacles, breath on the lenses, rub them, and put them back on. Bruno could tell something was on his mind and he knew exactly what the something was.

"You okay, Schmidt?" Bruno asked the nervous boy anyway.

"I'm not sure," he answered. "Did Anzalone call you yet?"

Before Bruno could respond, the door to R9 opened. Cariddi came back with half his uniform in his hands. The Guard was matted with sweat, his hair a darker shade now.

"Cradock let me out early again," Cariddi said. "Been doing that lot more lately."

Schmidt still hadn't stopped staring at Bruno yet and Bruno noticed. Cariddi plopped down onto one of the loveseats, dropping his vest and helmet onto the floor. Jojo jumped a bit, but Lee calmed her down with a few gently strokes.

"Bruno..." Schmidt muttered.

Cariddi had a slight confused look on his face being that he came into the suite a bit too late. The Guard just waited, looking at Bruno now for some sort of answer.

"The Valinoti's, Bruno's, and Schmidt's are all okay,"―Bruno said, and before Schmidt could smile and jump for joy ―"but Broden isn't."

"W-What? Like, dead?" Schmidt stuttered.

"No, no, no!" Bruno assured. "He's just really hurt and resting in the Adlington Clinic."

"Who's Broden again?" Lee asked.

"My older brother!" Schmidt shouted, tears already running down his cheeks; he had to remove his spectacles to wipe his watery eyes. "He's a Builder in Adlington, one of the best!"

"The Nurses will do everything they can to heal Broden," Bruno comforted. "They already stitched up Mr. Anzalone after Espen stabbed him."

Schmidt was dry-heaving, sobbing, and pacing the living room. Jojo started to whimper; she knew that the boy was extremely upset.

"I think we all just need to get some rest. You especially, Bruno," Cariddi said. "There's no point staying up and worrying, now is there?"

The Guard had a point. Bruno had been constantly stressing over everything lately: Adlington, Anzalone, the Piners, Rina. He didn't remember the last time he had a full-night's sleep. Schmidt needed some rest, too, after the news of his brother. He probably wouldn't be able to sleep, but at least he could try.

"I'll make some pancakes in the morn, how about that?" Lee said.

Jojo barked right away; Cariddi and Bruno nodded in approval. Schmidt didn't give any clear response; he just shrugged and walked to Room C.

"Get some rest, guys," Cariddi said. "I'll finish the laundry."

Bruno didn't argue; he walked directly into Room B and hopped into bed. Tomorrow he would have to meet Julius in the Heart around one in the afternoon. They were going to pick up Anzalone and speak with Maximus. Bruno knew this wasn't a good idea, but it was Julius' orders and they must be obeyed.

All the chaos from the first week at Espington spun around in Bruno's head like a helicopter propellor; he could not believe all the things he went through. Just getting to Espington was a challenge after Adlington bombed its own carriage. Bruno then had to face all the difficulties with Anzalone before he really knew Anzalone. With that came the memorial shooting, the Exile of both Francesca Lupo and Dylan Faulkner; the Grizzly attack; and Meghan's unruly arrival. On top of that, Bruno had to cope with all the tragedies and problems that occurred in Espington: Mavers' horrible behavior; O'Neill and his severely-burned face; the deaths of Otis, Melvin, Mr. Honey, Ake, and Dixon; Lee and Valinoti's injuries; Carth's imprisonment and sudden pregnancy; the Piners; Sir Adlington and Espen; Brittany's hatred towards Bruno; Julius and Maximus' otherworldly Gifts; the missing Miners; Jago and his female victims; Rina Espington's thoughts of Hermes; and now Broden Schmidt.

Bruno didn't know how he handled the first week of Espington, but he did. He also didn't know he was able to fall asleep before Cariddi even finished the first load of laundry.

But he did sleep.

Monday, 9 March 2099, Noon

"Wake up," Lee said, waving a plate of pancakes in front of Bruno's nose. "Hope ya like blueberry."

Bruno rubbed his eyes before taking the plate of syrupy breakfast. Lee hobbled slowly back out of Room B, one hand on his torso bandage.

"Dontcha gotta be in the Heart in an hour?" the Factory Worker said as he disappeared behind the wall.

Jojo the Great Dane trotted into the dorm as Bruno started eating his blueberry pancakes in bed. The dog sat down beside the mattress in hopes of collecting any fallen crumbs. Bruno finished his breakfast forcing Jojo to go and search for a clumsier eater; the canine trotted into Schmidt's room.

Bruno changed into a simple outfit of grey cargo shorts and a navy-blue Espington t-shirt. Lee was sitting in the living room watching the morning news as Bruno passed by.

"Please don't die," the roommate said.

Bruno chuckled but realized that Lee was being serious. Death was constantly following Bruno and his friends; the trip to Adlington was going to be dangerous let alone the actual confrontation with Maximus.

"I'll try my best," he answered.

Bruno went to open the door and head to the elevator when Schmidt came running down R9's hallway.

"I'm coming with you," the boy said, a backpack resting on his shoulders.

Lee turned around as Jojo appeared from Room C. The Factory Worker turned the television off. "I don't think that's a good idea, Schmidt."

"It probably isn't," he responded. "But Broden is my brother and I wanna see him. What if his injuries are serious? I wanna be there if━if━"

"Okay," Bruno interrupted, not wanting to think about death again. "Let's go, then. If Julius doesn't let you go then you're staying in Espington."

And with that, the boys left R9, leaving Lee alone on the couch with Jojo still on the hunt for some crumbs.

Monday, 9 March 2099, 1:00PM

There wasn't much talk before everyone entered the automobile. Sir Espington allowed Schmidt to tag along; the President even asked Bruno if he wanted to invite any other friends. Bruno didn't know if Julius was taking this trip seriously or not.

