Brewing lies

Jack's Pov...

I left the house. I know aarav was cooking something vicious in his mind. He won't hurt her, he loves her. But he surely has something in his mind.

I walked out of the house, and sat on the passenger seat of my car.

"Where to, sir." Said Elijah. I shook my head smiling. He drove me to richard's house as he thought this was a trap and I would get hurt. When i came out with zoe, she thought he was the driver. He started driving.

"She is really sweet, zoe, you smile more now-a-days." Said Elijah. He is working for me for over 2 decades now. He knows me. We practically grew up together. He is like my brother.

I looked at him and he continued, "she brought me a gift too" he said pulling a really weird looking thing out from a bag.

"And what might that be?" I asked frowning. Why would she buy something like this weird. I haven't figured out what is it. Elijah laughed.

"She went inside a shop, I followed her. I was just looking around to confirm if there was a threat but my eyes landed on a teenager because he was wearing this." He said wearing an extremely bright neon coloured cap. It was a weird cap.

"She saw me looking at her and brought his for me." He completed and I laughed. He removed the cap and placed it inside the glove box. After about an hour we reached at my mansion.

Amy was brought here already. When we stopped at zoe's home, Crystal brought amy here.

"Boss, she is in your cell. The drug will wear off any minute now. " Said crystal as I walked inside. It was already getting dark, outside.

"Bring her to the table, I will have dinner with her." I said walking to my room.

"Clean the torture table." Said Elijah. I turned around. "Dinner table." I corrected him. Confusion all over his face.

I entered my room. Looking at the bed I imagined zoe on it. Hands tied, legs wide apart. Waiting for me. I smiled. I took a quick bath thinking about her. I can't wait to thrash her on the wall, her legs around my waist. Her hands over her head. Moaning and screaming my name as I fuck her.


I walked in the dinning room. Elijah waiting for me. Crystal standing behind amy. I saw amy, shaking and shivering. She has seen me on action. I smiled.

"Hello amy." I greet her. She raised her eyes to my face but immediately held her head low. Good girl. I was not in bad mood but not in good mood either.

I took my seat and motioned for them to sit. Amy didn't.

"Amy sit." I ordered coldly. Tears rolling down her eyes. Crystal grabbed amy's hand but I motioned her to back off.

I stood up and pulled the chair for her. She sat shaking. "I won't hurt you." I said.

"You already did." She whispered more like to herself. I crouched down to her level.

"You see, richard worked for me, but he betrayed me. As soon as I found out, he killed himself. You know me amy, its blessing you family is still breathing." I said coldly glaring at her.

"He never betrayed you. He was forced." She whispered, her eyes moved to her left, towards Elijah, but she immediately lowered them.

"He was my right hand. No one dared to force him" I sneered at her lack of intelligence. She sobbed hard.

"Please don't hurt sam." She looked up pleading.

"This is not why I brought you here. I love zoe. She is your good friend. I want you to-" I started but amy spoke in "she will never love you" she sneered bitterly.

"Watch your mouth." Shout crystal.

"Actually, she does." I said with a smirk.

"Jack?" Amy whispered looking at crystal. Crystal nodded.

Amy looked at me with a smile, as if it was all a joke. My anger boiled inside me. She looked directly in my eyes.

"She don't know, does she? KING." She said after few minutes, still looking in my eyes.

"This arouse me." I said standing up.

"The naive weak woman in such a frail body thinking they are smart and brave." I said now glaring at her. She cowered back. I smile.

"My apologies, king." She said looking down. I took a step forward and patted her head.

"About that, I don't want you anywhere near her unless I ask you to" I said coldly. She nodded.

I sat down on my seat and maid placed a plate before me. I enjoyed my meal looking at shivering and sweating amy.

"Should I take her back in the cell?" Asked crystal.

"I will take her in the room." I said. Amy's eyes shot up pleading. "You called me your sister." She said. "please"

"Then be one, until I marry zoe. Don't ever try to betray me. I will know, if you do. Zoe will soon ask me about my family. I want you to lie for me." I said holding her chin.

"Will you hurt sam then?" She asked

"Not until you do as I say. I will feed him if you impress me." I said and she smiled.

I left.

Aarav’s Pov...

What does he think? Do he really think I will let my sister be his whore? Do he really think I won't protect her? Do he really think I will just present my little sister to him just because he is rich? Do he really think I won't do anything?.

