Elijah, are you kidding us?

"Elijahhhhhhh" I yell.

I am furious. Fucking furious.

"I have secured Zoe's parents" Inform Kevin.

I nod and called our best hacker.

As soon as he picked up the call I started speaking, "I want you to send me Elijah's contact details and his location"

"I think you need to know something else too" Hacker said with hesitation.

"Spill" I yell.

"Elijah was in New York a week before Julian was sold" He inform me adding feul to Kevin's theory.

"And his current location is in mansion with crystal" The hacker added further.

"What about aarav? " I ask.

"We are trying our best to find him sir-, K-KING"

king? Fucking king? I don't feel like king. I can't even keep my girl safe.

Shame on me.

"I am sending you the picture of a girl. I want you to find her. She has been abducted just few hours ago. I want you to find her and contact me as soon as possible. " I said.