Falling for him

Zoe's Pov..

"Good morning" I said shuffling in the bed. Aarav and mumma slept with me last night. I still feel Aarav’s arm around me.

"Morning fatso." Replied aarav.

"Hmmm, I am not fat. Just look at your arm first. Move it, I can't breathe." I said moving away.

Aarav lift his arm and got up

He looked like he didn't sleep at all. He spoke in husky voice “Get up now. I am leaving in an hour" he said motioning towards a paper on my night stand.

"I am not getting out of my bed. It feels so soft." I turned and wrapped the blanket around me.

He shuffled me up and handed me the paper. He motioned me to read it.

A car will be waiting for you round the corner. I know your secret route. I want you to leave now. Emily will be waiting for you in the car. Don't sit on the seat, just slip in the trunk of the car. Pack your essentials and food.

Don't ask any questions. Don't tell anyone about this. Not even parents. Its for your own safety.

Do not speak a word after reading this. Just do what I asked you to.

I read it with a smile. I know this is a prank, I looked up at aarav but his eyes were dead serious, face stern. He is not kidding. My heart skipped a beat. I will obey him. I nodded and hugged him.

Last time he asked me to leave and I didn't so he shoved me in the storeroom with a duck tape on my mouth. I heard screams whole night. I cried and wished that I should have listened to him. After a day when aarav let me come out I saw blood all over in our living room and garden.

He motioned his chin to the corner of the room. A small handbag lay there. I nodded and he left. I walked up to the bag, it had my hoodie and pants. I immediately placed some tampons and perfume, periods are gone yet.

I took a long bath and dried my hairs.

I grabbed a grey hoddie from the closet and black sweatpants. I want to be in comfortable clothes

I hugged mumma and waited for aarav to leave then I locked my room. My room was connected to the storeroom in the basement by a small stair, stair was so small that even mumma couldn't fit in it. I used to snuck out of my room via this route when I was small. I immediately lift the carpet and lifted the board, stair was visible. I threw my bag in and started to climb down. It was dusty and i struggled as it was so small. A small nail scrapped my elbow and I yelp in pain.

Once I reached down I opened the back door of basement and passed out of the house. I started walking casually to the other lane. I know round the corner meant four lanes down, it was our code when we were kids.

No car was visible, aarav said a car will be waiting for me.

"May be I am early." I whispered to myself and wait near the phone booth.


I was working in my office of my mansion, there was an extremely Important shipment of 100 girls to LA. These girls were specially demanded, they were the daughters of important people, very important people. I don't want anything to go wrong. Just everything to the point.

"Aarav is waiting for you." Spoke Elijah.

"I am busy. Just ask him to wait. I will talk to him once the container is loaded in the ship." I replied inspecting the ship, well drones and other spies do their job pretty well.

"Sure" he replied.

"Ohh and Elijah. Keep an eye on zoe. I think something is wrong." I said lifting my eyes up.

"Yes boss. She is still in her room, sleeping. Curtains are not open yet and we haven't spotted her in whole house." He replied and left. We didn’t put cameras in her room to give her some privacy.

"1:00pm" I looked in my watch. I know she sleeps till late but this late? May be periods. I smiled. I will keep her up whole night and watch her sleep in the morning.

After an hour, the container were already loaded and ship left the port. I sighed.

"Send him in." I ordered.

"Good afternoon boss." Greet aarav. I saw his hand was almost healed. He held his head low.

"Afternoon." I said coldly and motioned him to sit. "I see you are spending a lot of time with my love."

Aarav looked up, anger boiling in his veins I could smell it. "She is my sister. And I am sorry but she is not your love." He spoke looking in my eyes.

I stayed quite. No one dares to talk like this to me. No one dares to look at me like this. No one dares to say ZOE IS NOT MY LOVE.

He didn't break eye contact. We looked at each other, he is daring me. Anger and adrenaline pumping in my veins.

I swiftly walked to him. Grabbed his collar and shoved him directly on my table. I can see horrors in his eyes, he knows he messed up. The table glass shattered. I lift him up and shoved me on the wall.

"No" I yelled and thumped him on the wall.

"One." I then swung him by his collar and he fell on the other side on the office.

"Dares" I walked up to him

"Me" if yelled and kicked him on his chest.

I Crouch down and grabbed his jaw. He looked at my face again. He dares me again. I grabbed his already broken arm and twist it.

"Stopppp" he whined. I continued twisting it slowly. Very slowly. He cried in pain. He punched me on my chest. I grabbed his throat with my free hand and squeezed it harshly not holding back. Just few moments later he was struggling under me trying to suck the air. Gagging. I continued to twist his hand until we heard his bone breaking. I love this sight.

"Boss" Crystal ran in my office with pictures in her hand. I shot my eyes to her. "Z-zo..b-boss..." She saw aarav struggling under me.

"SPEAK." I yelled tightening my grip.

"Zoe escaped." I spoke slowly, her head down. I let go of aarav and walked to her. She was shivering.

"What?" I spoke calmly. A smile crept across my face. My love is daring me, now? Or someone asked her to? She doesn't know my identity yet.

"Zoe escaped, boss." Crystal repeat. “But we found her. She was in a bus-" she started and aarav growled.

"Where is she?" I asked

"In your room boss. Elijah saw her near her house, she seemed to be waiting for someone for awhile but then she climbed a bus." She spoke.

"Nooooo. Leave her alone." Shout aarav coughing still on the floor. Fucking weak, can't even protect himself.

I left the office and hurried to my room. I just want to see her. Touch her. I opened to door and saw her, she small fragile body standing by the window, arms wrapped around her body, she was looking out. Her body stiffened when she heard the door lock.

