One Long Lesson

Bruno noticed more Guard manning the Watchtowers, Cariddi being one of them. He was glad his friend got the promotion he needed. His father would've been proud. Background checks were still going on in Espington Square. Jago, Sayer, Diggs, and Gallagher continued with their lines of impatient citizens. Clemente Petty was furious and insulted that he had to get a background check.

"This is absolutely ridiculous," Petty chimed. "I am the Boss of where you live!"

"Just protocol, Sir," Gallagher sighed.

Bruno's mother had called soon after the ECC meeting saying that the doctors had made no progress with Dad. Bruno figured, sadly. The arrow had pierced him straight through and was dipped in phorbol. The coma seemed more severe than expected. Bruno needed to visit his father soon, make sure he and his mother were doing okay.