Friends, Feelings, and Funerals

All Bruno could remember were the blasts of gold and electricity. He had drowned in the noise outside the West Gate and Alley. He could remember the arrow that pierced his father's chest. And the wailing that followed. Bruno heard the Sirens both in the City and coming from the ambulance. The Guard and paramedics came. Then the news.

Then Bruno remembered nothing.

He had woken in a hospital bed. Tinnitus flared his eardrums. The room was quiet, curtains encasing him in his own little room. A monitor beeped beside him, a few tubes connecting to his forearms. Bruno heard the faint voices of nurses and doctors in the distance. He called out a few times, but got no response. His ears continued to ring with a bit of dizziness to follow.

A silhouette appeared behind the front curtain.

"Hello? Meghan?" Bruno asked.