She didn't turn around, she stayed there stiff. Her clothes were dirty, looked like she has struggled hard. Her hairs were held in tight pony. I walked up to her.

"Zo--" I started speaking but she suddenly turned around and attacked me with a knife. But too slow for me. She need to try harder and faster next time. I held her hand in mine.

She looked up at my face. "Jack" she whispered and tears rolled down her face. She loosed the grip from the knife and hugged me.

Grab her and never leave her.

She is MINE.

I stayed there for a while. I stayed still in her arms, she was sobbing hard. Struggling to breath. I wrapped my arms around her. My heart melted. She feels so good in my arms. I lift her off the ground and sat her on the couch

"What happened? " I asked kneeling down. She grabbed my neck and hugged again.

What is she doing to me?

"Don't leave me." She whispered. She voice soft.

"Never, my love. Stop crying." I replied wrapping my arms around her.

"What happened?" I asked again.

"Why are we in KING's mansion?" She whispered pulling back.

No no no no no no pull me back in your arms.

"This is why aarav asked me to leave. KING's men abduct me and brought me here." She spoke pouting her lips. I smiled at her and placed a kiss on her cheeks. So naive. So innocent. So much mine.

"Are you afraid of him?" I asked holding her hands in mine. Her hands are so small and soft.

She nodded "He kidnap the girls and sell them. I thought he is going to sell me too." She whispered in my ears.

"You are safe here, no one will dare to touch you" I got up from my knees, sat on the couch and pulled her up in my lap.

"No no no no no. You don't understand. I have to leave. He is a bad man. He he he..." she said struggling to get up. I pulled her back and pinned her down on my lap.

"He what?" I asked. She inspect the room as if someone was listening.

I grabbed her chin and pulled her face to me, "you are safe" I said smiling at her innocence. She relaxed under my touch. This is what I want.

"He rapes the young girls for days and then leaves them dead in the room" she whispered-yelled looking in my eyes. Her big hazel watery eyes. My body tensed at her words. How does she knows?

"Who told you?" I asked sternly trying to stay calm but anger lashes out inside me.

"The point is-" she poke and tighten my grip around her waist pulling her close to my body. Her face merely 2 inches away from me. I slid my hands down to her thighs and pulled them apart slowly.

"Who told you?" I asked again, the KING inside of me speaking. Her eyes widened. She was not looking in my eyes now. Her breathing quickened.

I growled lowly and she spoke, "my best friend."

I scanned her body. She was stiff. Her cheeks covered in dry tears. Neck had my faded marks. Her hands on my chest. Her left sleeve was soaked and slightly torn. I grabbed her hand and she whined. I pulled the sleeve up and saw blood gushing out of her elbow.

"Jack? Take me home." She said pulling her arm away.

This is home, my love.

But I know she is scared and injured. My identity is hidden. I don't want to scare her. I nodded.

Once we reached her house, her mother came running to her and wrapped zoe in her embrace.

I pulled zoe apart and she went straight to her room.

"Listen you old woman." I grabbed her mother's arm "Zoe is mine. I am giving her time to settle for the process. But if you lowly filthy people again try to snatch her from me, I am afraid I will have to kill you all. And mind well, I didn't think twice before killing my own family."

I left her mother shivering in the living room. Her father and brother are already in the mansion.

I walked up to her room and waited for her to get out of the bathroom. She is probably bathing. I suppress my urge to break the door and pull her out. Pin her under me on her pink bed and fuck her whole day.

She came out in her signature pjs and loose tank top, her wet hairs dripping. She is not wearing bra, i can tell already.

"I thought you left." She jumped when she saw me on her bed.

"Where is first-aid kit?" I said. She opened a drawer on her night stand and pulled out the box. I grabbed her waist and placed her between my legs on the edge on the bed. Like a obedient good girl she obeyed.

I cleaned her elbow, little blood still oozing out. It was just a simple small scratch but the amount of blood flowing was huge. I was afraid she will just zone out and fall on the ground. Loosing so much blood from vagina and then injury, from such a little body.

She chuckled when I carefully dress her injury. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"You" she replied smiling "It seems as if you think that I am a new born puppy. Its just a scratch and i am strong." She said flexing her biceps. Scratch that flexing her sponge arms.

"So strong" i chuckled and pulled her close wrapping my arms around her waist. She just perfectly fits in my arms.

I placed kiss on her neck. She blushed. Making my way down i left wet kisses on her shoulders and collar bone. I slid down to her chest.

She wrapped her hands in my hairs her eyes closed.

I nibbled above her right breast and it instantly left a bright red mark. I kissed on the mark and nibbled again. She yelped in pain.

"Mine." I whispered looking at my work.

"Huh!" She said opening her eyes.

I grabbed her head and pulled her close to my lips. She placed her lips on mine. She kissed gently. She tastes so good. I pulled her closer and kissed her harshly, grinding my tongue on hers and shoving it under her throat.

More more more.

She tried to pull back but i didn't let her. Her nails dig in my chest. She pulled back forcefully and i let her this time. She grasped the air. I laughed.

"So harsh." She spoke breathing heavily.

"I haven't even started yet." I said pinching her nipple.

I harshly picked up from the edge and semi-gently placed her on bed. She chuckled.

My naughty love liked that.

"Go to sleep" i said and laid beside her. Hugging her from behind. I still have few people to handle.

"How did you know i was in KING's mansion?" She asked. I stayed quite.

"You came in the room as soon as They locked me. You were in the mansion already, weren't you?" She spoke again.

"Who are you?" She asked me looking in my eyes.