Code Greene

Julius officially called for a permanent City Lockdown, Code Red, and Code Green. Bruno knew about the lockdown, of course. The last time Julius ordered a public Code Red was when Delroy Dixon was murdered. Julius may have ordered more of them after deaths such as Carly or anyone in the memorial shooting, but Bruno was not aware.

He did not know what Code Green was, but he had a pretty good idea. The code made Bruno think about Gary Greene, and how nobody put two and two together. His last name may have been a coincidence to the Piners, but maybe it wasn't.

A mass message to all Espingtonians was sent out a few hours after the Fog Attack. Dottie Milson had constructed the message in Cradock's perspective.

"She's a better writer," the Boss Guard had said.

Even Bruno received the message on his mobile. He flicked his wrist and the screen illuminated with the text there in black and white:

"Dear citizens of Espington,