
Zoe’s POV…

We reached home. Aarav asked me to keep my mouth shut about last night. And ushered me to my room. I laid on my bed and thought about last night. Something is definitely missing.

I looked myself in the mirror. I looked like a messed. I changed into new PJs after a long shower.

I heard yelling from downstairs so I rushed down. I was about to enter the dinning room when I heard

“You don’t understand, we can’t do anything. He is unpredictable.” Shouted aarav.

“We just can’t hand over our zoe to him.” My dad shouted.

“You don’t know what he is capable of. Just don’t let zoe know this. I will talk to her later.” Shouted aarav and busted out of the dinning room

I rushed back to my room but he saw me. “What were you doing down here?” He shouted.

He dragged me in my room by my arm. “It hurts aarav” I yelled.

“You don’t know what you have gotten us into. This is nothing compared to what is coming.” He yelled back and locked me in my room.

I cried. He is angry because I went to that club last night. I deserve this…

No one opened the door until late night. I constantly heard yelling from downstairs but they were all muffled. Dad is angry too.

My mom came in my room with dinner. She placed the dinner on the table and left. She didn’t even talked to me.

I cried hard.

The next few days were worst. They took my phone and laptop. I was grounded. No one talked to me. Mom just came, put the food on table and left, everyday.

“Mumma talk to me please” I called her when she entered my room.

“Yes my child.” She broke and started crying.

“I am so sorry. I should never have gone to that club.” I hugged her.

“No darling. Its okay.” She consoled.

“I will do whatever you will ask me to. I won’t apply for work. Please stay with me.” I pleaded.

She fed me with her hands and then I slept placing my head on her lap. She hummed.

After few minutes she yelled “ZOE” I got up. “What’s on your neck?” “When did?” “What happened?”

I ran to the mirror in bathroom and checked my neck. I saw a large red bruise. I never checked myself in the mirror in past few days

I walked out of the bathroom and mumma was gone. The room was locked.

On the Friday night, my brother asked me to join them on dinner table.

I cried. “Papa sorry.”

I sobbed.

“Shut up.” Yelled aarav.

“Calm down.” Yelled papa.

“I will do whatever you ask me to do. Please talk to me.” I pleaded.

“you are going to be married soon.” Sneered aarav.

I looked at him. dumb fold.

“Sunday morning at 10 am, be prepared he will pick you up, you are going on a date.”

“What?... No…I don’t want to get married so soon. Papa please.” I sobbed but in vain.

Sunday morning 10 am…

I got dressed because there was no point in fighting, I will personally ask the guy to leave me alone. I can’t fight my family.

I wore denim high-waist jeans and white shirt. I don’t want to hint him that I am interested.

I sighed and waited for them to open the door.

Aarav opened the door and asked me to go downstairs.

I saw a huge man in a suit in our living room. He had a bicep with the thickness of my thighs. He was tall and strong. I felt my cheeks burning.

He was talking to my dad. “Don’t worry she is safe under my protection.” He said.

“Don’t hurt her, please.” Sobbed my mom but my dad ushered her in other room after he felt my presence.

He turned around to look at me. I felt his eyes on me, checking me out. After few awkward minutes of staring my brother cleared his throat.

“Zoe, meet Bos-“ he said but got interrupted.

“Ahem. I would like to introduce myself. Zoe Call me jack.” He spoke. His voice was deep and husky. He stretched his hand out. I placed mine in his hand and he softly placed a kiss on my hand.

“Lets get going.” He said holding my hand.

I nodded. We walked out and I gasped.

“Do you like my car?” He asked.

“What car?” I said and walked towards our neighbours dog, vinnie.

“I missed you so much.” I said in a baby voice. As Vinnie came running to me. I picked her up

“Zoe” shouted aarav. And I jumped.

I let go of vinnie and hold my head low.

I looked up at jack, who was coldly glaring at aarav.

“Lets go.” I said

“Hmm.. Go sit in the car. I will be back.” He said softly with a smile.

“Okay.”I smiled and sat in the car.

