The Truce

The Meadow was flooded with mourners. Families and friends gathered around tombstones, sending prayers and resting bouquets down by the graves. As the auto drove around the outskirts of the Meadow, Bruno noticed a few familiar faces visiting their loved ones. He knew where his late friends rested, prayed as the auto drove further away from the snow-covered, flowery fields. As Bruno continued to peer out the window, he caught a glimpse of a few unexpected faces, people he thought he would never see again. Standing through the crowds were Melvin and Otis, two Espingtonians both killed by the late Dylan Faulkner. Bruno trained his eyes on the men, both of whom were minding their business as people passed their graves. Nobody but Bruno seemed to notice Melvin nor Otis. The people in the Meadow walked by them without any glance or surprise, as if the men were invisible. Julius, Cradock, and Valinoti did not show any sign of seeing the dead men either. And that was why.