"Zoe" I called entering her room. I will tell her about him. She despises KING. if know she is falling for jack, but not KING.

She looked up from her blanket. She was sleeping. "Aarav I am sorry. I needed a break. I need to see my friends. " She said.

"I want to tell you something." I said. And my arm shot in pain. The shocks increased.

"Jack is..." I said and was hit was intense shock on my hand. I kneeled down. King wrapped this bracelet on my hand. Every time I try to tell zoe about king, it gave me shock. I couldn't take it off. If I try to take it off it gives me shock until I pass out.

"Are you okay?" She asked hurrying towards me.

"I love you zoe." I said and shock disappeared. I hugged her hard. I will get her out at any cost.

"Love you too." She said.

"You hungry?" I asked. And she nodded.

"Are you not going to yell?" She asked like a toddler. I shook my head, how can I?. She is virtually standing on the gates of hell. I can't even imagine the future now. This is why my plan is ready. She will be gone tomorrow. Today I am going to spend time with her.

"Come, lets have dinner." I said getting up.

"Can we have it here? Papa is furious and mumma don't want to talk to me." She whispered playing with the hem of her dress.

"No one is furious" I said, at least not at you. Mumma don't have courage to face you.

"Can I have my dinner here?" She asked again. Obviously she is scared.

Zoe's Pov...

"Can I have my dinner here?" I asked again in low voice, I don't want to get grounded again. I am not even sure, if jack will come this time. I literally scared him today.

"Sure. wait let me just bring it up." He said and left. He came back with mom and dad and lots of food with my favourite, cookies and cream ice-cream and vanilla muffins.

"Can we come in?" Asked mumma. I nodded. Her voice was cracked, she has been crying a lot lately. We had dinner in my room. Papa spoon fed me chicken soup.

"You told me I can have my tub and muffins after dinner, now give it to me." I asked aarav getting up.

"No, first complete your dinner my child." Said papa grabbing my hand.

"I don't like this, please." I said and he let me go. Aarav got up too. My stuff in his hand.

"You want this? Come get it." He said walking towards the door. I looked at mumma, in confusion. Why he was behaving like we were kids again? And why parents are behaving like its my last day here. They didn't even scold me.

Aarav tap me on head and ran out.

Whatever, I am going to get what I want.

I ran behind him. He ran through the door, down the stairs then jumped above the couch in living room and headed in the garden, I followed him but without jumping on the couch, well not on periods.

"Give me that." I shouted after 10 minutes he was going round and round in the garden. I was tired now. It was like we were kids again. He used to do this a lot.

"Awww, you tired? Small, fragile weak." He said mocking me. I looked at him dumb fold. He never said that before, never ever.

I ran towards him and punched him on his face. He didn't even move.

"Mummaaaaaaaaaa." I shout in pain holding my palm.

"Learn to fight." He said giving me the tub. And kissing me on forehead.

Jack's Pov...

I entered my room after the dinner. My plan was really just need my bride to walk down the aisle.

I sat on the bed. The bags that zoe gave me were placed on the night stand.

I took one bag and opened it. A floral beach shirt and a black T-shirt with caption 'Good for nothing' on it. I smiled.

I took the other bag, it had a book "period power" in it. I took a deep breath.

Its not going to be easy.

I switched on my laptop and started watching the cameras I installed in zoe's house. No one to be seen. I checked again. Nothing.

I grabbed my head set and started to listen to their conversation. I made her family wear a belt. So i can keep them in there place. It was advanced belt and i can listen their conversations anytime.

"Give me that" i heard Zoe's voice. She was panting.

"Aww, you tired? Small fragile weak." Mocked aarav. I heard zoe cry in pain. My anger boiled. How dare he touch her.

"Learn to fight" said aarav and he was going to pay. Pay hard.

I fished my phone out and called him.

No one picked up.

I saw zoe enter living room with aarav's phone in her hand.

"Weak huh!" She yelled.

"Zoe its serious. Give me that." Sneered aarav.

"Someone is going to loose his job huh? Boss calling again." She yelled again. Running in the kitchen. Aarav behind her. He was about to grab her when she dialled my number.

"Stay. I called you BOSS." She yelled.

"Zoe not funny. Give me that." He roared and she jumped. My phone started ringing.

"Who is weak?" She cooed.

That’s my girl. I am having her.

"No one. Now cut the call." He whispered. She did.

I know he is planning something. I have bad feeling…