He joined me after few minutes. He took me to my favourite waffle place. My face lit up. I missed waffles, it felt good to see familiar place after 1 week of being grounded.

The place was oddly empty. Otherwise it was always full.

We entered and sat on the corner table. The order came without even placing the order.

“This is my favourite place. I used to come here every now and then.” I chirped smiling at him.

“Yeah? Tell me more.” He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders casually, and started munching my waffle.

“Tell me more about you my love.” He asked again.

I raised my eyebrows

“My love?” I repeated.

His warm black eyes suddenly turned into cold ones. The five o' clock shadow look didn’t help the situation either.

I shifted uncomfortably

“Okay listen, let’s be honest.” I said.

He nodded.

“I don’t want to marry you. Not you, I don’t want to marry anyone. I came here because I was locked down for a week in my house.” I was completely honest with him

“Why so?” He asked.

“Because I crashed in a club last week without my parents consent and ended up drunk.” I confessed.

“I see.” He nodded.

“Excuse me” I said and went to washroom.

Jack’s POV…

She is too honest. She literally just told me everything. She is mine. I will convince her to marry me.

I was replying to some texts when I heard her voice.

“Ohh hii amir. How are you?” She was greeting someone.

“Hi darling. I am fine. Come here give me a hug.” The guy said.

I was standing behind her at this point. She moved ahead but I hold her waist and pulled her back.

She jumped at sudden jerk.

“Ouch” she looked back. Eyeing me with her hazel eyes.

I let go of her waist.

“Well, this is amir and this is umm..” she introduced us. Did she just forgot my name?

“Hi umm…” Amir extended his hand.

My cold stare was enough for him to back off.

“Amir was my classmate in school.” She added. “He owns this place.”

“Not any more zo. A guy named KING brought this place. This is my last day here.” He said sadly. What a jerk I paid him a fortune.

“Who KING? Ohh god. This is why the waffles tasted like shit today.” She said. “ But don’t worry, Now I can hire you.” She pat his shoulder lightly and laughed. Her laugh was so beautiful but I don’t want to share her.

“Ahem ahem. Shall we leave?” I asked with a smile.

“Sure.” She said and headed to our table

“I thought we were leaving” I asked again

“Yeah we are. Let me just grab this.You didn’t even touch it. Its not good to waste food.” She said. I smiled at her.

“So, what will you do with them?” I asked.

She pointed at the homeless guy down the street.

“Someone is hungry.” She said.

“Ohh, zoe. Sure. Let me give it to him.” I said. She is beyond perfect. I want her right now right here. But I have to be patient.

I drove her back to her home. I want to give her sometime to cope up. Don’t want to rush.

“By the way nice car” she said as we reached her home.

“Finally you noticed.” I laughed.

“Yeah.. and what’s your name again?” She asked with a smile.

Well if that was another person I would have lashed out. I never introduce myself. But her smile.

“Jack” I replied

“Jack” she repeated. I am the KING for the world. Hearing my real name from her mouth was ecstasy.

She kissed me on cheek when I opened the door for her. Wow.

“ Jack…umm… Can you keep this to yourself? I mean I shared everything but I don’t want my parent’s reputation to spoil.” She asked nervously.

I took my time to observe her. Her flickering eyes. Her hands on her hips. Nervously looking at me.

“Nope.” I laughed

“Only if you promise me a dinner” I added.

“Yeah, why not. But I am not marrying you. Mind well.” She tried to give me a cold stare.

“Cute” I said. Babe you will be mine soon. Just wait for me.

“Zoe” called aarav.

Her face drop.

“Yes brother.” She turned around and entered her home but not before mouthing “good bye” with a flying kiss.

I want her more now. I smiled.

“Ahem ahem” aarav was closely watching me. My smile was replaced by stone face again.

“Boss. I am sorry if she misbehaved” he apologized.

“Take care of her.” I said and ignite the engine.

“Have a good day sir “ He said.

I nodded and left. Now I really need to clear the mess. I need to kill, just few more days.