The End of Nothing

Bruno didn't look back at Inns One as he walked deeper into Espington Square. The scene with Penni was all a blur now; did she really just say that? Bruno thought. He wasn't sad, no tears filled his eyes; Bruno was more annoyed, furious, even. The last time he saw Penni she was at the Tent. After almost ending Carth's life, Bruno saw her once again only to get insulted. Sure, Penni was probably upset about her father's death, but why take it out on Bruno? Before targeting Rina, Penni trashed-talked Bruno and his relationship with Sir Espington. Before, Bruno felt bad for the ex Miner, now he couldn't care less about her.


After lapping Espington Square once, Bruno walked into the Inns Two Diner. He sat up at the counter, waited for a Waitress to walk by, and when she did:

"Can I just get a coffee," Bruno asked, "black, please?"