The Fog

Jago and Sayer made sure that all of the Espingtonians had entered either the Hangar or back in their respective Inns. Nurses Madigan and Caroline had already placed Langdon Holmes into a body bag and wheeled him to the back of the ambulance. Bruno stood in the Heart next to the opened Hangar. The Oxen buses pulled off and immediately drove out of South Gate and Alley. Some of the Sheriffs sat on top of the roofs with their revolvers at the ready. Bruno noticed Harris and Blaze crying inside the buses before the vehicles disappeared behind the Wall. Julius was speaking to Floyd and the Boss Sheriff near the ambulance. Floyd looked completely shocked, though he did not shed a tear. He was shaking his head and pointing to the ground as he spoke. Julius finally put a hand on Floyd's shoulder. The Boss Sheriff escorted Floyd into the ambulance and it drove out of Espington. The Gate and Hangar closed immediately after.

DJ Wate walked near Bruno. His body was shaking.