Brother's boss?

Jack’s POV..

“Where is my sister?” Shout aarav, my love’s big brother.

I walked out of the room with a smirk on my face. And stood face to face. His eyes widened in shock.

“Boss” he stated.

“Yes, aarav. Your deadline ends now, 12am.” I chuckled.

“No boss. I-I… My sister…she was in the club.” He said in shock.

“I know.” I smiled.

“Don’t hurt her please. Just give me 1 more day, I will surely won’t disappoint you, sir please.” He pleaded.

I chuckled.

“No your time’s up my boy.” I said coldly.

His hands trembled. He ran towards the room where his sister was sleeping.

But couldn’t pass me, I was in his way. He ended up getting a sharp punch on his jaw. He punched me back.

“Now you have pissed me.” I shouted.

I hold his hand and twisted it slowly. He struggled to get free, pity. I heard the sound of his bones cracking.

I smiled. His eyes reflected pain

“Crystal, save zoe.” He shouted.

And I stopped. He is in pain, I can kill him right now. But all he is thinking about is zoe. He deserves a prize.

“She is safe. Stop fighting the boss.” Yelled crystal.

“Shut up.” I ordered calmly. “Now both of you on the couch, crystal and aarav.”

Both followed.

“Boss. Zoe is innocent. She is child. Don’t involve my zoe. Please.” He pleaded.

“Shut up” whispered crystal.

“Don’t. Open. Your. Mouth. Unless. I. Ask. You. To.” I said with gritted teeths. I was angry.

Both nodded.

“Now, my dear crystal bring me a drink. And aarav, go check your sister from the door. She is fine. Don’t dare to enter the room.” I ordered.

Both did. I saw aarav relieved after watching his baby sister sleep.

He turned his face towards me, he wanted to say something.

“Speak” I allowed.

“Sir, Can I wrap a blanket on her? She never sleeps without blanket.” He asked.

He wanted to check her pulses. Too smart of him but can’t fool me.

“No.” I ordered “you come and sit here, crystal will do that.”

He nodded.

“Now my dear aarav, I will forgive your mistake. I am willing to free you from the contract and without any conditions.” I initiated

He nodded with a smile.

“All I am asking you is a favour. I want to marry your sister.” I said calmly.

His smile disappeared.

“Boss. I-I….she is a child. I-I…” He fumbled.

“I promise you that I will take care of her. Will not hurt her ever as long as she is on my side.” I said.

He looked at me.

“I will have her, with or without you. Now I have noticed that she is close to you. Wasn’t she bothering you in the morning when we were on call?’ I said calmly.

He nodded.

“You have two options… Either let me convince her to marry me or I will kill your whole family and fuck her in your house then I will marry her.” I said with a evil smile.

He looked at me with shock.

“You have till weekend to think. I want her ready at 10 am sharp on Sunday, I will pick her up. If not, then you know.” I warned and left.

Crystal’s Pov…

Boss really has changed after she came in his life. He never dressed my hand before.

And he only marked her neck. Most of the times we have to remove a dead body from the room.

I personally liked zoe. I sometimes imagine stuff with her. I thought she will be boss’s personal collection But now boss is going to marry her. There is no chance that he will share her with me.

I told aarav about everything after boss left. How I became her friend and pretend that I liked him. But it was all act. Boss wanted to know more about her.

I changed her outfit into more comfortable PJs. She is sleeping soundly not knowing the future.

Zoe’s POV…

I woke up the next day with huge headache.

“Ahhhhhh” I yelled in pain. “My head hurts”

Crystal came rushing in the room.

“What happened” she asked.

“Headache” I replied.

She handed me few pills and asked me to lay down. I did. And she stayed beside me holding my hand.

After half an hour she asked. “Better?”

“Yeah” I replied walking to the washroom.

I took a quick shower and came out. We were silently eating breakfast when memories came rushing back.

“How dare you crystal?” I shouted.

“Calm down” she requested.

“No you fuckin left me alone in the club. I told you I don’t want to go but you insisted. What kind of friend does that?” I shouted.

“If I left your side then how are you here? How did you come back?” She asked.

I sat down thinking hard.” I remember walking down street and someone pinned me on the wall.”

“No. You drank too much and made out with a guy. I had to drag you home.” She replied.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes” said aarav.

Aarav. Fuck

“Brother” I got up from my seat. “I -I…umm… She….sorry” I looked down in shame.

“I am glad you are safe.” He kissed my forehead. What the hell? He didn’t scold. He didn’t yell. He is kissed me. What’s wrong?

I started crying. “I am sorry. I told her I don’t want to go. Please forgive me. Are going to stop talking to me? Please.”

“No my little one. Stop crying now.”

We sat down and ate in silence. I noticed a bandage on crystal’s hand and a plaster on brothers hand.

“Did you guys fight?” I whispered.

“No. You eat in silence. We need to leave now.” Ordered aarav.

Jack’s Pov..

“How dare you touch my angel?” I shouted. The man who earlier touched angel was now in my underground cell.

“I didn’t knew, she was off limits. Sorry” he pleaded.

I grabbed my pliers and removed his nails slowly. One by one and fed him.

After few hours of satisfaction, I shot him between his eyes.