Into the Pines, Pt. 3

It was as if standing in the Pines made it darker than the night itself. Bruno and Meghan could not see anything in front of them. They outstretched their arms, feeling tree trunks every other second and tripping on roots as much as they blinked. Mr. Bruno was quiet, only the hoarse panting emanating from his throat.

"Just keep running until we can't see Adlington lights," Meghan whispered. "Kota will notice you're gone."

Meghan and Bruno still had the daggers in their hands. Mr. Bruno was defenseless, though, in his current condition he did not seem like he could defend himself anyway. The three continued to run, neglecting the fact that they were in the middle of the Varmint-and-Piner-infested forest. Bruno heard faint echoes of hoots and snarls, of chirps and buzzes, and unfortunately of growls and hisses.

"Stop!" Bruno heard Meghan whisper. He crouched on instinct, pulling his father down to the ground. "Listen," she continued.