Cradock was in the driver's seat; Sir Espington got the passenger. The rest of the cabin was filled by Bruno, Schmidt, Jago, and Sayer. Another automobile filled with six Guard was stationed behind Cradock's vehicle.

"I asked Sergeant Nelson if he wanted to operate the squadron, but he declined," Cradock said. "Valinoti is not in commission obviously so I gave the title to Guard Diggs. He's driving the other auto."

"Great," Julius clapped. "Let's get going then. I want to be back before six."

"It's more than an hour's drive, Sir," Cradock said.

"There's no problem speeding through the Pines now is there?" Julius responded. "All we're doing is getting Tyler Anzalone, and I just need to speak with Max."

No one spoke in the cabin. Cradock simply started the vehicle and drove out of South Gate and Alley; Diggs following him.

"By the way, Bruno," Julius asked, "Rina didn't want to leave her room today. She said she was not in the mood to leave the suite. Do you know if anything's the matter?"

Bruno obviously knew why; Rina must have remembered what she had said last night. Jago and Sayer were trying their hardest not to laugh.

"I'm not sure," Bruno lied. "She was stressing over Teacher Rudolph's project on Belington. Maybe that's it."

Jago started to laugh but quickly turned it into a cough.

Bruno didn't speak the rest of the ride to Adlington.

Monday, 9 March 2099, 3:10PM

Diggs and the rest of the Guard exited their automobile before Sir Espington did; the ride through the Pines was oddly simple. Every man carried either a handgun, taser-baton, or Obsidian. Bruno stood in the middle of the group, next to Julius and Schmidt; Jago and Sayer followed close behind, then Diggs and the Guard. Vikings━armed with swords, throwing knives, and bows and arrows━stood atop the Adlington Wall. Many of the scraggly men, with beards as long as their forearms, stared directly at Bruno; Maximus probably informed the Vikings that Bruno was there during Ake's murder. And at that moment, Bruno was glad Nelson refused to come because Sir Adlington had threatened his life.

The Adlington Gate slid open as the group of Espingtonians got closer. Bruno couldn't believe that this was where he spent nineteen years of his life; he did not realize until now how horrible and dangerous the City was.

Adlington was still in shambles: shacks either dilapidated or totally destroyed; mounds of smoldering ash and cinder; and many, many arrows. But now there were residents milling around, scavenging fabrics and wood to reuse, rebuilding Adlington. Bruno noticed his neighbors, the D'Ambrosias, walk by; it looked as if they were collecting firewood. They didn't notice Bruno, so they simply continued further down the dirt trail in search of more usable wood.

The Adlington Gate closed behind the group; the Guard surrounded Bruno, Julius, and Cradock. Residents of the Mining City were starting to stop and stare; one man actually started waving, but it seemed that none of the Espingtonians recognized him, Bruno included.

A carriage rolled up, driven by a Viking and his two horses; the steeds were large, but neither stallions nor clydesdales. Bruno wondered if they were the same two horses that led the twenty original Miners to Espington.

Some of the Guard stared at the carriage━guns not trained but gripped tightly━while other Guard kept their eyes on the mischievous Adlington Wall Vikings; so far, Bruno saw no problems.

The horses stopped; the driver turned his head around and spoke into the carriage window. The side door opened and out came Sir Maximus Adlington.

And Espen Fontenot.

The Assistant Viking looked totally fine except that he look completely harmless now with his timid behavior and worried expression. I guess that electric shock was a good enough punishment for stabbing Mr. Anzalone, Bruno thought happily.

Maximus walked forward; Espen stayed near the carriage and horses. Julius walked a few steps until Cradock said "That's enough" under his breath.

"Good afternoon, Max," the President of Espington said.

"Hello, Juli," the President of Adlington said.

Every single resident was now watching the confrontation between the brothers; even some of the Adlington Wall Vikings were turning their attention away from the Guard.

"All I have is one question and one question only," Sir Espington said.

Bruno was confused; they drove all the way here for one question? Bruno hoped to the Lord that it was a damn good question.

"Go ahead," Maximus said.

"Is it because of Alice?" Sir Espington asked.

Bruno saw Maximus' eyes twitch, fists ball, body shake slightly. Who was Alice? What is this it, Julius spoke of? What did Alice do?

Maximus didn't answer; he simply turned around and hopped back into the carriage. Espen stared directly at Bruno before following Sir Adlington into the cabin. The Viking driver whipped the horses and the animals turned the carriage around.

"Sir, may I ask━" Cradock started, but Julius put a hand up.

"No," he answered. "I got my answer. Let's just get Anzalone and leave."

"Right here, Sir Espington," the silver-haired boy appeared from the southern dirt trail and Bruno turned around.

Anzalone stood in Adlington fabrics now; he looking tired and a bit shiny on his forehead and the sides of his nose. There was grime on his boots and Anzalone's hair was gelled but sticking out in odd places.

"Cradock is going to detain you for the auto ride back," Sir Espington explained. "After the ECC meeting, we'll see what happens."

"I understand," Anzalone nodded, and he smiled at Bruno. "But, first, I have to show Bruno something...we found the Miners."

"Where were they?" Bruno asked. "I thought the Piners had gotten to them."

Anzalone didn't answer, he just turned his attention to his mucky boots. He motioned Bruno to follow him to a bigger shack that was spared in the Piner attack.

"They're in the old Adlington Cafe?" Bruno asked.

Again, Anzalone didn't answer, he simply opened the front doors. Bruno walked into the abandoned building and waited for his eyes to adjust from sunniness to the indoors.

All twenty Miners were inside the Adlington Cafe.

And all twenty Miners were dead, Amaury and Mickey included.