A Month of Nothing

ONE MONTH LATER - Monday, 6 April 2099, 10:00AM

Royce Spearman, Boss of the Espington Factory, had stopped by to visit Bruno in his office on the top floor of the Guard House. Bruno hadn't seen the man since his first, and last, day at the Furniture Section of the Factory. And on top of the surprise visit, Spearman brought along his wife, Kasi, and three-year-old son, Arden.

"How have you been, Bruno?" the Boss asked.

Bruno was sitting at his desk, filing papers, tapping his tablet, and rummaging through packets of info sheets.

"Not sure," he answered, looking down at his paperwork. "Cradock thought it was smart to get me working a lot more. He now broadened the title of 'Boss Gatherer' to not just supervising the Elmray Mines, but to supervising all the Occupations."

Spearman looked at Kasi, who gave him a look of pure interest; Arden was too busy playing with a toy Mako he had brought along.